function [ X,header, idxRem ] = pnParseData(X,header,idxRem) %PNPARSEDATA Remove bad data features % [ X,header ] = pnParseData(X,header) removes infinites, features which % are singular valued, and features which are all NaNs. % % Inputs: % X - Numeric matrix of data % header - Cell array of strings % % Outputs: % X - Numeric matrix of data with bad features removed % header - Cell array of strings with bad features removed % % % Example % bpath = './set-a/'; % data = pnLoadTextFilesCell(bpath); % [X,header] = pnExtractData(data,'first'); % [X,header] = pnParseData(X,header); % See also PNDEVELOPMODELS PNMAIN % References: % Physionet Challenge 2012 % Copyright 2012 Alistair Johnson % $LastChangedBy: alistair $ % $LastChangedDate: 2012-06-11 16:51:34 -0400 (Mon, 11 Jun 2012) $ % $Revision: 60 $ % Originally written on GLNXA64 by Alistair Johnson, 11-Jun-2012 09:13:57 % Contact: X(isinf(X)) = NaN; if nargin<3 % idxRem not provided idxRem = sum(isnan(X),1) > 0.99*size(X,1); %=== Delete singular valued features for m=1:size(X,2) Xuniq = unique(X(:,m)); if numel(Xuniq)==1 || ( numel(Xuniq)==2 && any(isnan(Xuniq)) ) idxRem(m) = true; end end end X(:,idxRem) = []; header(:,idxRem) = []; end