function r = abpfeature(abp,OnsetTimes) % ABPFEATURE ABP waveform feature extractor. % r = ABPFEATURE(ABP,ONSETTIMES) extracts features from ABP waveform such % as systolic pressure, mean pressure, etc. % % In: ABP (125Hz sampled), times of onset (in samples) % Out: Beat-to-beat ABP features % Col 1: Time of systole [samples] % 2: Systolic BP [mmHg] % 3: Time of diastole [samples] % 4: Diastolic BP [mmHg] % 5: Pulse pressure [mmHg] % 6: Mean pressure [mmHg] % 7: Beat Period [samples] % 8: mean_dyneg % 9: End of systole time 0.3*sqrt(RR) method % 10: Area under systole 0.3*sqrt(RR) method % 11: End of systole time 1st min-slope method % 12: Area under systole 1st min-slope method % % Usage: % - OnsetTimes must be obtained using wabp.m % % Written by James Sun ( on Nov 19, 2005. % if length(OnsetTimes)<30 % don't process anything if too little onsets % r = []; % return % end %% P_sys, P_dias Window = 40; OT = OnsetTimes(1:end-1); BeatQty = length(OT); [MinDomain,MaxDomain] = init(zeros(BeatQty,Window)); for i=1:Window MinDomain(:,i) = OT-i+1; MaxDomain(:,i) = OT+i-1; end MinDomain(MinDomain<1) = 1; % Error protection MaxDomain(MaxDomain<1) = 1; [P_dias Dindex] = min(abp(MinDomain),[],2); [P_sys Sindex] = max(abp(MaxDomain),[],2); DiasTime = MinDomain(sub2ind(size(MinDomain),(1:BeatQty)',Dindex)); SysTime = MaxDomain(sub2ind(size(MaxDomain),(1:BeatQty)',Sindex)); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Pulse Pressure [mmHg] PP = P_sys - P_dias; % Beat Period [samples] BeatPeriod = diff(OnsetTimes); % Mean,StdDev, Median Deriv- (noise detector) dyneg = diff(abp); dyneg(dyneg>0) = 0; [MAP,stddev,mean_dyneg] = init(zeros(BeatQty,1)); for i=1:BeatQty interval = abp(OnsetTimes(i):OnsetTimes(i+1)); MAP(i) = mean(interval); stddev(i) = std(interval); dyneg_interval = dyneg(OnsetTimes(i):OnsetTimes(i+1)); dyneg_interval(dyneg_interval==0) = []; if min(size(dyneg_interval))==0 dyneg_interval = 0; end mean_dyneg(i) = mean(dyneg_interval); end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Systolic Area calculation using 0.3*sqrt(RR) RR = BeatPeriod/125; % RR time in seconds sys_duration = 0.3*sqrt(RR); EndOfSys1 = round(OT + sys_duration*125); SysArea1 = localfun_area(abp,OT,EndOfSys1,P_dias); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Systolic Area calculation using 'first minimum slope' method SlopeWindow = 35; ST = EndOfSys1; % start 12 samples after P_sys if ST(end) > (length(abp)-35) % error protection ST(end) = length(abp)-35; end SlopeDomain = zeros(BeatQty,SlopeWindow); for i=1:SlopeWindow SlopeDomain(:,i) = ST+i-1; end % y[n] = x[n]-x[n-1] Slope = diff(abp(SlopeDomain),1,2); Slope(Slope>0) = 0; % Get rid of positive slopes [MinSlope index] = min(abs(Slope),[],2); EndOfSys2 = SlopeDomain(sub2ind(size(SlopeDomain),(1:BeatQty)',index)); SysArea2 = localfun_area(abp,OT,EndOfSys2,P_dias); % OUTPUT: r = [SysTime' P_sys' DiasTime' P_dias' PP' MAP' BeatPeriod' mean_dyneg' EndOfSys1' SysArea1' EndOfSys2' SysArea2']'; end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Helper function: function SysArea = localfun_area(abp,onset,EndSys,P_dias) %% Input: abp, %% onset, P_dias, end of systole, beat duration in unit of samples, same length %% Output: systolic area, warner correction factor BeatQty = length(onset); SysArea = init(zeros(BeatQty,1)); for i=1:BeatQty SysArea(i) = sum(abp(onset(i):EndSys(i))); % faster than trapz below %b(i) = trapz(abp(onset(i):EndSys(i))); end SysPeriod = EndSys - onset; % Time scale and subtract the diastolic area under each systolic interval SysArea = (SysArea - P_dias.*SysPeriod)/125; % Area [mmHg*sec] end % for initializing a variable function varargout = init(z) for i=1:nargout varargout(i) = {z}; end end