function [ score ] = pniAndrew(data) %PNIANDREW Andrew's initial entry - severity of illness score % [ score ] = pniAndrew(data) calculates a severity of illness score for % each row (observation) in data % % The score uses the following variables: % urine, platelets, BUN, creatinine, PaFi ratio, PaO2, PaCO2, pH, % heart_rate, temperature, BP, and age. % % Inputs: % data - Cell array of data. % Column 1 - Subject IDs % Column 2 - Time stamp vectors for each subject % Column 3 - Feature name vectors for each subject % Column 4 - Data value vectors for each subject % % Outputs: % score - Column vector of severity scores % % Example % %=== Load data in % load('data_processed_cell.mat'); % % %=== Calculate score % [ score ] = pniAndrew(data); % % See also PNMAIN PNPREPROCESSDATA % References: % Physionet Challenge 2012 % % % APACHE III (1991) % Knaus WA, Wagner DP, Draper EA, Zimmerman JE, Bergner M, % Bastos PG, Sirio CA, Murphy DJ, Lotring T, Damiano A, et al. % The APACHE III prognostic system. Risk prediction of hospital % mortality for critically ill hospitalized adults. % Chest 100(6):1619-1636 (1991 Dec). % Copyright 2012 Alistair Johnson and Andrew Kramer % $LastChangedBy: alistair $ % $LastChangedDate: 2012-04-24 22:39:24 +0100 (Tue, 24 Apr 2012) $ % $Revision: 342 $ % Originally written on GLNXA64 by Alistair Johnson, 15-Apr-2012 14:39:14 % Contact: %=== Variables used in severity of illness score header = {'Urine','Platelets','BUN','Creatinine','PaO2',... 'PaCO2','PaFi','pH','HR','Temp','BP','Age'}; nVar = numel(header); N = size(data,1); % 1. The severity of illness score is initialized at zero. All component weights are set = 0; score=zeros(N,nVar); % 2. There are 12 components: urine, platelets, BUN, creatinine, PaFi ratio, PaO2, PaCO2, pH, % heart_rate, temperature, BP, and age. header = {'Urine','Platelets','BUN','Creatinine','PaFi','PaO2',... 'PaC2','pH','HR','Temp','BP','Age'}; % Fields used in score header_extract = {'Urine','Platelets','BUN','Creatinine','PaO2',... 'PaCO2','pH','HR','Temp','Age',... 'FiO2','NIMAP','MAP'}; % Fields to extract high/low data from %=======================% %=== DATA EXTRACTION ===% %=======================% [low,h_L] = pnSubsampleData(data, 60*48,'low',header_extract(2:end)); % Lowest data for 48 hours [high,h_H] = pnSubsampleData(data, 60*48,'high',header_extract(2:end)); % Highest data for 48 hours [urine_L,u_L] = pnSubsampleData(data,60*24,'low',header_extract(1)); [urine_H,u_H] = pnSubsampleData(data,60*24,'high',header_extract(1)); %=== Only use data from first 24 hours for urine low = [urine_L(:,1),low]; h_L = [u_L(1),h_L]; high = [urine_H(:,1),high]; h_H = [u_H(1),h_H]; h_L = cellfun(@(x) strrep(x,'_0',''), h_L, 'UniformOutput',false); h_H = cellfun(@(x) strrep(x,'_0',''), h_H, 'UniformOutput',false); %=== Load data dataL = zeros(size(low,1),numel(header)); dataH = zeros(size(high,1),numel(header)); for k=1:nVar switch header{k} case {'Urine','Platelets','BUN','Creatinine','PaO2',... 'HR','Temp','Age'} dataL(:,k) = low(:,strcmp(h_L,header{k})); dataH(:,k) = high(:,strcmp(h_L,header{k})); case 'PaFi' %=== Extract data for PaO2 and FiO2 pafi = pnPaFi(data); pafi = pafi(:,4); %=== Impute NaNs idxEmpty = cellfun(@isempty, pafi); pafi(idxEmpty) = {NaN}; dataL(:,k) = cellfun(@(x) min(x), pafi); dataH(:,k) = cellfun(@(x) max(x), pafi); case 'PaC2' %=== Extract data for PaCO2 / FiO2 pac2 = pnPaC2(data); pac2 = pac2(:,4); %=== Impute NaNs idxEmpty = cellfun(@isempty, pac2); pac2(idxEmpty) = {NaN}; dataL(:,k) = cellfun(@(x) min(x), pac2); dataH(:,k) = cellfun(@(x) max(x), pac2); case 'BP' dataL(:,k) = low(:,strcmp(h_L,'NIMAP')); dataH(:,k) = high(:,strcmp(h_L,'NIMAP')); % 3. For the variables BP_min & BP_max, they were derived from NiMAP_min & NiMAP_max % unless those variables were missing, in which case