function [model, options] = lsvm(y, X, options) % Based on % % Kernels as functions of the inner (dot) product kernels.LINEAR = @(xx,par) (xx); kernels.POLY = @(xx,par) (par(1)*xx + 1).^par(2); X_nan = isnan(X); X_orig = X; X(X_nan) = 0; if isstruct(y) model = y; par = [model.G]; k = kernels.(upper(model.kernel)); coef = model.sv_coef; si = 1; if model.Missing if model.Missing == -1 bsv = abs(coef) < max(coef); for i = 1:size(X, 1) SVs = model.SVs(:,~X_nan(i,:)); model.rho(i,1) = mean(k(SVs(bsv,:) * SVs', par) * coef - sign(coef(bsv))); end elseif model.Missing == -2 y = zeros(size(X, 1), 1); svm_opt = struct('nu',, 'G', model.G, 'degree',, 'kernel', model.kernel, 'Missing', 0, 'si', []); for i = 1:length(y) m = lsvm(model.y, model.X(:,~X_nan(i,:)), svm_opt); y(i) = (k(X(i,~X_nan(i,:)) * m.SVs', par) * m.sv_coef) - m.rho; end model = y; return else coef = coef ./; [w2i, w2] = inst_spec(~X_nan, kernels, model.kernel, par, model.SVs, coef); si = w2i / w2; end end y = (k(X * model.SVs', par) * coef) ./ si - model.rho; model = y; return end model.kernel = options.kernel; model.G = options.G; =; =; model.Missing = options.Missing; par = [model.G]; k = kernels.(upper(model.kernel)); Q = k(X * X', par); if options.Missing && ~isempty( Q = Q ./ ( *'); end m = libsvmtrain(y, [(1:length(Q))' Q], sprintf('-q -t 4 -c 1 -s 1 -n %e',; %m = libsvmtrain(y, [(1:length(Q))' Q], sprintf('-q -t 4 -c %e', options.C)); model.sv_coef = m.sv_coef * m.Label(1); model.rho = m.rho * m.Label(1); model.iSVs = m.SVs; model.SVs = X(model.iSVs,:); if model.Missing == -2 model.X = X; model.y = y; end if options.Missing && ~isempty( =; end if options.Missing > 1 [b, n, n] = unique(~X_nan, 'rows'); %#ok<*ASGLU> [w2i, w2] = inst_spec(b, kernels, model.kernel, par, model.SVs, model.sv_coef); = max(min(sqrt(w2i(n) / w2), 1), eps); options2 = setfield(options, 'Missing', options.Missing-1); %#ok model = lsvm(y, X_orig, options2); return end end % main function function [w2i, w2] = inst_spec(b, kernels, kernel, par, sv, coef) switch upper(kernel) case 'LINEAR' w = coef' * sv; w2 = w * w'; w2i = b * (w'.^2); otherwise if 1 && strcmpi(kernel, 'POLY') && par(2) == 2 % quadratic sv = flatten(sv, kernel, par); b = flatten(b, kernel, par); [w2i, w2] = inst_spec(b, kernels, 'LINEAR', par, sv, coef); return end k = kernels.(upper(kernel)); for i = size(b, 1):-1:1 Is{i,1} = bsxfun(@times, b(i,:), sv); end fn = @(x) (coef' * k(x * sv', par) * coef); w2i = cellfun(fn, Is, 'UniformOutput', true); w2 = coef' * k(sv * sv', par) * coef; end end function x = flatten(x, kernel, par) % only flattens poly2 for now if islogical(x) x = [x true(size(x,1),1)]; x = bsxfun(@and, x, permute(x, [1 3 2])); else x = [sqrt(par(1))*x ones(size(x,1),1)]; x = bsxfun(@times, x, permute(x, [1 3 2])); end x = x(:,:); end