function [ pred ] = pnBRFApply(model, X) %PNBRFAPPLY Calculate predictions on data using provided model % [ pred ] = pnBRFApply(model, X) calculates predictions on the % data using model, which is assumed to be of a certain form compatible % with this function. % % Inputs: % X - NxD double matrix of data. May contain NaNs for missing % values. This should be extracted by the associated % pnBRFFeatures function. % % Outputs: % pred - Predictions for the given data set - vector sized Nx1 % % Example: % % Develop and evaluate a model on the training data % bpath = './set-a/'; % data = pnLoadTextFilesCell(bpath); % [targets,target_header] = pnLoadTargetFile('Outcomes-a.txt'); % data_target=targets(:,6); % data_used = pnExtractFeaturesNic(data); % % [X,header] = pnBRFFeatures(data); % model = pnBRFDevelop(X,data_target); % pred = pnBRFApply(model, X); % % See also PNDEVELOPMODELS PNBRFDEVELOP PNBRFFEATURES % References: % Physionet Challenge 2012 % Copyright 2012 Nic Johnson % $LastChangedBy: alistair $ % $LastChangedDate: 2012-08-25 00:44:01 -0400 (Sat, 25 Aug 2012) $ % $Revision: 153 $ % Originally written on GLNXA64 by Alistair Johnson, 15-May-2012 11:25:16 % Contact: %=== Calculate model predictions pred = NicForest_apply_quick(model , X ); end