function [names,time_series_names,descriptors]=get_param_names names={'RecordID'; 'Age'; 'Gender'; 'Height'; 'ICUType'; 'Weight'; 'Albumin'; 'ALP'; 'ALT'; 'AST'; 'Bilirubin'; 'BUN'; 'Cholesterol'; 'Creatinine'; 'DiasABP'; 'FiO2'; 'GCS'; 'Glucose'; 'HCO3'; 'HCT'; 'HR'; 'K'; 'Lactate'; 'Mg'; 'MAP'; 'MechVent'; 'Na'; 'NIDiasABP'; 'NIMAP'; 'NISysABP'; 'PaCO2'; 'PaO2'; 'pH'; 'Platelets'; 'RespRate'; 'SaO2'; 'SysABP'; 'Temp'; 'TroponinI'; 'TroponinT'; 'Urine'; 'WBC'}; time_series_names={ 'Weight'; 'Albumin'; 'ALP'; 'ALT'; 'AST'; 'Bilirubin'; 'BUN'; 'Cholesterol'; 'Creatinine'; 'DiasABP'; 'FiO2'; 'GCS'; 'Glucose'; 'HCO3'; 'HCT'; 'HR'; 'K'; 'Lactate'; 'Mg'; 'MAP'; 'MechVent'; 'Na'; 'NIDiasABP'; 'NIMAP'; 'NISysABP'; 'PaCO2'; 'PaO2'; 'pH'; 'Platelets'; 'RespRate'; 'SaO2'; 'SysABP'; 'Temp'; 'TroponinI'; 'TroponinT'; 'Urine'; 'WBC'}; descriptors={ 'RecordID'; 'Age'; 'Gender'; 'Height'; 'ICUType'; }; end % RecordID (a unique integer for each ICU stay) % Age (years) % Gender (0: female, or 1: male) % Height (cm) % ICUType (1: Coronary Care Unit, 2: Cardiac Surgery Recovery Unit, 3: Medical ICU, or 4: Surgical ICU) % Weight (kg)*. % % % % Albumin (g/dL) % ALP [Alkaline phosphatase (IU/L)] % ALT [Alanine transaminase (IU/L)] % AST [Aspartate transaminase (IU/L)] % Bilirubin (mg/dL) % BUN [Blood urea nitrogen (mg/dL)] % Cholesterol (mg/dL) % Creatinine [Serum creatinine (mg/dL)] % DiasABP [Invasive diastolic arterial blood pressure (mmHg)] % FiO2 [Fractional inspired O2 (0-1)] % GCS [Glasgow Coma Score (3-15)] % Glucose [Serum glucose (mg/dL)] % HCO3 [Serum bicarbonate (mmol/L)] % HCT [Hematocrit (%)] % HR [Heart rate (bpm)] % K [Serum potassium (mEq/L)] % Lactate (mmol/L) % Mg [Serum magnesium (mmol/L)] % MAP [Invasive mean arterial blood pressure (mmHg)] % MechVent [Mechanical ventilation respiration (0:false, or 1:true)] % Na [Serum sodium (mEq/L)] % NIDiasABP [Non-invasive diastolic arterial blood pressure (mmHg)] % NIMAP [Non-invasive mean arterial blood pressure (mmHg)] % NISysABP [Non-invasive systolic arterial blood pressure (mmHg)] % PaCO2 [partial pressure of arterial CO2 (mmHg)] % PaO2 [Partial pressure of arterial O2 (mmHg)] % pH [Arterial pH (0-14)] % Platelets (cells/nL) % RespRate [Respiration rate (bpm)] % SaO2 [O2 saturation in hemoglobin (%)] % SysABP [Invasive systolic arterial blood pressure (mmHg)] % Temp [Temperature (°C)] % TropI [Troponin-I (?g/L)] % TropT [Troponin-T (?g/L)] % Urine [Urine output (mL)] % WBC [White blood cell count (cells/nL)] % Weight (kg)*