function result = cvRpcr(x,y,kmax,rmsecv,h,k) %CVRPCR calculates the robust RMSECV (root mean squared error of cross-validation) curve % for RPCR or the robust RMSEP (root mean squared error of prediction) value in a fast way. % The R-RMSECV curve can be used to make a selection of the optimal number of % components to include in the regression model. The function is used in rpcr.m. % % Input arguments: % x : the explanatory variables % y : the response variables % kmax : the maximal number of components to be considered in the model. % rmsecv : Optional. If equal to 1 (default), the rmsecv is computed. % Else, rmsecv = 0 and then the rss and R2 are computed. % h : the quantile used in RPCR % k : optional, if equal to zero (default), the RMSECV is calculated. % If different from 0, the RMSEP value is calculated. % Output: % If rmsecv = 1 % result.rmsecv : the r-rmsecv values (only if the RMSECV is computed) % result.rmsep : the rmsep value (only if RMSEP is computed) % result.residu : the residuals for every k = 1,...,kmax % result.outWeights : the fixed weights used in the robust version of the RMSE. % result.R2 : the coefficient of determination for every k. % result.rss : the RSS values for every k. % % This function is part of LIBRA: the Matlab Library for Robust Analysis, % available at: % % % Written by Sanne Engelen % Last Update: 08/10/2004, 03/07/2006 % Last Revision: 03/07/2006 % some initialisations n = size(x,1); p = size(x,2); q = size(y,2); teller_if_lus = 0; cutoffWeights = sqrt(chi2inv(0.975,q)); if nargin < 4 alfa=0.75; h=floor(2*floor((n+kmax+2)/2)-n+2*(n-floor((n+kmax+2)/2))*alfa); k = 0; rmsecv = 1; elseif nargin == 4 alfa=0.75; h=floor(2*floor((n+kmax+2)/2)-n+2*(n-floor((n+kmax+2)/2))*alfa); k = 0; elseif nargin == 5 k = 0; end if q == 1 FixedWeights = weightscvLtsregres(x,y,kmax,h,k); else FixedWeights = weightscvMcdregres(x,y,kmax,h,k,cutoffWeights); end kmax=FixedWeights.kmax; if rmsecv weights = FixedWeights.weightsk; resrob = FixedWeights.resrob; if k == 0 w_min = FixedWeights.w_min; end if size(resrob.Hsubsets.H0,2)==1 resrob.Hsubsets.H0=resrob.Hsubsets.H0'; end Hsets = [FixedWeights.Hsets;resrob.Hsubsets.H0;resrob.Hsubsets.H1;resrob.Hsubsets.Hfreq]; for i = 1:n disp(['observation ',num2str(i),' is left out']) x_min_i = removal(x,i,0); y_min_i = removal(y,i,0); same.value = 0; if isempty(find(resrob.Hsubsets.H0 == i)) if teller_if_lus >= 1 same.value = 1; end teller_if_lus = teller_if_lus + 1; end % constructing Hsets of right size: h - 1. Hsets_min_i = RemoveObsHsets(Hsets,i); if k == 0 res = removeObsRobpca(x,i,kmax,Hsets_min_i,same,1); else res = removeObsRobpca(x,i,k,Hsets_min_i,same); end if isempty(find(resrob.Hsubsets.H0 == i)) same.res = res; end Prob_min_i = res.Pk_min_i; murob_min_i = res.muk_min_i; Tk_min_i = []; Lk_min_i = []; coeffk_min_i = []; if k == 0 j_ind = kmax; else j_ind = k; end Tkmax_min_i = (x_min_i - repmat(murob_min_i,n-1,1))*Prob_min_i(:,1:j_ind); if q == 1 [resLts2,rawLts2] = ltsregres(Tkmax_min_i,y_min_i,'plots',0,'Hsets',Hsets_min_i,'h',h-1); else if k == 0 Mcdres = mcdcov([Tkmax_min_i,y_min_i],'h',h-1,'plots',0,'Hsets',Hsets_min_i); % the full mcdregres is not needed, we only need the results of mcdcov. resMcd2.Mu ='; resMcd2.Sigma = Mcdres.cov; end end if k == 0 j_start1 = 1; j_end1 = kmax; else j_start1 = k; j_end1 = k; end for j = j_start1:j_end1 if k == 0 if q == 1 [Bk,intk,weightslts] = extractlts(rawLts2,x_min_i, y_min_i, murob_min_i, Prob_min_i,kmax,j,h-1,n-1); else Tk_min_i = (x_min_i - repmat(murob_min_i,n-1,1))*Prob_min_i(:,1:j); [Bk,intk,sigmayykmaxrew_k,sigmattkmaxrew_k] = extractmcdregres(resMcd2,Tk_min_i,y_min_i,kmax,n-1,q,j,h-1,cutoffWeights); coeffk = [Bk;intk]; end else if q == 1 Bk = resLts2.slope; intk =; weightslts = resLts2.flag; else resMcdregres = mcdregres(Tkmax_min_i,y_min_i,'Hsets',Hsets_min_i,'plots',0,'h',h-1); Bk = resMcdregres.slope; intk =; coeffk = [Bk;intk]; end end finalB = Prob_min_i(:,1:j)*Bk; finalInt = intk - murob_min_i*finalB; yhat_min_i = x(i,:)*finalB + finalInt; residk_min_i(i,(j - 1)*q + 1:j*q) = y(i,:) - yhat_min_i; % calculation of the resd: if q > 1 if k == 0 rewE2=sigmayykmaxrew_k-coeffk(1:j,1:q)'*sigmattkmaxrew_k*coeffk(1:j,1:q); cen=zeros(q,1); resd(i,j)=sqrt(libra_mahalanobis(residk_min_i(i,(j - 1)*q + 1:j*q),cen','cov',rewE2))'; %robust distances of residuals else resd(i,j) = sqrt(libra_mahalanobis(residk_min_i(i,(j - 1)*q + 1:j*q),zeros(q,1),'cov',resMcdregres.cov)); end else if k == 0 scale=sqrt(sum(weightslts.*residk_min_i(i,(j - 1)*q + 1:j*q).^2)/(sum(weightslts)-1)); resd(i,j) = residk_min_i(i,(j-1)*q + 1:j*q)/scale; else resd(i,j) = residk_min_i(i,(j-1)*q + 1:j*q)/resLts2.scale; end end end end if k == 0 for j = 1:kmax resk = residk_min_i(:,(j-1)*q + 1:j*q); if q == 1 rmsecv_min(j) = sqrt(1/sum(w_min)*w_min*(resk).^2); else rmsecv_min(j) = sqrt(1/sum(w_min)*w_min*(mean((resk').^2))'); end end result.rmsecv = rmsecv_min; result.residu = residk_min_i; else weights = weights(:,k); if q == 1 rmsep = sqrt(1/sum(weights)*weights'*(residk_min_i(:,k)).^2); else rmsep = sqrt(1/sum(weights)*weights'*(mean((residk_min_i(:,(k-1)*q + 1:k*q)').^2))'); end result.rmsep = rmsep; result.residu = residk_min_i(:,(k-1)*q + 1:k*q); end end result.outWeights = FixedWeights; result.rss = FixedWeights.rss; result.R2 = FixedWeights.R2; %------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Hsets_min_i = RemoveObsHsets(Hsets,i) % Removes the correct index from the $h$-subsets in Hsets to % obtain (h - 1)-subsets. % Every h-set is put as a row in Hsets. % i is the index of the observation that is removed from the whole data. for r = 1:size(Hsets,1) if ~isempty(find(Hsets(r,:)== i)) Hsets_min_i(r,:) = removal(Hsets(r,:),0,find(Hsets(r,:) == i)); else Hsets_min_i(r,:) = Hsets(r,1:(end-1)); end for j = 1:length(Hsets_min_i(r,:)) if Hsets_min_i(r,j) > i Hsets_min_i(r,j) = Hsets_min_i(r,j) - 1; end end end %------------------------------------------------------------------------ function out = weightscvLtsregres(x,y,kmax,h,k) % Computes the weights needed in the R-RMSECV function. % % Input arguments: % x : the independent variables % y : the response variables % kmax : the maximal number of components to be considered. % h : the number of observations on which the calculations are based. % k : if zero (default), the kmax approach is used (for RMSECV). % Else robpca is calculated for a specific k (for RMSEP). % % Output arguments: % if k = 0 (RMSECV): % out.w_min : the weights obtained by taking the minimum over all k % out.weightsk : the weights for every observation and every k (n x kmax). % out.resrob : the results of robpca on x for kmax components. % if k ~= 0 (RMSEP): % out.weightsk : the weights for a specific k % out.resrob : the results of robpca on x for k components. % out.R2 : the weighted Rsquared for each value of k % out.rss : the weighted rss for each value of k n = size(x,1); p = size(x,2); q = size(y,2); if nargin < 5 k = 0; end if k == 0 ResRobWhole = robpca(x,'plots',0,'kmax',kmax,'h',h,'k',kmax); else ResRobWhole = robpca(x,'plots',0,'kmax',kmax,'h',h,'k',k); end kmax = ResRobWhole.kmax; Trob = ResRobWhole.T; Mrob = ResRobWhole.M; Prob = ResRobWhole.P; HsetsH0 = ResRobWhole.Hsubsets.H0; HsetsH1 = ResRobWhole.Hsubsets.H1; HsetsHfreqrob = ResRobWhole.Hsubsets.Hfreq; [ResLtsWhole,RawLtsWhole]=ltsregres(Trob,y,'plots',0,'h',h); HsetsHfreq = ResLtsWhole.Hsubsets.Hfreq; if k == 0 j_start = 1; j_end = kmax; else j_start = k; j_end = k; end for j = j_start:j_end if k == 0 if j ~= kmax [Bk,intk,weightslts,HsetsHopt(j,:)] = extractlts(RawLtsWhole,x,y,Mrob,Prob,kmax,j,h,n); else [Bk,intk,weightslts] = extractlts(RawLtsWhole,x,y,Mrob,Prob,kmax,j,h,n); HsetsHopt(kmax,:) = ResLtsWhole.Hsubsets.Hopt'; end else Bk = ResLtsWhole.slope; intk =; weightslts = ResLtsWhole.flag; HsetsHopt = ResLtsWhole.Hsubsets.Hopt'; end coeffk=[Bk;intk]; finalB = Prob(:,1:j)*Bk; finalInt = intk - Mrob*finalB; fitted=x*finalB + repmat(finalInt,n,1); residuals(:,j)=y-fitted; scale=sqrt(sum(weightslts.