function [ f_out ] = NicForest_train(xtrain, ytrain, opt) % NICFOREST_TRAIN Trains an ensemble. % % [ forests , ytrain_pred ] = NicForest_train(xtrain,ytrain,NTrees,width,opt) % Trains a forest on data in xtrain associated with targets in ytrain % using parameters specified by opt. % $LastChangedBy: alistair $ % $LastChangedDate: 2012-05-30 12:21:30 +0100 (Wed, 30 May 2012) $ % $Revision: 21 $ % Originally written on MACI64 by Louis Mayaud, 25-April-2012 14:05:26 % Contact: %% Initialise parameters [N,P]=size(xtrain); if nargin<3 error('NicForest_train requires 3 inputs.'); end %=== error check options % opt = errorChk(opt); width = opt.Width; sigma = opt.Sigma; if strcmp(opt.Family,'binomial') likelihoodFcn = @ll; %=== set default intercept+sigma intercept = log(1/(-1+1/mean(ytrain))); sigma = 0; % width^2*Ntrees/2 ~ var(logit(Pi)) where Pi is the pred from reasonable model. if isempty(width) width=0.2; end else %=== normalize training set to smooth out non-linearities f_out.ytrain = ytrain; % save values f_out.ynum = numel(ytrain)+1; ytrain = tiedrankrelative(ytrain); f_out.yrk = ytrain; % save ranks ytrain = ytrain / f_out.ynum; ytrain = norminv(ytrain,0,1); likelihoodFcn = @normll; intercept = mean(ytrain); if isempty(sigma) sigma = sqrt(var(ytrain)); end end %=== Extract all variables from opt Ntrees = opt.Trees; MCCite=opt.Iterations; % number of Iterations for each MCMC repetition MCCsave=opt.Save; % Save forest every MCCsave MCCres=opt.Resets; % Number of reset during MCCres iterations MCCnbr = MCCite*MCCres; NtreesUpdate = opt.UpdatedTrees; %=== Hierarchichal model parameters if isempty(opt.Group) %=== no specified hierarchy/groupings group = ones(N,1); else group=opt.Group; groups = unique(group); % get the group numbers if numel(groups)==1 % only one group, do not weight anything group = ones(N,1); else group_num = hist(group,groups); % get the number of obs in each group for k=1:numel(groups) % group = (1/number_observations_in_group) group(group==groups(k)) = 1/group_num(k); end %=== Add in group power if using if ~isempty(opt.GroupPower) group = group.^(opt.GroupPower); end end end e1_exact = zeros(MCCsave,1); e1_average = zeros(floor(MCCite/MCCsave),MCCres); figure(1); clf; %=== Rank and replace training data f_out.xtrain=xtrain; xtrain = tiedrankrelative(xtrain); NaNNbre = sum( ~isnan(xtrain) , 1 ) + 1; %+1 is to symetrize the ratio number of observation/NaNNbre %% Normalize data % squish data by assuming it is drawn from a normal distribution %=== Scale ranks between 0->1 xtrain_normalized = bsxfun(@rdivide,xtrain,NaNNbre); %=== Squish into normal distribution! xtrain_normalized=norminv(xtrain_normalized,0,1); %=== Initialize forest forests=zeros( floor(MCCnbr/MCCsave*4/5), 11, Ntrees ); priors=zeros( floor(MCCnbr/MCCsave*4/5), 2 ); % goes, number of forest % 11 paramers in each tree % trees+1 is number of trees in the forest + 1 is intercept % (b0 in regression) %% Monte carlo count=0; for r=1:MCCres %=========================% %=== RESET MONTE CARLO ===% %=========================% %=== Initialize forest [forest adds sums] = initialize_forest( Ntrees , P , ytrain ); BurnInFlag = false; %=== Initialize priors + add to adds/sums prior = zeros(2,MCCite+1); % 2xMCCite - [intercept; sigma] prior(1,1) = intercept; % initial sigma prior(2,1) = sigma; % initial sigma %=== for efficiency, generate all the random variables used to update %priors before the MCMC loop prior(2,2:end) = normrnd(0,width,1,size(prior,2)-1); prior(2,2:end) = gamrnd(1000000,1/1000000,1,size(prior,2)-1); % prior(2,2:end) = 0.02*rand(1,size(prior,2)-1) - 0.01; % uniform distribution