function D3M_3Dfun(RR,videoname, foldername, T, Tshift, step) % D3M-3Dfun(RR) - creates 2D contour & 3D surface D-3M movie frames % % input --> RR: two-column matrix containing % in the first column the time instants of the R peaks (in s) % in the second column the RR intervals (in s) % videoname: string containing the name for the % video % foldername (optional): string containing the name of the % folder where the frames will be saved % T (default=10): time interval to display in one frame (in min) % Tshift (default=1): time shift between frames (in min) % step (default=0.00015): step between plot contour lines % % Developed by A Burykin (, L Citi, % MD Costa and AL Goldberger % and modified by S Mariani ( % Wyss Institute at Harvard % when using this function, please reference: Burykin, Anton et al. % "Dynamical density delay maps: simple, new method for visualising % the behaviour of complex systems." BMC medical informatics and % decision making 14.1 (2014): 6. narginchk(2, 6); if (nargin>=3 && ~isempty (foldername)) % save frames in folder specified by user savepic=1; mkdir(foldername); else savepic=0; end if (nargin<4 || isempty (T)) % use default interval T=10; end if (nargin<5 || isempty (Tshift)) % use default shift Tshift=1; end if (nargin<6 || isempty (step)) % use default step step=0.00015; end vidObj = VideoWriter(videoname); vidObj.FrameRate = 10; open(vidObj); t=RR(:,1); t=t-t(1); t=t/60.0; % sec2min rr=RR(:,2); scrsz = get(0,'ScreenSize'); k1=1; k2=find(t>=T,1); lolim=min(RR(:,2)); hilim=max(RR(:,2)); k=1; while t(k2)<=t(end) t1=t(k1); t2=t(k2); t_disp=t(k1:k2); rr_disp=rr(k1:k2); y1=rr_disp(1:end-1); y2=rr_disp(2:end); figure [ctrs1, ctrs2, F, hAxes] = dscatter2(y1,y2,'PLOTTYPE','contour'); close fig1=figure('Position',... [0.05*scrsz(3) 0.05*scrsz(4) 0.8*scrsz(3) 0.89*scrsz(4)],... 'Color',[0 0 0]); colormap jet subplot(4,1,[1 2]) surf(ctrs1, ctrs2, F, 'FaceColor','interp',... 'EdgeColor','none',... 'FaceLighting','phong') xlim([0.5 1.4]) ylim([0.5 1.4]) colormap jet view(5,70) axis off subplot(4,1, 3) contour(ctrs1, ctrs2, F,'LineWidth',2,'LevelStep',step) view(5,89) colormap jet xlim([0.5 1.4]) ylim([0.5 1.4]) zlim([0.0 0.001]) axis off subplot(4,1,4) plot(t_disp,rr_disp,'r','LineWidth',2.5) xlim([(min(t_disp)-1) (max(t_disp)+2)]) ylim([0.5 1.4]) axis off % capture frame here Fr1=getframe(fig1); Im1=frame2im(Fr1); if savepic im_file=[foldername '/' int2str(k) '.bmp']; imwrite(Im1,im_file); end writeVideo(vidObj,Fr1); clear Fr1 Im1 Im1_map im_file; close(fig1); k1=find(t>=t1+Tshift,1); k2=find(t>=t2+Tshift,1); end close(vidObj);