classdef ECGtask_ECG_delineation_corrector < ECGtask % ECGtask for ECGwrapper (for Matlab) % --------------------------------- % % Description: % % Abstract class for defining ECGtask interface % % % Author: Mariano Llamedo Soria (llamedom at {;} % Version: 0.1 beta % Birthdate : 18/2/2013 % Last update: 18/2/2013 properties(GetAccess = public, Constant) name = 'ECG_delineation_corrector'; % Require the parent Wrapper object to this task target_units = 'Wrapper'; doPayload = true; end properties( GetAccess = public, SetAccess = private) % if user = memory; % memory_constant is the fraction respect to user.MaxPossibleArrayBytes % which determines the maximum input data size. % Size > 1 means that this task can handle big data structures, as % this case. memory_constant = realmax; started = false; end properties( Access = private, Constant) fig_hdl = 1; cAnnotationOutputFields = { 'Pon' 'P' 'Poff' 'QRSon' 'Q' 'R' 'S' 'QRSoff' 'Ton' 'T' 'Toff'}; end properties( Access = private ) end properties progress_handle caller_variable = 'payload'; tmp_path payload end methods function obj = ECGtask_ECG_delineation_corrector(obj) end function Start(obj, ECG_header, ECG_annotations) obj.started = true; end function payload = Process(obj, ECG, ECG_start_offset, ECG_sample_start_end_idx, ECG_header, ECG_annotations, ECG_annotations_start_end_idx ) payload = []; obj.progress_handle.hide() % if( ~obj.started ) % obj.Start(ECG_header); % if( ~obj.started ) % cprintf('*[1,0.5,0]', 'Task %s unable to be started for %s.\n',, ECG_header.recname); % return % end % end this_start_end = (ECG_sample_start_end_idx + ECG_start_offset - 1); aux_val = this_start_end ./ ECG_header.freq; % disp_string_title(1, sprintf( 'Correcting from %s to %s', Seconds2HMS(aux_val(1)), Seconds2HMS(aux_val(2)) ) ); if( isempty(obj.payload) ) Ann_struct2 = ECG_annotations; elseif( isstruct(obj.payload) ) if( isfield(obj.payload, 'series_quality') ) % previous cached results used as payload Ann_struct2 = obj.payload; else Ann_struct = obj.payload; AnnNames = {}; kk = 1; for delineator_name = rowvec(fieldnames(Ann_struct)) for lead_name = rowvec(fieldnames(Ann_struct.(delineator_name{1}))) for wave_name = rowvec(fieldnames(Ann_struct.(delineator_name{1}).(lead_name{1}))) if( strcmpi(wave_name{1}, 'qrs') ) aux_val2 = diff(Ann_struct.(delineator_name{1}).(lead_name{1}).qrs) * 1/ECG_header.freq; aux_val2 = [aux_val2(1); colvec(aux_val2) ]; bAux = Ann_struct.(delineator_name{1}).(lead_name{1}).qrs >= this_start_end(1) & Ann_struct.(delineator_name{1}).(lead_name{1}).qrs <= this_start_end(2); aux_str = [ wave_name{1} '_' lead_name{1} '_' delineator_name{1} ]; Ann_struct2.(aux_str).time = [ colvec(Ann_struct.(delineator_name{1}).(lead_name{1}).qrs(bAux) - ECG_start_offset + 1) colvec(aux_val2(bAux))]; AnnNames(kk,:) = { aux_str 'time' }; else switch(wave_name{1}) case 'Ptipo' % apply a scale factor to convert a categorical value (1:N) to an interval % of milliseconds. Then change the reference aux_val in order to deal with % the internal treatment of QRScorrector function. aux_val2 = Ann_struct.(delineator_name{1}).(lead_name{1}).(wave_name{1})*0.01; aux_val = Ann_struct.(delineator_name{1}).(lead_name{1}).P - aux_val2*ECG_header.freq; case 'Ttipo' aux_val2 = Ann_struct.(delineator_name{1}).(lead_name{1}).(wave_name{1})*0.01; aux_val = Ann_struct.(delineator_name{1}).(lead_name{1}).T - aux_val2*ECG_header.freq; otherwise aux_val2 = ( Ann_struct.