adds(:,Ntrees+1)=prior(1,1); sums=sums+prior(1,1); %=== Keep track of the variables used in vector varUsed = zeros(3,P); for k=1:3 varUsed(k,:) = hist(forest(k,:),1:P); % count number of variables used in forest end %=========================% %=== BEGIN MONTE CARLO ===% %=========================% for j=1:MCCite % for each MCMC iteration % Create the next forest candidate cForest = forest; prior(1,j+1)=prior(1,j)+prior(1,j+1); % randomize intercept prior(2,j+1)=abs(prior(2,j)*prior(2,j+1)); % randomize sigma v=zeros(N,NtreesUpdate); tempsums=sums+prior(1,j+1)-prior(1,j); % current tree intercept contribution UpdatedTreesNbr= randsample(Ntrees,NtreesUpdate,0); % randomly selected 2 trees % each iteration considers 2 random trees to update for i=1:NtreesUpdate % Update tree in the forest cForest(:,UpdatedTreesNbr(i)) = update_tree( forest(:,UpdatedTreesNbr(i)) , .5 , width , P, varUsed) ; % Apply tree v(:,i) = apply_tree_quick( cForest(:,UpdatedTreesNbr(i)), NaNNbre, xtrain, xtrain, xtrain_normalized, xtrain_normalized); % v(:,i) = apply_tree( cForest(:,UpdatedTreesNbr(i)) , xtrain , NaNNbre, xtrain_normalized ); % temp score matrix where to update only the two changed trees % where adds is he old contribution (overwriten 2 trees) tempsums=tempsums+v(:,i)-adds(:,UpdatedTreesNbr(i)); end % Compute log likelyhood for current and previous forest e1=feval(likelihoodFcn,sums,ytrain,prior(2,j),group); % log likelihood previous forest e2=feval(likelihoodFcn,tempsums,ytrain,prior(2,j+1),group); % log likelihood new forest e1_exact(mod(j-1,MCCsave)+1) = e1; % Metropolis accepting step if(rand(1)= (MCCite/5) % >= 20% into sampling % if MCCsave = 2000, MCCres = 40, then never in burn-in period BurnInFlag=true; % no longer in burn-in period. end if BurnInFlag count=count+1; forests(count,:,:)=forest; priors(count,:) = prior(:,j+1); end fprintf('%2.0f%% complete. MCMC %g: e1=%3.3f\n',(j+(r-1)*MCCite)/MCCnbr*100, r, e1_average( floor(j/MCCsave), r )); end end end if count ~= (floor(MCCnbr/MCCsave*4/5)+MCCres) warning('Missing forests here'); end %=== Add intercept prior to end of forest matrix forests = cat(3,forests,repmat(priors(:,1),1,11)); %=== Remove extra forests which occur when parameters Ntrees + MCMC %iterations don't match up if count < size(forests,1) forests = forests(1:count,:,:); end f_out.forests = forests; f_out.priors = priors; f_out.e1 = e1_average; f_out.TrainNaN = NaNNbre; f_out.Family = opt.Family; end function [p] = ll(pred,tar,sigma,group) % log likelihood pred = invlogit(pred); p = sum((-tar.*log(pred)-(1-tar).*log(1-pred)).*group); end function [p] = normll(pred,tar,sigma,group) % log likelihood p = log(sigma)*sum(group) + 0.5*sum(((tar-pred).^2).*group)/(sigma^2); end function [p] = invlogit(p) % inverse logit p = 1./(1+exp(-p)); end function [forest adds sums] = initialize_forest( Ntrees , Nvar , ytrain ) forest=zeros(11,Ntrees); %initialize matrix of trees (current forest) N=length(ytrain); for i=1:3 forest(i,1:Ntrees) = randsample(1:Nvar,Ntrees,1); end forest(7:9,:)=0.5; adds=zeros(N,Ntrees+1); sums=zeros(N,1); end function cT = update_tree(cT,p,width,varNum,varUsed) % tree is a vector has the following parameters % - 1-3: Variables indices for first three nodes % - 4-5: Threshods for nodes 1 and 2 % - 6: slope % - 7-9 : missing value param for nodes 1 to 3 % - 10 : architechture type (1,2,3,4), i.e. location of the final node in the tree % - 11: intercept % ramdomly create a entirely new tree or a similar to speed up p2 = 0.5; % Probability of propagating a variable towards bottom of the tree leakage = 0.1; % Probability of ignoring weights for variable selection varTemp = sum(varUsed(1:2,:),1); if(rand(1)