function alpha = mb_nocLineSearch(f,gradF,x,dir,slope0,of) % implementation of strong wolfe line search % % original c++ code by % import to matlab by % reference: nocedal: numerical optimization 3.4 line search methods % % f - function handle of objective function % gradF - function handle of gradient % x - current iterate % dir - search direction % slope0 - gradient of function at x in direction dir % alphaLo - alpha at lower objective function value for zoom % alphaHi - alpha at higher objectvie function value for zoom % of_0 % oflo % parameter for sufficient decrease condition c1 = 0.001; % parameter for curvature condition c2 = 0.1; if c1 > c2 error('c1 > c2\n'); end alphaMax = 100; alpha = 1; alpha_0 = 0; alpha_1 = alpha; of_x = of; of_0 = of; iter = 0; while 1 xc = x+alpha_1*dir; of = f(xc); slopec = gradF(xc)'*dir; % check if current iterate violates sufficient decrease if (of > of_0 + slope0*c1*alpha_1) || ((of >= of_x ) && (iter > 0)) % there has to be an acceptable point between alpha_0 and alpha_1 % (because c1 > c2) alpha = nocZoom(f,gradF,x,dir,slope0, alpha_0, alpha_1,of_0,of_x ,c1,c2); break; end % current iterate has sufficient decrease, but are we too close? if(abs(slopec) <= -c2*slope0) % strong wolfe fullfilled, quit alpha = alpha_1; break; end % are we behind the minimum? if (slopec >= 0) % there has to be an acceptable point between alpha_0 and alpha_1 alpha = nocZoom(f,gradF,x,dir,slope0,alpha_1 , alpha_0,of_0, of,c1,c2); break; end alpha_0 = alpha_1; alpha_1 = min(alphaMax, alpha_1*3); of_x = of; iter = iter + 1; end end function alpha = nocZoom(f,gradF,x,dir,slope0,alphaLo,alphaHi,of_0,ofLo,c1,c2) % this function is only called by mb_nocLineSearch - everything else does % not make sense! while 1 alpha = (alphaLo+alphaHi)/2; xc = x + alpha*dir; of = f(xc); if of > of_0 + c1*alpha*slope0 || of >= ofLo % if we do not observe sufficient decrease in point alpha, we set % the maximum of the feasible interval to alpha alphaHi = alpha; else slopec = gradF(xc)'*dir; % strong wolfe fullfilled? if abs(slopec) <= -c2*slope0 return; end if slopec*(alphaHi-alphaLo) >= 0 % if slope positive and alphaHi > alphaLo alphaHi = alphaLo; alphaLo = alpha; ofLo = of; end end end end