%% (Internal) Create a string with the invocation of a function % % Example % % strAux = GetFunctionInvocation( funcName, args) % % Arguments: % % + funcName: Confusion matrix of n_classes x n_classes % % + args: a cell with the arguments used % % Output: % % + strAux the string with the function invocation. % % Example: % % strAux = GetFunctionInvocation(mfilename, varargin); % % See also a2hbc_main % % Author: Mariano Llamedo Soria llamedom@electron.frba.utn.edu.ar % Version: 0.1 beta % Last update: 14/5/2014 % Birthdate : 21/4/2015 % Copyright 2008-2015 function strAux = GetFunctionInvocation( funcName, args) strAux = sprintf( [ 'Invocation: ' funcName '(']); for ii = 1:length(args) if( ischar(args{ii}) ) strAux = [strAux sprintf('''%s''', args{ii})]; elseif(isempty(args{ii})) strAux = [strAux '[]']; elseif(isnumeric(args{ii})) if( max(size(args{ii})) < 10 ) strAux = [strAux sprintf( num2str(args{ii}))]; else strAux = [strAux '#BIG_NUMERIC_DATA#']; end elseif(islogical(args{ii})) if( args{ii} ) strAux = [strAux sprintf('true')]; else strAux = [strAux sprintf('false')]; end end strAux = [strAux sprintf(', ')]; end strAux = [strAux(1:end-2) ')' ];