function [cleanData, columnHeaders] = TabulatePatientRecordData_binsChangeable2(allPatientStruct, spreads) %arranges all the patient data into one array named 'cleanData'. the colum headers are saved %to 'columnHeaders' %arranges the variables by binned times normRangFile = importdata('ICU Ranges.csv', ','); normalRanges =; normalRangesNames = normRangFile.textdata; %fields to be calc'ed based on the numbers. These are basic parameters that %are usued in all ICU models calcFields = {'BMI', 'BUN to Creatinine', 'PaO2FiO2', 'BPSys', 'BPDias'}; binableFields = {'Albumin';'ALP';'ALT';'AST';'Bilirubin';... 'Cholesterol';'GCS';... 'Glucose';'HCO3';'HCT';'HR';'K';'Lactate';'Mg';... 'Na';'PaCO2';'pH';'Platelets';'RespRate';... 'SaO2';'Temp';'Urine';'WBC'}; %define the number of hours in each bin. Eg, [8,8,8,8,8,8] would mean %that for the first day, it is binned by 8 hrs, and for the second day, it %is grouped by 6 hrs. The sum of the vector should be 48 binSpreads = spreads; % {... % 'BUN to Creatinine', ones(1,48);... % 'PaO2FiO2', ones(1,48);... % 'BPSys', ones(1,48);... % 'BPDias', ones(1,48);... % 'Albumin', ones(1,48);... % 'ALP', ones(1,48);... % 'ALT', ones(1,48);... % 'AST', ones(1,48);... % 'Bilirubin', ones(1,48);... % 'Cholesterol', ones(1,48);... % 'GCS', ones(1,48);... % 'Glucose', ones(1,48);... % 'HCO3', ones(1,48);... % 'HCT', ones(1,48);... % 'HR', ones(1,48);... % 'K', ones(1,48);... % 'Lactate', ones(1,48);... % 'Mg', ones(1,48);... % 'Na', ones(1,48);... % 'PaCO2', ones(1,48);... % 'pH', ones(1,48);... % 'Platelets', ones(1,48);... % 'RespRate', ones(1,48);... % 'SaO2', ones(1,48);... % 'Temp', ones(1,48);... % 'Urine', ones(1,48);... % 'WBC', ones(1,48)}; %field in the raw data allGivenFields = fieldnames(allPatientStruct); cleanData = []; columnHeaders = {}; for i = 1:length(allPatientStruct) disp(i); Xtemp = []; %--------- %field with no bins %--------- %gender gender = allPatientStruct(i).Gender; gender = gender(2); if gender < 0 gender = 0; end Xtemp = [Xtemp, gender]; if i== 1 columnHeaders = [columnHeaders, 'Gender']; end %age Xtemp = [Xtemp, allPatientStruct(i).Age(2)]; if i==1 columnHeaders = [columnHeaders, 'Age']; end %BMI if ~isempty(allPatientStruct(i).Height) && ~isempty(allPatientStruct(i).Weight) bmi = mean(allPatientStruct(i).Weight(2))./mean((allPatientStruct(i).Height(:,2)/100).^2); %definition of BMI else bmi = 21.75; end %make sure it is reasonable if bmi < 10 | bmi > 70 bmi = 21.75; end Xtemp = [Xtemp, bmi]; if i==1 columnHeaders = [columnHeaders, 'BMI']; end %--------- %fields with bins %--------- % do for most of the fields, bin them for j = 1:length(binableFields) series = allPatientStruct(i).(binableFields{j}); if isempty(series) times = NaN; values = NaN; else times = series(:,1); values = series(:,2); end bins = binSpreads{find(strcmp(binSpreads, binableFields{j})), 2}; for k = 1:length(bins) if k==1 low = 0; else low = sum(bins(1:k-1)); end isInBin = (times >= low) & (times < sum(bins(1:k))); %get the mean value in the binalpha and beta meanv = mean(values(isInBin)); %append Xtemp = [Xtemp, meanv]; if i==1 columnHeaders = [columnHeaders, [binableFields{j}, '_Bin ', num2str(low), ' to ', num2str(sum(bins(1:k)))]]; end end end %deal with each of the calc field individualy %blood pressure %dias if ~isempty(allPatientStruct(i).NIDiasABP) temp = allPatientStruct(i).NIDiasABP; elseif ~isempty(allPatientStruct(i).DiasABP) temp = allPatientStruct(i).DiasABP; else temp = []; end if isempty(temp) times = NaN; values = NaN; else times = temp(:,1); values = temp(:,2); end bins = binSpreads{find(strcmp(binSpreads, binableFields{j})), 2} for k = 1:length(bins) if k==1 low = 0; else low = sum(bins(1:k-1)); end isInBin = (times >= low) & (times < sum(bins(1:k))); %get the mean value in the bin meanv = mean(values(isInBin)); %append Xtemp = [Xtemp, meanv]; if i==1 columnHeaders = [columnHeaders, ['BPDias', '_Bin ', num2str(low), ' to ', num2str(sum(bins(1:k)))]]; end end %sys bp if ~isempty(allPatientStruct(i).NISysABP) temp = allPatientStruct(i).NISysABP; elseif ~isempty(allPatientStruct(i).SysABP) temp = allPatientStruct(i).SysABP; else