MATLAB File Help: sqrs View code for sqrs WFDB Contents

function varargout=sqrs(varargin)


    Wrapper to WFDB SQRS:

    Creates a SQRS annotation file  at the current MATLAB directory.
    The annotation file will have the same name as the recorName file,
    but followed with the *.qrs suffix. Use RDANN to read the annoations
    into MATLAB's workspace in order to read the sample QRS locations.

    If recordName is the path to a record at PhysioNet's database, than
    the annation files will be stored in a subdirectory with the same relative 
    path as recordName and under the current directory.

    NOTE: In order to read the generated annotation file using RDANN, it is
    necessary to have the WFDB record (*.hea and *.dat) files in the same 
    directory as the annotation file.

 Required Parameters:

       String specifying the name of the record in the WFDB path or
       in the current directory.

 Optional Parameters are:

       A 1x1 integer specifying the sample number at which to stop reading the 
       record file (default read all = N).
       A 1x1 integer specifying the sample number at which to start reading the 
       annotion file (default 1 = begining of the record).

       A 1x1 integer. Specify the singal to obtain the annotation (default
       = 1, first signal).

       A 1x1 integer. Specify the detection threshold (default = 500).  
       Use higher values to reduce false detections, or lower values to 
       reduce the number of missed beats. 

 Source code by George B. Moody. The source code is a fairly literal translation with minor 
 corrections of the Pascal original by WAH Engelse and Cees Zeelenberg. 

 MATLAB wrapper written by Ikaro Silva, 2013
 Last Modified: -
 Version 1.0

 Since 0.0.1 
