function [] = clusplot(x,ncluv) %CLUSPLOT creates a bivariate plot visualizing a partition (clustering) % of the data. All observations are represented by points in the plot, % using principal components or multidimensional scaling. Around each % cluster an ellipse is drawn. % %The algorithm is fully described in: % Pison, G., Struyf, A., and Rousseeuw, P.J. (1999), % "Displaying a clustering with CLUSPLOT", % Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, % 30, 381-392. % % Required input arguments: % x : Data matrix (rows = observations, columns = variables) % All variables need to be numeric. % Dissimilarity matrix (if input is vector) % ncluv : Cluster membership for each observation (mostly % as been found by PAM, FANNY or CLARA) % % I/O: % result=clusplot(x,ncluv) % % Example (subtracted from the referenced paper) % load ruspini.mat % result=pam(ruspini,4,[4 4]); % clusplot(ruspini,result.ncluv); % clusplot(result.dys,result.ncluv); % % The output of CLUSPLOT is a figure containing the data % (possibly plotted in a lower dimension) and ellipses % surrounding the clusters. % % This function is part of LIBRA: the Matlab Library for Robust Analysis, % available at: % % % Written by Guy Brys (May 2006) close all span=1; xgrp=double(ncluv); if (isempty(x)) error('The input matrix must be non-empty'); elseif ((size(x,1)==1) | (size(x,2)==1)) if (size(x,1)==1) x = x'; end %Dissimilarities given if (sum(isnan(x))~=0) error('Missing values not allowed in the dissimilarity vector'); end %We assume x to be a vector of dissimilarities n = (1+sqrt(1+8*size(x,1)))/2; x1 = zeros(n,n); indexcol = 0; for i=1:(n-1) indexcol = [indexcol ; (max(indexcol)-i+1)+repmat(i,(n-i),1)+[i:(n-1)]']; end indexcol=indexcol(2:length(indexcol))'; x1(indexcol) = x; x1 = x1+x1'; addc = sclprc(x1,length(ncluv),1); [evec,eiga] = eig(addc); eiga = eiga(1:2,1:2); evec = evec(:,1:2); points = -evec*sqrt(eiga); if (sum(eiga<0)>0) error('There are non-positive eigenvalues'); end plotgrp(points(:,1),points(:,2),xgrp); set(gcf,'Position',[340 150 720 460]); title(sprintf('CLUSPLOT (the %d components explain %5.2f percent of the point variability)',2,max(0,min(100,100*sum(sum(eiga))/sum(diag(addc)))))) hold on xplot = points elseif (size(x,2)==2) plotgrp(x(:,1),x(:,2),xgrp); set(gcf,'Position',[340 150 720 460]); hold on xplot = x; else %Real data given if ((sum((sum(isnan(x))==size(x,1)))>0) | (sum((sum(isnan(x'))==size(x,2)))>0)) error('A variable or observation contains only missing values'); end indexnan = find(isnan(x)); for i=indexnan x(i) = median(x(isnan(x(:,ceil(i/size(x,1))))~=1,ceil(i/size(x,1)))); end R = cpca(x,'k',2,'plots',0); R.T(:,2) = -R.T(:,2); plotgrp(R.T(:,1),R.T(:,2),xgrp); set(gcf,'Position',[340 150 720 460]); title(sprintf('CLUSPLOT (the %d components explain %5.2f percent of the point variability)',2,100*sum(R.L)/sum(var(x)))) hold on xplot = R.T; end k = double(max(ncluv)); for i=1:k x1 = xplot(ncluv==i,:); if (rank(cov(x1))==2) if (span==1) x2 = [repmat(1,size(x1,1),1) x1]; [clsqdi,clprob,clstop] = spannc(x2); [B(i,:) A(:,:,i)] = weightmecov_new(x1,max(0,clprob)); D(i) = sqrt(weightmecov_new(clsqdi',max(0,clprob))); elseif (span==0) B(i,:) = mean(x1); A(:,:,i) = cov(x1); D(i) = sqrt(max(libra_mahalanobis(x1,B(i,:),'cov',A(:,:,i)))); D(i) = D(i)+0.01*D(i); end elseif (rank(cov(x1))~=2) if (span==1) D(i) = 1; if ((sum(x1(:,1)~=x1(1,1))~=0) | (sum(x1(:,2)~=x1(1,2))~=0)) B(i,:) = [min(x1(:,1))+(max(x1(:,1))-min(x1(:,1)))/2 min(x1(:,2))+(max(x1(:,2))-min(x1(:,2)))/2]; aa = sqrt((B(i,1)-min(x1(:,1)))^2+(B(i,2)-min(x1(:,2)))^2); if (sum(x1(:,1)~=x1(1,1))~=0) [maxx1,ind1] = max(x1(:,1)); [minx1,ind2] = min(x1(:,1)); qq = atan((x1(ind1,2)-x1(ind2,2))/(maxx1-minx1)); bb = 0; else qq = pi/2; bb = 0; end A(:,:,i) = [cos(qq) sin(qq) ; -sin(qq) cos(qq)]*[aa^2 0 ; 0 bb^2]*[cos(qq) -sin(qq) ; sin(qq) cos(qq)]; else aa = (max(x1(:,1))-min(x1(:,1)))/90; bb = (max(x1(:,2))-min(x1(:,2)))/70; aa = aa+(aa==0); bb = bb+(bb==0); A(:,:,i) = [aa^2 0 ; 0 bb^2]; B(i,:) = x1(1,:); end else D(i) = 1; if (((max(x1(:,1))-min(x1(:,1)))>(max(x(:,1))-min(x(:,1)))/70) | ((max(x1(:,2))-min(x1(:,2)))>(max(x(:,2))-min(x(:,2)))/50)) B(i,:) = [min(x1(:,1))+(max(x1(:,1))-min(x1(:,1)))/2 min(x1(:,2))+(max(x1(:,2))-min(x1(:,2)))/2]; aa = sqrt((B(i,1)-min(x1(:,1)))^2+(B(i,2)-min(x1(:,2)))^2); aa = aa+0.05*aa; if ((max(x1(:,1))-min(x1(:,1)))>(max(x(:,1))-min(x(:,1)))/70) [maxx1,ind1] = max(x1(:,1)); [minx1,ind2] = min(x1(:,1)); qq = atan((x1(ind1,2)-x1(ind2,2))/(maxx1-minx1)); if (min(x(:,2))==max(x(:,2))) bb = 1; else if ((max(x1(:,2))-min(x1(:,2)))>(max(x(:,2))-min(x(:,2)))/50) bb = (max(x1(:,2))-min(x1(:,2)))/10; else bb = (max(x(:,2))-min(x(:,2)))/40; end end else if (min(x(:,1))==max(x(:,1))) bb = 1; else bb = (max(x(:,1))-min(x(:,1)))/40; end qq = pi/2; end A(:,:,i) = [cos(qq) sin(qq) ; -sin(qq) cos(qq)]*[aa^2 0 ; 0 bb^2]*[cos(qq) -sin(qq) ; sin(qq) cos(qq)]; else aa = (max(x(:,1))-min(x(:,1)))/90; bb = (max(x(:,2))-min(x(:,2)))/70; aa = aa+(aa==0); bb = bb+(bb==0); A(:,:,i) = [aa^2 0 ; 0 bb^2]; B(i,:) = x1(1,:); end end end posedges = ellipse(A(:,:,i),B(i,:),D(i)); patch(posedges(:,1),posedges(:,2),[0 0 0],'FaceColor','none') end hold off %------------ %SUBFUNCTIONS function [posedges] = ellipse(a,b,d) deta = a(1,1)*a(2,2)-a(1,2)^2; ylimit = sqrt(a(2,2))*d; y = -ylimit:(0.01*ylimit):ylimit; discr = sqrt((deta/(a(2,2)^2))*(a(2,2)*d^2-y.^2)); discr([1 length(discr)]) = 0; z = b(1)+(a(1,2)/a(2,2))*y; x1 = z-discr; x2 = z+discr; y = b(2)+y; posedges = [x1' y' ; x2(length(x2):-1:1)' y(length(y):-1:1)']; %--- function [] = plotgrp(x,y,ncluv) symb = ['+' 'o' 's' 'd' 'x' '*' '.' 'v']; k = max(ncluv); if (k<=8) for i=1:k plot(x(ncluv==i),y(ncluv==i),symb(i)); hold on end else error('Too many groups'); end %--- function [wmean,wcov]=weightmecov_new(data,weights) [n,nvar] = size(data); if (~(isempty(find(weights<0)))) error('The weights are negative'); end if size(weights,1)==1 weights=weights'; end wmean=sum(diag(weights/sum(weights))*data); wcov=((data - repmat(wmean,n,1))'*diag(weights)*(data - repmat(wmean,n,1)))/(1-sum(weights.^2));