(delineator_name{1}).(lead_name{1}).(wave_name{1}) - Ann_struct.(delineator_name{1}).(lead_name{1}).qrs ) * 1/ECG_header.freq; aux_val = Ann_struct.(delineator_name{1}).(lead_name{1}).qrs; end bAux = Ann_struct.(delineator_name{1}).(lead_name{1}).qrs >= this_start_end(1) & Ann_struct.(delineator_name{1}).(lead_name{1}).qrs <= this_start_end(2); aux_str = [ wave_name{1} '_' lead_name{1} '_' delineator_name{1} ]; Ann_struct2.(aux_str).time = [ colvec(aux_val(bAux) - ECG_start_offset + 1) colvec(aux_val2(bAux))]; AnnNames(kk,:) = { aux_str 'time' }; end kk = kk + 1; end end end [~, aux_idx] = sort(AnnNames(:,1)); AnnNames = AnnNames(aux_idx,:); % info about the series, requiered by the corrector % software. Ann_struct2.series_quality.AnnNames = AnnNames; Ann_struct2.series_quality.ratios = zeros(size(AnnNames,1),1); Ann_struct2.series_quality.estimated_labs = []; end else Ann_struct2 = []; end if( ~isempty(ECG_start_offset) || ECG_start_offset > 1) [~, iHours, iMins, iSeconds, iMilli ] = Seconds2HMS(ECG_start_offset/ECG_header.freq); ECG_header.btime = datestr([2014,1,1,iHours, iMins,iSeconds], 'HH:MM:SS'); end QRScorrector('ECG', ECG, 'QRS_annotations', Ann_struct2, 'Figure', figure(obj.fig_hdl) ); disp_string_framed('*Blue', 'User interaction required' ); aux_str = ['figure ' num2str(obj.fig_hdl) '']; aux_str2 = 'F5 (Run)'; fprintf(1, 'This ECGtask allow user interaction. Press [CTRL + G] in %s to save results and press %s to continue.\n', aux_str, aux_str2) keyboard % last chance to save results if( ishandle(obj.fig_hdl) && (isempty(payload) || ~isstruct(payload)) ) disp_string_framed('*[1,0.5,0]', 'Payload variable not saved' ); fprintf(1, 'Press [CTRL + G] in %s to save results and press %s to continue.\n', aux_str, aux_str2) keyboard if( ~isempty(payload) && isstruct(payload) ) % save work done, to further improve in following % invocations. disp_string_framed('*Magenta', 'Corrections saved' ); else disp_string_framed('*[1,0.5,0]', 'Data not saved' ); end else disp_string_framed('*Magenta', 'Corrections saved' ); end if(ishandle(obj.fig_hdl)) delete(obj.fig_hdl) end if(~(isempty(payload) || ~isstruct(payload))) % move QRS corrections according to the input offset for fn = rowvec(fieldnames(payload)) if( isfield(payload.(fn{1}), 'time' ) ) payload.(fn{1}).time = payload.(fn{1}).time + ECG_start_offset - 1; end end end end function payload = Finish(obj, payload, ECG_header) end function payload = Concatenate(obj, plA, plB) if( isempty(plA) ) payload = plB; else fields = rowvec(unique( [rowvec(fieldnames(plA)) rowvec(fieldnames(plB))] )); diff_fields = setdiff(fields, {'series_quality'}); for fn = diff_fields if( isfield(plA, fn{1}) && isfield(plB, fn{1}) ) payload.(fn{1}).time = [ colvec(plA.(fn{1}).time); colvec(plB.(fn{1}).time) ]; elseif( ~isfield(plA, fn{1}) && isfield(plB, fn{1}) ) payload.(fn{1}).time = colvec(plB.(fn{1}).time); end end aux_idx = find(strcmpi(fields, 'series_quality')); if( ~isempty(aux_idx) ) if( isfield(plA, 'series_quality') && isfield(plB, 'series_quality') ) payload.series_quality.ratios = [plA.series_quality.ratios plB.series_quality.ratios]; payload.series_quality.estimated_labs = cellfun(@(a,b)( [colvec(a);colvec(b)] ) , plA.series_quality.estimated_labs, plB.series_quality.estimated_labs, 'UniformOutput', false); payload.series_quality.AnnNames = plA.series_quality.AnnNames; end end end end %% property restriction functions end methods ( Access = private ) end end