function DrawText % DrawText.m % Author: Alexander Khaustov; alexander dot khaustov at gmail dot com % Copyright (C) 2008 St.-Petersburg Institute of Cardiological Technics (Incart), % This software is released under the terms of the GNU General % Public License ( % % Displays TWA SM results as text global stext TWARes Param lead Align if (strcmp(Param.Metric, 'SM')) names = cellstr({'lomb', 'replace', 'differences'}); s = ''; ind = 1; for i = 1:length(names) if (~isfield(TWARes, names{i}) || isempty(TWARes.(names{i}).significant)) continue; end; s = [names{i} ': ']; noAlt = false; if (sum(TWARes.(names{i}).significant) > 0) significants = find(TWARes.(names{i}).significant); s = [s sprintf('Maximum alternans = %.2f mcV', max(TWARes.(names{i}).VAlt(significants)))]; else noAlt = true; s = [s 'No significant alternans value in the file']; end; if (~Align.validleads(lead)) s = [s sprintf('; lead %d is too noisy', lead)]; elseif (TWARes.(names{i}).VAlt(lead)) s = [s sprintf('; Alternans in lead %d = %.2f mCV, ratio = %.2f', lead, TWARes.(names{i}).VAlt(lead), TWARes.(names{i}).Ratio(lead))]; else s = [s sprintf('; No positive alternans value in lead %d', lead)]; end; set(stext(ind), 'String', s); ind = ind + 1; end; else if (isempty(TWARes)) return; end; global CurResIndex if (TWARes.successfull) s = sprintf('Maximum alternans = %.2f mcV; Alternans in lead %d, interval %d = %.2f mCV', max(max(TWARes.VAltTrend)), ... lead, CurResIndex, TWARes.res(CurResIndex).VAlt(lead)); else s = 'The MMA analysis was unsuccessfull'; end; set(stext, 'String', s); end; return;