function [S]=event2score(data) %[S]=event2score(data) calculates minimum of the SE and PPV % %data -(Nx2) where N is the number of cases (4000 for each of sets A, B, and C), % the first column is the true outcome (data(:,2) from the Outcomes file), % and the second column is the estimated risk (from the challenge % entry outputs for event2) % % Calculate sensitivity (Se) and positive predictivity (PPV) TP=sum(data(data(:,2)==1,1)); FN=sum(~data(data(:,2)==1,1)); FP=sum(data(data(:,2)==0,1)); Se=TP/(TP+FN); PPV=TP/(TP+FP); % The event 1 score is the smaller of Se and PPV. S = min(Se, PPV); end