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Patient notes are recorded in the noteevents table. The relationships are shown in Figure 2.12.

Figure 2.12: Patient notes/reports are stored in the noteevents table.
Image Noteevents

During the course of the patient stay in the ICU, free text ``notes'' are produced by the hospital staff. Nurses typically write ``nursing notes'', a summary of events which occurred during their shift period. When the patient is discharged from the hospital, the responsible physician dictates a summary of the entire hospitalization period, known as the ``discharge summary''. These reports are recorded in the MIMIC II database.

Progress or Nursing notes and discharge summaries are stored in the noteevents table and are linked to patients through the Subject_ID. Notes are linked to care_givers and care_units through their unique identifiers. The noteevent table also contains relevant meta-data such as the data and time of entry and various other categories and IDs. A sample discharge summary has been shown previously, in Section 1.7. The data is free text and can contain anything entered by the nurse.

The noteevents table also contains reports from various diagnostic tests. Reports from X-rays, echos and ECGs are found in the noteevents table. The table also contains relevant meta-data such as the data and time of entry and various other categories and IDs.

Figure 2.13 shows a sample radiology report. The data is free text and contains information obtained from radiology.

Figure 2.13: Sample radiology report. The text field of the radiology report table contains information obtained from radiology.
Image sample_radiology_report

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djscott 2011-09-07