function [ out, roc ] = stat_calc_struct( pred, target, lessStr ) %stat_calc_struct Unleashes many statistical tests to determine the efficacy % of a given set of predictions, pred, on a set of dichotomous targets, % target. Predictions should range between 0-1, and represent the % probability estimate that the target is 1. % [ out ] = stat_calc_struct(pred,target) calculates the following % statistical tests and stores them in the corresponding structure fields % listed: % % AUROC - Area under the receiver operator (characteristic) curve % HL - Hosmer-Lemeshow Statistic % acc - Mean accuracy of the prediction using a threshold of 0.5 % R - Shapiro's R, the geometric mean of positive outcomes % B - Brier's score, the mean square error % SMR - Standardized mortality ratio. Mean observed outcomes % divided by mean predicted outcomes. % coxA - Alpha coefficient in cox calibration. % coxB - Beta coefficient in cox calibration. % Cox calibration involves a linear regression of the % predictions onto the targets. coxA is the constant % offset, while coxB is the slope. % TP - True positives. % FP - False positives. % TN - True negatives. % FN - False negatives. % sens - Sensitivity. Calculated as: TP/(TP+FN) % spec - Specificity. Calculated as: TN/(TN+FP) % ppv - Positive predictive value. Calculated as: TP/(TP+FP) % npv - Negative predictive value. Calculated as: TN/(TN+FN) % ll - Log likelihood % % [ out,roc ] = stat_calc_struct(pred,target) additionally calculates the % values pairs which form the ROC curve. % roc.x - Stores 1-specificity, plotted on the x-axis % roc.y - Stores Sensitivity, plotted on the y-axis % Copyright 2011 Alistair Johnson % $LastChangedBy$ % $LastChangedDate$ % $Revision$ % Originally written on GLNXA64 by Alistair Johnson % Contact: out=[]; roc=[]; %=== Save computation time by skipping cox if nargin>2 && strcmp(lessStr,'less') lessFlag = true; else %=== Default, calculate cox calibration curves lessFlag = false; end %=== Add in some error checks if isempty(pred) out=defaultStruct(); return; elseif sum(isnan(pred))==length(pred) % Pred is all NaNs out = defaultStruct(); return; end if max(pred>1) || max(pred<0) warning('stat_calc_struct:IllConditioned',... ['\nThis function will return potentially erroneous values \n' ... 'when predictions are not in the range [0,1].\n']); end % c-stat out.AUROC=cstat(pred,target); % Shapiro's R (geometric mean of positive targetcomes) % transform into naural logarithm, take arithmetic mean, transform back out.R=exp(sum(log(pred(target==1)))/sum(target)); % Brier's Score, B (mean square error) out.B=mean((target-pred).^2); % Accuracy out.acc=1-(sum(abs(round(target-pred)),1)/length(target)); % hosmer-lemeshow out.HL=hlCStat(pred,target); % SMR out.SMR=sum(target)/sum(pred); idx1 = target==1; idx0 = target==0; out.TP=sum(pred(idx1) >= 0.5); out.FN=sum(pred(idx1) < 0.5); out.FP=sum(pred(idx0) >= 0.5); out.TN=sum(pred(idx0) < 0.5); out.sens=out.TP/(out.TP+out.FN); out.spec=out.TN/(out.TN+out.FP); out.ppv=out.TP/(out.TP+out.FP); out.npv=out.TN/(out.TN+out.FN); out.ll = sum(-target.*log(pred)-(1-target).*log(1-pred)); % cox linear regression testing if ~lessFlag b=glmfit(pred,target,'binomial','link','identity'); out.coxA=b(1); out.coxB=b(2); end if nargout>1 if any(idx1) && any(idx0) [roc.x,roc.y]=perfcurve(target,pred,1); else roc.x=[]; roc.y=[]; end end end function [ G ] = hlCStat( pred, outcome ) %hltest hosmer lemeshow test % [ G ] = hltest(pred, outcome) calculates the hosmer-lemeshow C statistic % for a given set of predictions and outcomes. Steps include: % 1) Sort data from lowest pred to highest % 2) Split the data into 10 bins with equal size % 3) Calculate the mean square error for each bin % 4) Divide the each bin by the number of samples in each bin % 5) Divide each bin by the mean prediction in that bin % 6) Divide each bin by (1-mean prediction) in that bin % 7) Sum across all bins % bins=30; % sort predictions from lowest to highest [pred,ind]=sort(pred,1,'ascend'); outcome=outcome(ind); G=zeros(10,1); bin = floor(1+length(pred)*(0:bins)/bins); for q = 1:bins int = bin(q):(bin(q+1)-1); %bin indexes N = length(int); % number of patients in bin E=sum((pred(int))); % expected O=sum(round(outcome(int))); % observed Eprob = mean(pred(int)) ; % expected probability G(q) = (E-O)^2 / (Eprob*N*(1-Eprob)); end G = sum(G); end function [ c ] = cstat( pred, target ) %cstat Calculates the c-statistic % [ c ] = cstat (pred, out) % pred - vector containing the predicted targets % target - vector containing the true targets % % c is equivalent to the AUROC, a measure of model discrimination % Mathematically: Pr(pred|out==1 > pred|out==0) %=== Arrange predictions [pred,idx] = sort(pred,1,'ascend'); target=target(idx); [N,P] = size(pred); %=== Find location of negative targets c=zeros(1,P); % 1xP where P is # of AUROCs to calculate negative=false(N,P); for n=1:P negative(:,n) = target(:,n)==0; %=== Count the number of negative targets below each element negativeCS = cumsum(negative(:,n),1); %=== Only get positive targets pos = negativeCS(~negative(:,n)); c(n) = sum(pos); end count=sum(negative,1); %=== count number who are negative count = count .* (N-count); %=== multiply by positives c=c./count; end function [defStruct] = defaultStruct() defStruct = struct('AUROC',[],... 'HL',[],... 'acc',[],... 'R',[],... 'B',[],... 'SMR',[],... 'coxA',[],... 'coxB',[],... 'TP',[],... 'FP',[],... 'TN',[],... 'FN',[],... 'sens',[],... 'spec',[],... 'ppv',[],... 'npv',[]); end