BP_min & BP_max came from MAP_min & % MAP_max. idxMissing = isnan(dataL(:,k)); dataL(idxMissing,k) = low(idxMissing,strcmp(h_L,'MAP')); idxMissing = isnan(dataH(:,k)); dataH(idxMissing,k) = high(idxMissing,strcmp(h_H,'MAP')); case 'pH' % pH_num, the number of times pH is measured. % a. If pHnum = 0, pH_weight = 0 % b. If pH_num = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6} then pH_weight = 4 % c. If pH_num ≥ 6 then pH_weight = 2 pH = pnExtractField(data,'pH'); dataH(:,k) = cellfun(@(x) numel(x), pH(:,2)); end end %=== clear uneeded vars clear h_H h_L u_H u_L urine_H urine_L header_extract %=======================% %=== CALCULATE SCORE ===% %=======================% for k=1:nVar low = dataL(:,k); high = dataH(:,k); idxNotMissing = ~isnan(low) & ~isnan(high); switch header{k} % 4. Urine, BUN, creatinine, PaO2, heart_rate, temperature, BP, & age use the same weighting % structure as in APACHE. case {'Urine','BUN','Creatinine','PaO2','HR','Temp','BP','Age'} switch header{k} case 'Urine' lower_limit = [0,400,600,900,1500,2000,4000]; upper_limit = [399,599,899,1499,1999,3999,Inf]; temp_score = [15,8,7,5,4,0,1]; case 'BUN' lower_limit = [0,17,20,40,80]; % mg/dL upper_limit = [16.9,19,39,79,Inf]; temp_score = [0,2,7,11,12]; case 'Creatinine' lower_limit = [0,0.5,1.5,1.95]; upper_limit = [0.4,1.4,1.94,Inf]; temp_score = [3,0,4,7]; case 'PaO2' % mmHg lower_limit = [0,50,70,80]; upper_limit = [49,69,79,Inf]; temp_score = [15,5,2,0]; case 'HR' lower_limit = [0,40,50,100,110,120,140,155]; upper_limit = [39,49,99,109,119,139,154,Inf]; temp_score = [8,5,0,1,5,7,13,17]; case 'Temp' lower_limit = [0,33,33.5,34,35,36,40]; upper_limit = [32.9,33.4,33.9,34.9,35.9,39.9,Inf]; temp_score = [28,16,13,8,2,0,4]; case 'BP' lower_limit = [0,40,60,70,80,110,120,130,140]; upper_limit = [39,59,69,79,99,119,129,139,Inf]; temp_score = [23,15,7,6,0,4,7,9,10]; case 'Age' lower_limit = [0,45,60,65,70,75,85]; upper_limit = [44,59,64,69,74,84,Inf]; temp_score = [0,5,11,13,16,17,24]; end scoreL=zeros(N,1); scoreH=zeros(N,1); idxUsedL = false(size(low)); idxUsedH = false(size(high)); for m=1:numel(temp_score) idxAddL = low>=lower_limit(m) & low<=upper_limit(m) & ~idxUsedL; idxAddH = high>=lower_limit(m) & high<=upper_limit(m) & ~idxUsedH; % Keep track of those already scored idxUsedL = idxUsedL | idxAddL; idxUsedH = idxUsedH | idxAddH; scoreL(idxNotMissing & idxAddL) = temp_score(m); scoreH(idxNotMissing & idxAddH) = temp_score(m); end score(idxNotMissing,k) = max([scoreL(idxNotMissing),scoreH(idxNotMissing)],[],2); case 'pH' % 5. pH is based on pH_num, the number of times pH is measured. % a. If pHnum = 0, pH_weight = 0 % b. If pH_num = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6} then pH_weight = 4 % c. If pH_num > 6 then pH_weight = 2 score(high>6,k) = 2; score(high>0 & high<=6,k) = 4; case 'PaFi' % 6. The weight for PaFi ratio is calculated thus: % a. If PaFi_min ne missing & PaFi_min ≤ 64 then PaFi_weight = 10 % b. If PaFi_min is between 65 to 86 then PaFi_weight = 6 score((idxNotMissing & low>64 & low <= 86),k) = 6; score((idxNotMissing & low<=64),k) = 10; case 'Platelets' % 7. The weight for platelets is calculated thus: % a. If Platelets_max > 380 then Platelets_weight = 3 % b. If Platelets_min ne missing & Platelets_min < 100 then Platelets_weight = 8 score((idxNotMissing & high>380),k) = 3; score((idxNotMissing & low<100),k) = 8; case 'PaC2' % mmHg % 8. The weight for PaCO2 is calculated thus: % a. If PaCO2_min ne missing and PaCO2_min < 2.241 then PaCO2_weight = 10 % b. If PaCO2_min is between 2.412 and 3.580 then PaCO2_weight = 2 score((idxNotMissing & low>=2.412 & low <=3.580),k) = 4; score((idxNotMissing & low<2.241),k) = 10; end end % 9. The weights for the 12 components get summed to arrive at the severity of illness score. score = sum(score,2); end