function res = ReadSignalFromWFDB(varargin) % ReadSignalFromWFDB.m % Author: Alexander Khaustov; alexander dot khaustov at gmail dot com % Copyright (C) 2008 St.-Petersburg Institute of Cardiological Technics (Incart), % This software is released under the terms of the GNU General % Public License ( % % Reads a record in WFDB format % % varargin{1}: record name % varargin{2}: (optional) number of samples to read % varargin{3}: (optional) sample number of the first sample to read global ecg s q qs stend freq tend res = 0; if ~nargin [fname, pathname] = uigetfile('*.*'); if ~fname return; end; res = ReadSignalFromWFDB(strtok(fname, '.')); return; end; record = varargin{1}; hea = WFDB_isigopen(record); for i = 1:length(hea) if ~hea(i).gain hea(i).gain = 200; end; end; % modified by Shamim to include NSAMP and TSTART if (nargin > 3) NSAMP = varargin{3}; TSTART = varargin{4}; else TSTART =0; NSAMP = hea(1).nsamp; % assuming all channels have the same number of samples! end a = WFDB_Anninfo(1); = 'pu'; if nargin > 1 = varargin{2}; end; WFDB_annopen(record, a); WFDB_iannsettime(TSTART); ann = WFDB_getann(0); freq = WFDB_sampfreq(record); ecg = WFDB_getvec(length(hea),NSAMP, TSTART); WFDB_wfdbquit; ecg = (ecg - repmat([hea(:).baseline],NSAMP,1))./repmat([hea(:).gain]/1000,NSAMP,1); % convert to mCV s=[]; tend=[]; q=[]; qs = []; stend = []; qlatest = -1; % [q,q_amp,r,r_amp,s,s_amp,t,t_amp,tend,hr] = QRSTdetect(ecg(:,1),freq); % only based on the first channel % qs = s-q; % stend = tend - s(1:length(tend)); %This loops extracts all s, q, qs length, end of T waves, and s to end of T length %39 = Waveform onset, 40 = Waveform end, ... WFDB_anndesc(39) % Modified by Shamim i=1; while(i<=length(ann) && ann(i).time<=TSTART+NSAMP) % Adjust the annotation time index ann(i).time = ann(i).time - TSTART; if (ann(i).num == 1 && ann(i).anntyp == 39 && ann(i).chan == 0) if ann(i).time <= size(ecg, 1) %q(length(q) + 1) = ann(i).time; qlatest = ann(i).time; end; % 40 = Waveform end elseif (ann(i).num == 1 && ann(i).anntyp == 40 && ann(i).chan == 0) if ann(i).time <= size(ecg, 1) if (qlatest ~= -1 && (isempty(s) || qlatest > s(length(s)))) s(length(s) + 1) = ann(i).time; q(length(s)) = qlatest; qs(length(qs) + 1) = s(length(s)) - q(length(q)); end; %see if valid st is availiable for previous s if (length(s) > 1) if (isempty(tend) || tend(length(tend)) < s(length(s) - 1)) stend(length(stend) + 1) = 0; else stend(length(stend) + 1) = tend(length(tend)) - s(length(s) - 1); end; end; end; elseif (ann(i).num == 2 && ann(i).anntyp == 40 && ann(i).chan == 0) if ann(i).time <= size(ecg, 1) tend(length(tend) + 1) = ann(i).time; end; end; i=i+1; end; %ann = ann(1:i-1); %see if valid st is availiable for the last s if (length(tend) && tend(length(tend)) > s(length(s))) stend(length(stend) + 1) = tend(length(tend)) - s(length(s)); end; res = 1; return;