function MMA(recordName) % % Multiscale Multifractal Analysis % % Copyright (C) 2014 Jan Gieraltowski % % % % This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under % % the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software % % Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later % % version. % % % % This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY % % WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A % % PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. % % % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with % % this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple % % Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. % % % % Author: Jan Gieraltowski % % Warsaw University of Technology % % Faculty of Physics % % % % % % % % Method was first proposed in: % % J. Gieraltowski, J. J. Zebrowski, and R. Baranowski, % % Multiscale multifractal analysis of heart rate variability recordings with a large number of occurrences of arrhythmia, % % Phys. Rev. E 85, 021915 (2012). % % % % % % Please cite the above publication when referencing this material, % % and also include the standard citation for PhysioNet: % % Goldberger AL, Amaral LAN, Glass L, Hausdorff JM, Ivanov PCh, Mark RG, Mietus JE, Moody GB, Peng C-K, Stanley HE. % % PhysioBank, PhysioToolkit, and PhysioNet: Components of a New Research Resource for Complex Physiologic Signals. % % Circulation 101(23):e215-e220 % % [Circulation Electronic Pages;]; 2000 (June 13). overlapping = 0; %0 - time series is partitioned into no overlapping windows of analysis, 1- time series is partitioned into overlapping windows of analysis, step between consecutive windows is = 1 (much longer calculations) smin = 10; %minimal s scale used, when calculating Fq(s) functions family (default 10) smax = 600; %maximal s scale used, when calculating Fq(s) functions family, has to be multiple of 5 (default 600; in general should be near to N/50, where N is a time series length) qmin = -5; %minimal multifractal parameter q used (default -5) qmax = 5; %maximal multifractal parameter q used (deafault 5) qlist = qmin:0.1:qmax; qlist(qlist == 0) = 0.0001; precisionMode = 0; % 0 (default) better looking plot, smaller files, faster calculations; set 1 for enhanced precision (smaller q and s steps) [pathstr,name] = fileparts(recordName); warning('off','MATLAB:MKDIR:DirectoryExists'); if isdir(recordName) == 1 dirtemp = dir([recordName filesep '*.txt']); filenames = {}'; filenum = size(filenames,1); dirname = [pathstr filesep name]; else filenames = [name '.txt']; filenum = 1; dirname = pathstr; end for fileit = 1:filenum signal = load([dirname filesep char(filenames(fileit,:))]); prof = cumsum(signal); slength = size(prof); fqs = []; for s = smin:1:smax if overlapping == 1 vec = [0:s-1]; ind = [1:slength-s+1]'; coordinates = bsxfun(@plus, vec, ind); else ind2 = [1:size(prof,1)]; coordinates = reshape(ind2(1:(size(prof,1)-mod(size(prof,1),s))),s,(size(prof,1)-mod(size(prof,1),s))/s)'; end segments = prof(coordinates); xbase = [1:1:s]; f2nis = []; for ni = 1:size(segments,1) seg = segments(ni,:); fit = polyfit(xbase,seg,2); variance = mean((seg - polyval(fit,xbase)).^2); f2nis(end+1) = variance; end for q = qlist fqs = [fqs; q s (mean(f2nis.^(q/2)))^(1/q)]; end end fqsll = [fqs(:,1) fqs(:,2) log(fqs(:,2)) log(fqs(:,3))]; hqs = []; if precisionMode == 0 sspacing = ((smax/5)-smin)/11; qlist = qmin:1:qmax; qlist(qlist == 0) = 0.0001; else sspacing = 1; end for sit = smin:sspacing:(smax/5) for qit = qlist fittemp = fqsll(fqsll(:,1) == qit & fqsll(:,2) >= sit & fqsll(:,2) <= 5*sit,:); htemp = polyfit(fittemp(:,3),fittemp(:,4),1); hqs = [hqs; qit 3*sit htemp(1)]; end end mkdir([dirname filesep 'MMA_results']); [p1,n1,e1] = fileparts(char(filenames(fileit,:))); csvwrite([dirname filesep 'MMA_results' filesep 'MMA_' n1 '.txt'],hqs); hqsplotdata = reshape(hqs(:,3),size(qlist,2),size(smin:sspacing:(smax/5),2)); if max(max(hqsplotdata)) < 1.5 hlim = 1.5; elseif max(max(hqsplotdata)) < 2.5 hlim = 2.5; else hlim = ceil((max(max(hqsplotdata))*10))/10; end hqsplot = surf(unique(hqs(:,2)),unique(hqs(:,1)),hqsplotdata); colormap(jet); colorbar; caxis([0,hlim]); set(gca,'YDir','reverse'); view(-62,50); axis([3*smin,0.6*smax,qmin,qmax,0,hlim]); saveas(hqsplot, [dirname filesep 'MMA_results' filesep 'MMA_' n1 '.jpg']); end end