function [idxOut, N] = pnPreprocessRemovalIndices(tmp, idx, val, equalityFcnStr) %PNPREPROCESSDELETEDATA Generates indices to be used to remove data % [idxOut] = pnPreprocessRemovalIndices(tmp, idx, val, equalityFcnStr) % calculates the indices of data which satisfies some condition % specified by equalityFcnStr and val. For example, if equalityFcnStr % is 'eq' and val is 0, then the function locates the indices of tmp % which contain data equal to 0. These indices are then translated % into indices in the original data cell, to be used for data % deletion at a later point in PNPREPROCESSDATA. % % [idxOut,N] = pnPreprocessRemovalIndices(tmp, idx, val, equalityFcnStr) % also outputs the number of entries being deleted. % % Inputs: % tmp - Cell array with data only from a given field % idx - Indices that were used to extract tmp from the original % data cell array % val - A value used for comparison with tmp % equalityFcnStr - The function used to compare val to data in tmp % % Outputs: % idxOut - Indices of data cell array to be deleted % N - Number of entries to be deleted % % Example: % data = pnLoadTextFilesCell([bpath 'set-a']); % [tmp,idx] = pnExtractField(data,'HR'); % [idxRem,N] = pnPreprocessRemovalIndices(tmp, idx, 0, 'eq'); % for m=2:4 % data(:,m) = cellfun(@pnPreprocessDeleteData,... % data(:,m), idxRem, 'UniformOutput', false); % end % fprintf('Deleted %2.0f values which were 0.\n',N); % % % See also PNPREPROCESSDATA % Copyright 2012 Alistair Johnson % $LastChangedBy: alistair $ % $LastChangedDate: 2012-03-13 12:17:58 +0000 (Tue, 13 Mar 2012) $ % $Revision: 225 $ % Originally written on PCWIN64 by Alistair Johnson, 09-Mar-2012 17:47:37 % Contact: fcnTmp = str2func(equalityFcnStr); idxRem = cellfun(@(x) fcnTmp(x,val), tmp(:,4),'UniformOutput',false); idxOut = cellfun(@pnSubfcnRemIdx, idx, idxRem, 'UniformOutput',false); N = sum(cell2mat(cellfun(@(x) sum(x), idxOut, 'UniformOutput', false))); end function [idx] = pnSubfcnRemIdx(idx, idxRem) idx(idx) = idxRem; end