function DrawSelections % DrawSelections.m % Author: Alexander Khaustov; alexander dot khaustov at gmail dot com % Copyright (C) 2008 St.-Petersburg Institute of Cardiological Technics (Incart), % This software is released under the terms of the GNU General % Public License ( % % Draws current beat (the one before the cursor in the ecg window) vs % MMA average on previous and current interval global TWARes graph lead CurResIndex Align ecg hg = [graph(4) graph(5)]; for i = 1:2 subplot(hg(i)); cla; hold on; if (CurResIndex == 1) prev_qs_avg = Align.qs_templ(:, lead); prev_st_avg = Align.st_templ(:, lead); else prev_qs_avg = TWARes.res(CurResIndex - 1).Avg(i, lead).qs_avg; prev_st_avg = TWARes.res(CurResIndex - 1).Avg(i, lead).st_avg; end; ist = length(prev_qs_avg) + 10; indices_st = ist:(ist + length(prev_st_avg) - 1); % ecg used to update average global CurQRS ind = CurQRS; ev_odd = mod(ind, 2) + 1; h(1) = 0; if (ev_odd == i) % for ind = TWARes.res(CurResIndex).StartQRSInd:TWARes.res(CurResIndex).EndQRSInd h(1) = plot(ecg(Align.fidQRS(ind) - Align.q2f : Align.fidQRS(ind) + Align.f2s, lead) - Align.amp(ind, lead)); plot(indices_st, ecg(Align.fid(ind) + Align.f2s : Align.fid(ind) + Align.f2s +, lead) - Align.amp(ind, lead)); % end; end; % the interval started and finished with these h(2) = plot(prev_qs_avg, 'r'); h(3) = plot(TWARes.res(CurResIndex).Avg(i, lead).qs_avg, 'g'); plot(indices_st, prev_st_avg, 'r'); plot(indices_st, TWARes.res(CurResIndex).Avg(i, lead).st_avg, 'g') % point of maximum alternans x = TWARes.res(CurResIndex).VAltPt(lead) + ist - 1; plot([x x], get(gca, 'YLim'), 'm'); if (h(1)) legend(h, 'curr beat', 'prev avg', 'curr avg', 2); else legend(h(2:3), 'prev avg', 'curr avg', 2); end; end; return;