temp = []; end if isempty(temp) times = NaN; values = NaN; else times = temp(:,1); values = temp(:,2); end bins = binSpreads{find(strcmp(binSpreads, binableFields{j})), 2}; for k = 1:length(bins) if k==1 low = 0; else low = sum(bins(1:k-1)); end isInBin = (times >= low) & (times < sum(bins(1:k))); %get the alpha and beta meanv = mean(values(isInBin)); %append Xtemp = [Xtemp, meanv]; if i==1 columnHeaders = [columnHeaders, ['BPSys', '_Bin ', num2str(low), ' to ', num2str(sum(bins(1:k)))]]; end end %BUN to creatinine temp1 = allPatientStruct(i).BUN; temp2 = allPatientStruct(i).Creatinine; if isempty(temp1) | isempty(temp2) times = NaN; y1 = NaN; y2 = NaN; else times = sort([temp1(:,1); temp2(:,2)]); try y1 = interp1(temp1(:,1), temp1(:,2), times, 'nearest','extrap'); catch y1 = mean(temp1(:,2))*ones(length(times)); end try y2 = interp1(temp2(:,1), temp2(:,2), times, 'nearest','extrap'); catch y2 = mean(temp2(:,2))*ones(length(times)); end end bins = binSpreads{find(strcmp(binSpreads, binableFields{j})), 2}; for k = 1:length(bins) if k==1 low = 0; else low = sum(bins(1:k-1)); end isInBin = (times >= low) & (times < sum(bins(1:k))); meanv = mean(y1(isInBin)./y2(isInBin)); Xtemp = [Xtemp, meanv]; if i==1 columnHeaders = [columnHeaders, ['BUN to Creatinine', '_Bin ', num2str(low), ' to ', num2str(sum(bins(1:k)))]]; end end %pao2/fio2 temp1 = allPatientStruct(i).PaO2; temp2 = allPatientStruct(i).FiO2; if isempty(temp1) | isempty(temp2) times = NaN; y1 = NaN; y2 = NaN; else times = sort([temp1(:,1); temp2(:,2)]); try y1 = interp1(temp1(:,1), temp1(:,2), times, 'nearest','extrap'); catch y1 = mean(temp1(:,2))*ones(length(times)); end try y2 = interp1(temp2(:,1), temp2(:,2), times, 'nearest','extrap'); catch y2 = mean(temp2(:,2))*ones(length(times)); end end bins = binSpreads{find(strcmp(binSpreads, binableFields{j})), 2}; for k = 1:length(bins) if k==1 low = 0; else low = sum(bins(1:k-1)); end isInBin = (times >= low) & (times < sum(bins(1:k))); meanv = mean(y1(isInBin)./y2(isInBin)); Xtemp = [Xtemp, meanv]; if i==1 columnHeaders = [columnHeaders, ['PaO2FiO2', '_Bin ', num2str(low), ' to ', num2str(sum(bins(1:k)))]]; end end %add to the temp to the total array disp(size(Xtemp)) cleanData = [cleanData;Xtemp]; end cleanData = removeNaNs(cleanData, columnHeaders); end %helper function----------------------------- function out = cellContains(cellArray, searchValue) out = -1; for i = 1:length(cellArray) if strcmp(cellArray{i}, searchValue) out = i; return end end end %-------------------- %HELPER FUNCTION function X = removeNaNs(Xold, colHeaders) normRangFile = importdata('ICU Ranges.csv', ','); normalRanges =; normalRangesNames = normRangFile.textdata; X = Xold; %find the binned variables isBinned = zeros(length(colHeaders), 1); for i = 1:length(colHeaders) isBinned(i) = ~isempty(strfind(colHeaders{i}, '_')); end assocVariable = {}; for i = 1:length(colHeaders) locOfUnderS = strfind(colHeaders{i}, '_'); if ~isempty(locOfUnderS) str = colHeaders{i}; assocVariable = [assocVariable, str(1:locOfUnderS-1)]; else assocVariable = [assocVariable, 'NONE']; end end variables = unique(assocVariable); variables(strcmp(variables, 'NONE')) = []; for i = 1:size(X, 1) disp(i) gender = X(i,1); for j = 1:length(variables) binVals = X(i, strcmp(assocVariable, variables(j))); if sum(isnan(binVals)) == length(binVals) loc = cellContains(normalRangesNames, variables(j)); highRange = normalRanges(loc, (1-gender)*2+2); lowRange = normalRanges(loc, (1-gender)*2+1); if strcmp(variables(j), 'Urine') highRange = highRange*length(binVals); lowRange = lowRange*length(binVals); end X(i,boolean(strcmp(assocVariable, variables(j))))=... mean([highRange, lowRange]); elseif sum(isnan(binVals)) == (length(binVals)-1) X(i,strcmp(assocVariable, variables(j)))=... nanmean(binVals); else times = 1:length(binVals); interped = interp1(times(~isnan(binVals)), binVals(~isnan(binVals)), times, 'linear', nan); exterped = interp1(times(~isnan(interped)), interped(~isnan(interped)), times, 'nearest', 'extrap'); disp(variables(j)) disp(exterped') X(i,strcmp(assocVariable, variables(j)))=exterped; end end end end