function result = adjustedoutlyingness(x,varargin) %ADJUSTEDOUTLYINGNESS calculates the 'Skewness-Adjusted Outlyingness'. % The method searches for outliers in multivariate skewed data % (thus without assuming elliptical symmetric). % It is based on the outlyingness measure of Stahel and Donoho (1981, 1982) % and on the skewness-adjusted boxplot of Hubert and Vandervieren (2007). % % The Skewness-Adjusted Outlyingness is described in: % Hubert, M., and Van der Veeken, S. (2008), % "Outlier detection for skewed data", % Journal of Chemometrics, 22, 235-246. % % The method can be useful as preprocessing in % FASTICA (, see % % Brys, G., Hubert, M., and Rousseeuw, P.J. (2005), % "A Robustification of Independent Component Analysis", % Journal of Chemometrics, 19, 364-375. % % % Required input arguments: % x : Data matrix (rows=observations, columns=variables) % % Optional input arguments: % ndir : Number of directions in which de outlyingness will be computed % (default = 250*number of variables) % classic : If equal to one, the classical Stahel Donoho outlyingness is % calculated as well (default = 0) % % When the number of observations n is sufficiently large compared to the % dimension p, i.e. when n > 5*p, directions are generated orthogonal to the % hyperplane through p random observations. The adjusted outlyingness is % then affine invariant. When n is small compared to p, we take random % directions through two data points. This procedure is orthogonal % invariant. % % I/O: % result=adjustedoutlyingness(x,'ndir',250); % % Example: % x = [chi2rnd(2,1000,1) trnd(3,1000,1)]; % x(1:10,:) = mvnrnd([-2 -3],eye(2)/10,10); % result = adjustedoutlyingness(x); % % The output of ADJUSTEDOUTLYINGNESS is a structure containing: % result.adjout : skewness-adjusted outlyingness values for all observations % result.cutoff : cutoff value for the AO-values % result.flag : The observations whose AO-value exceeds the cutoff value can be % considered as outliers and receive a flag equal to zero. The regular observations % receive a flag 1. % result.classic : If the input argument 'classic' is equal to one, this structure % contains results of the classical analysis: % .outl: Stahel-Donoho outlyingness for all observations % .cutoff: cutoff value for the outlyingness values. % .flag: The observations whose outlyingness exceeds the cutoff receive flag zero, the others receive flag 1. % % This function is part of LIBRA: the Matlab Library for Robust Analysis, % available at: % % % Written by Guy Brys, Mia Hubert, Stephan Van der Veeken, Tim Verdonck % Last Update: 09/06/2008 if (nargin<1) error('Input matrix x is required'); end [n,p]=size(x); counter=1; default=struct('ndir',250*p,'a',-4,'b',3,'classic',0); list=fieldnames(default); result=default; IN=length(list); i=1; %reading the user's input if nargin>1 % %placing inputfields in array of strings % for j=1:nargin-1 if rem(j,2)~=0 chklist{i}=varargin{j}; i=i+1; end end % %Checking which default parameters have to be changed % and keep them in the structure 'result'. % while counter<=IN index=strmatch(list(counter,:),chklist,'exact'); if ~isempty(index) %in case of similarity for j=1:nargin-1 %searching the index of the accompanying field if rem(j,2)~=0 %fieldnames are placed on odd index if strcmp(chklist{index},varargin{j}) I=j; end end end result=setfield(result,chklist{index},varargin{I+1}); index=[]; end counter=counter+1; end end ndir=result.ndir; a=result.a; b=result.b; classic=result.classic; if (ndir<=0) error('The number of directions should be positive.'); end if isempty(ndir) ndir=250*p; end % a and b must be numeric scalars, classic should be a binary variable if isempty(a) a = -4; elseif ~isscalar(a) || ~isnumeric(a) error('The ''a'' parameter value must be a numeric scalar.'); end if isempty(b) b = 3; elseif ~isscalar(b) || ~isnumeric(b) error('The ''b'' parameter value must be a numeric scalar.'); end if isempty(classic) classic = 0; elseif ~isscalar(classic) || ~ismember(classic,0:1) error('Invalid value for ''classic'' parameter.'); end if n>5*p B=[]; for i =1:ndir xx = randperm(n); P = x(xx(1:p),:); if (rank(P)==p) B = [B ; (P\ones(p,1))']; end end else B=twopoints(x,ndir,0); end for i=1:size(B,1) Bnorm(i)=norm(B(i,:),2); end Bnormr=Bnorm(Bnorm > 1.e-12); B=B(Bnorm > 1.e-12,:); A=diag(1./Bnormr)*B; %Looking in ndir directions for skewness-adjusted outlyingness Y=x*A'; [n,p]=size(Y); YZ=zeros(n,p); tmc = mc(Y); h=find(abs(tmc)==1); if(sum(h)>1) error('There are too many ties in the data. The adjusted outlyingness can not be computed.') end tme = median(Y); tiq = iqr(Y); s=find(tiq==0); if(sum(s)>1) error('There are too many ties in the data. The adjusted outlyingness can not be computed.') end tp1 = prctile(Y,25); tp3 = prctile(Y,75); if (tmc>=0) tup = (tp3+1.5*exp(b*tmc).*tiq)-tme;%3 tlo = tme-(tp1-1.5*exp(a*tmc).*tiq);%-4 else tup = (tp3+1.5*exp(-a*tmc).*tiq)-tme;%4 tlo = tme-(tp1-1.5*exp(-b*tmc).*tiq);%-3 end for k = 1:p ttup = sort(-Y(Y(:,k)<(tup(k)+tme(k)),k)); tup(k) = -ttup(1)-tme(k); ttlo = sort(Y(Y(:,k)>(tme(k)-tlo(k)),k)); tlo(k) = tme(k)-ttlo(1); end tmp = ((Y>=repmat(tme,n,1)).*(repmat(tup,n,1)) + (Y0 cutoff = prctile(adjout,75)+1.5*exp(b*mcadjout)*iqr(adjout); else cutoff = prctile(adjout,75)+1.5*iqr(adjout); end ttup=sort(-adjout(adjout1) error('There are too many ties in the data. The Stahel-Donoho outlyingness can not be computed.') end clYZ=abs((Y-repmat(tme,n,1)))./repmat(umad,n,1); classout=max(clYZ,[],2); %classical chi-square cutoff and flag quant=chi2inv(0.99,size(x,2)); classcutoff=sqrt(quant); classflag=(classout<=classcutoff); classic=struct('outl',classout,'cutoff',classcutoff,'flag',classflag); end %Putting things together result = struct('adjout',adjout,'cutoff',cutoff,'flag',flag,'classic',classic);