function [TWARes, Align] = TWASpectral(ecg, Align) % TWASpectral.m % Author: Alexander Khaustov; alexander dot khaustov at gmail dot com % Copyright (C) 2008 St.-Petersburg Institute of Cardiological Technics (Incart), % This software is released under the terms of the GNU General % Public License ( % % TWA by Spectral Method on a given interval % INPUT: % ecg ecg signal (could be multiple channels) % Align alignment structure produced by AlignBeats % Note the following definitions: % num_of_beats is the length of the analysis window, typically 128 beats % num_of_leads is the number of ECG leads % num_of_timepoints is the length of the Q-Tend complex % % OUTPUT: % TWARes: structure containing the fields: % alt_series TWA sequence array % avg_even (num_of_timepoints x num_of_leads): time average of even beats % avg_odd (num_of_timepoints x num_of_leads): time average of odd beats % psd (num_of_beats/2+1 x num_of_leads x num_of_timepoints): psd of timepoints within Q-Tend % lomb (num_of_beats/2+1 x num_of_leads x num_of_timepoints): lomb psd of timepoints within Q-Tend % avg_psd (num_of_beats/2+1 x num_of_leads): average psd across all timepoints in Q-Tend % significant (1 x num_of_leads): 1 if the alternans value is statistically significant against the Param.RatioThreshold in the lead and 0 otherwise % VAlt (1 x num_of_leads): % Ratio (1 x num_of_leads): % % ecg: num_of_samples x number_of_leads global Param TWARes = []; if ~isempty(strfind(Param.MethodForEctopy, 'lomb')) TWARes.lomb.successfull = false; end; if ~isempty(strfind(Param.MethodForEctopy, 'replace')) TWARes.replace.successfull = false; end; if ~isempty(strfind(Param.MethodForEctopy, 'differences')) TWARes.differences.successfull = false; end; for lead = 1:size(ecg, 2) if (~Align.validleads(lead)) continue; end; if ~isempty(strfind(Param.MethodForEctopy, 'lomb')) [TWARes.lomb.at_lead(lead).series(:, :), TWARes.lomb.at_lead(lead).times] = ... CalcAltSeriesForLomb(ecg(:, lead), Align.fid + Align.f2s, Align.amp(:, lead),, Align.valid(:, lead)); global beats len = beats; f = [0:len / 2] / len; for timept = 1:size(TWARes.lomb.at_lead(lead).series, 2) a = detrend(TWARes.lomb.at_lead(lead).series(:, timept)); [b, prob] = lomb(TWARes.lomb.at_lead(lead).times', a, f); TWARes.lomb.psd(:, lead, timept) = b * sum(a .* a) / sum(b) / length(a); % normalization to equal energy with simply psd end; end; names = cellstr({'replace', 'differences'}); for i = 1:length(names) if ~isempty(strfind(Param.MethodForEctopy, names{i})) [TWARes.(names{i}).at_lead(lead).series(:, :), ae, ao] = ... CalcAltSeries(ecg(:, lead), Align.fid + Align.f2s, Align.amp(:, lead),, Align.valid(:, lead), i == 2); if ~isempty(ae) TWARes.(names{i}).avg_even(:, lead) = ae; TWARes.(names{i}).avg_odd(:, lead) = ao; end; [TWARes.(names{i}).psd(:, lead, :)] = CalcPSD(squeeze(TWARes.(names{i}).at_lead(lead).series(:, :)), i == 2); end; end; names = cellstr({'lomb', 'replace', 'differences'}); for i = 1:length(names) if ~isfield(TWARes, names{i}) continue; end; TWARes.(names{i}).avg_psd(:, lead) = CalcAvgPSD(squeeze(TWARes.(names{i}).psd(:, lead, :))); [TWARes.(names{i}).significant(lead) TWARes.(names{i}).VAlt(lead) TWARes.(names{i}).Ratio(lead)] = CalcValues(TWARes.(names{i}).avg_psd(:, lead)); if (TWARes.(names{i}).significant(lead) && TWARes.(names{i}).Ratio(lead) > 3) TWARes.(names{i}).successfull = true; end; end; end; return; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%