function [ FI ] = NicForest_FeatureImportance(f_out,xtrain,xtest) %NICFOREST_FEATUREIMPORTANCE Calculate feature importance for a given %ensemble model trained on xtrain. xtest must be an unused held-out data %set. % % [ FI ] = NicForest_FeatureImportance(f_out,xtrain,xtest) calculates % the feature importance as determined by the utility of its % contributions in the ensemble of forests. % % Inputs: % f_out - Bayesian ensemble output of NicForest_train % xtrain - Training data used for forests % xtest - Data not used in the training of forests % % % Outputs: % FI - 1xD feature importance values % % % Example % load PhysionetDataSetA % % xtrain=data(1:1500,:); % ytrain=outcome(1:1500); % xtest=data(1501:end,:); % ytest=outcome(1501:end); % % load forest.mat % [ fi ] = NicForest_FeatureImportance(forests,xtrain,xtest); % % See also NICFOREST_TRAIN APPLY_TREE TIEDRANKRELATIVE % $LastChangedBy: alistair $ % $LastChangedDate: 2012-05-30 12:21:30 +0100 (Wed, 30 May 2012) $ % $Revision: 21 $ % Originally written on GLNXA64 by Alistair Johnson, 09-May-2012 14:58:24 % Contact: forests = f_out.forests; %=== Rank test set according to train set xtest_rk = tiedrankrelative([xtest;xtrain],... [false(size(xtest,1),1);true(size(xtrain,1),1)]); xtest_rk = xtest_rk(1:size(xtest,1),:); %=== Calculate number of non-missing values in each feature and symmetrize NaNNbr = sum( ~isnan(xtrain) , 1) + 1; %=== Determine number of trees NTrees = size(forests,3)-1; % feature importance FI = zeros(size(xtest)); for i=1:size(forests,1) for j=1:NTrees FI(:,forests(i,3,j)) = FI(:,forests(i,3,j)) + apply_tree( forests(i,:,j) , xtest_rk , NaNNbr ); end if mod(i,10)==0 fprintf('%2.2f%% complete.\n',i/size(forests,1)*100); end end FI = std(FI,[],1); end