This repository contains the timestamps and human-annotated truth of asystole and ventricular tachycardia alarms in the MIMIC-II waveform database, as well as human-annotated signal quality of ECG leads, arterial blood pressure, and photoplethysmograms around the alarms. You can load the waveforms using the WFDB software. For a quick view, you can also use the PhysioNet ATM. There are 349 asystole and 1088 vtach alarms. "vtach_data.mat" and "asys_data.mat" contain: subList - waveform record IDs times_hms - timestamp of the alarm in elapsed time since the beginning of the record times_sec - timestamp of the alarm in the number of seconds since the beginning of the record "final_vtach_als.mat" and "final_asys_als.mat" contain alarm truths. The annotations are coded as follows: 0 - False 1 - True 2 - Not sure "final_vtachs.mat" and "final_asystoles.mat" contain signal quality data. Each signal type is a separate vector. The annotations are coded as follows: 0 - Bad signal quality 1 - Good signal quality 2 - Signal is absent 3 - Maybe usable