function [ data ] = pnImputeField(data, field) %PNIMPUTEFEATURE Impute a feature into the data cell % [ stat ] = pnImputeFeature(data) % % Inputs: % data - Cell array of data. % Column 1 - Subject IDs % Column 2 - Time stamp vectors for each subject % Column 3 - Feature name vectors for each subject % Column 4 - Data value vectors for each subject % % field - Cell array of identical format to data. However, % there should only be one type of feature. % % Outputs: % data - Cell array of data with feature imputed at the correct % time locations. % % Example % bpath = './set-a/'; % data = pnLoadTextFilesCell(bpath); % field = pnBodySurface(data); % data = pnImputeField(data,field); % % See also PNEXTRACTFIELD PNGENERATEFEATURES % References: % Physionet Challenge 2012 % Copyright 2012 Alistair Johnson % $LastChangedBy: alistair $ % $LastChangedDate: 2012-06-04 15:40:13 -0400 (Mon, 04 Jun 2012) $ % $Revision: 28 $ % Originally written on GLNXA64 by Alistair Johnson, 09-May-2012 11:52:57 % Contact: if nargin<2 error('2 arguments required.'); end if ~iscell(field) || ... size(field,1) ~= size(data,1) || size(field,2) ~= size(data,2) error('Field must be a cell array of equal size to data'); end N = size(data,1); for k=1:N f_t = field{k,2}; % field time d_t = data{k,2}; % data time %=== Sort field time into data time t = [f_t;d_t]; [t,idxSort] = sort(t,1,'ascend'); idxSortNew = idxSort <= numel(f_t); idxSortF = find(idxSortNew==1); idxSortD = find(idxSortNew==0); %=== Preallocate space for new values etc M = numel(t); % Number of recordings for the observation v = zeros(M,1); % values l = cell(M,1); % labels %=== Combine values v(idxSortF) = field{k,4}; v(idxSortD) = data{k,4}; %=== Combine labels l(idxSortF) = field{k,3}; l(idxSortD) = data{k,3}; %=== Push to output data{k,2} = t; data{k,3} = l; data{k,4} = v; end end