function varargout=ann2rr(varargin) % % [RR,tms]=ann2rr(recordName,annotator,N,N0,consecutiveOnly) % % Wrapper to WFDB ANN2RR: % % % Reads a WFDB record and Annotation file to return: % % % RR % Nx1 vector of integers representing the duration of the RR % interval in samples. % % tms % Nx1 vector of integers representing the begining of the RR % interval in samples. % % Required Parameters: % % recorName % String specifying the name of the record in the WFDB path or % in the current directory. % % annotator - % String specifying the name of the annotation file in the WFDB path or % in the current directory. % % Optional Parameters are: % % N % A 1x1 integer specifying the sample number at which to stop reading the % record file (default read all = N). % N0 % A 1x1 integer specifying the sample number at which to start reading the % annotion file (default 1 = begining of the record). % % consecutiveOnly % A 1x1 boolean. If true, prints intervals between consecutive valid % annotaions only (default =true). % % % Written by Ikaro Silva, 2013 % Last Modified: January, 16, 2013 % Version 1.1 % % Since 0.0.1 % %Example %[rr,tm]=ann2rr('challenge/2013/set-a/a01','fqrs'); %endOfHelp persistent javaWfdbExec config if(isempty(javaWfdbExec)) [javaWfdbExec,config]=getWfdbClass('ann2rr'); end %Set default pararamter values inputs={'recordName','annotator','N','N0','consecutiveOnly'}; outputs={'data(:,2)','data(:,1)'}; N=[]; N0=1; consecutiveOnly=1; for n=1:nargin if(~isempty(varargin{n})) eval([inputs{n} '=varargin{n};']) end end N0=num2str(N0-1); %-1 is necessary because WFDB is 0 based indexed. wfdb_argument={'-r',recordName,'-a',annotator,'-f',['s' N0]}; if(~isempty(N)) wfdb_argument{end+1}='-t'; %-1 is necessary because WFDB is 0 based indexed. wfdb_argument{end+1}=['s' num2str(N-1)]; end if(consecutiveOnly) wfdb_argument{end+1}='-c'; end wfdb_argument{end+1}='-V'; data=javaWfdbExec.execToDoubleArray(wfdb_argument); if(config.inOctave) data=java2mat(data); end for n=1:nargout eval(['varargout{n}=' outputs{n} ';']) end