*residuals(:,j).^2)/(sum(weightslts)-1)); s0=scale; weightsk(:,j)=abs(residuals(:,j)/scale)<=sqrt(chi2inv(0.975,1)); end % Determining fixed weights. if k == 0 if kmax == 1 w_min = weightsk'; else w_min = min(weightsk'); end out.w_min = w_min; yw = mean(y(w_min == 1,:)); y2=(y-repmat(yw,n,1)).^2; R = residuals.^2; D=sum(y2(w_min==1,:)); for j = 1:kmax R1=R(w_min==1,j); rss(j) = sum(sum(R1)); R2(j)=1-rss(j)/sum(D); end out.rss = 1/sum(w_min)*rss; out.R2 = R2; else yw = mean(y(weightsk(:,k) == 1,:)); y2=(y-repmat(yw,n,1)).^2; R = residuals.^2; D=sum(y2(weightsk(:,k)==1,:)); R1=R(weightsk(:,k)==1,:); rss(k) = sum(sum(R1)); R2(k)=1-rss(k)/sum(D); out.rss = 1/sum(weightsk(:,k))*rss(k); out.R2 = R2(k); end out.weightsk = weightsk; out.resrob = ResRobWhole; if size(HsetsH0,2)==1 HsetsH0=HsetsH0'; end out.kmax=kmax; out.Hsets = [HsetsHopt;HsetsHfreq;HsetsH0;HsetsH1;HsetsHfreqrob]; %----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function [Bk,intk,weightslts,Hopt] = extractlts(rawltskmax, x_min_i, y_min_i, murob_min_i, Prob_min_i,kmax,k,h,n) % This function extracts lts-regression coefficients for a certain k based on % the slope and intercept of the regression with kmax coefficients. % % Input arguments: % rawltskmax : the raw results of ltsregression with kmax components. % x_min_i : the regressors without observation i. % y_min_i : the dependent variable without observation i. % murob_min_i : the center estimated using robpca on the data minus observation i. % Prob_min_i : the loadings matrix estimated using robpca on the data minus observation i. % k : the number of components % % Output arguments: % Bk : the slope for k components. % intk : the intercept for k components. % weightslts : the weights needed for the reweighting. % Hopt : the optimal h-subset. Not availabe for kmax. j = k; coeffkraw_min_i = rawltskmax.coefficients; sloperaw = coeffkraw_min_i(1:j,:); intraw = coeffkraw_min_i(end,:); Tk_min_i = (x_min_i - repmat(murob_min_i,n,1))*Prob_min_i(:,1:j); % perform csteps on the raw estimates of the parameters: prevobj = 0; if j ~= kmax for noCsteps = 1:10 residu = y_min_i - Tk_min_i*sloperaw - repmat(intraw,n,1); [sortresid,indsr] = sort(residu.^2); obj = sum(sortresid(1:h)); [Q,R] = qr([Tk_min_i(indsr(1:h),:) ones(h,1)],0); z = R\(Q'*y_min_i(indsr(1:h),1)); sloperaw = z(1:j,:); intraw = z(j+1,:); if noCsteps >= 20 | abs(obj - prevobj) < 10^(-4) if noCsteps >= 20 disp('no convergence in Csteps') end break end prevobj = obj; end Hopt = indsr(1:h)'; end % reweighting: factor =rawconsfactorlts(h,n); residu = y_min_i - Tk_min_i*sloperaw - repmat(intraw,n,1); [sortresid,indsr] = sort(residu.^2); sh0 = sqrt(1/(h)*sum(sortresid(1:h))); s0 = sh0*factor; m = 2*(n)/asvarscalekwad((h),(n)); quantile = tinv(0.9875,m); weightslts = abs(residu/s0) <= quantile; [Q,R] = qr([Tk_min_i(weightslts == 1,:) ones(sum(weightslts),1)],0); z = R\(Q'*y_min_i(weightslts == 1)); Bk = z(1:j,:); intk = z(j+1,:); %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function out = weightscvMcdregres(x,y,kmax,h,k,cutoffWeights) % computes the weights needed in the R-PRESS function. % % Input arguments: % x : the independent variables % y : the response variables % kmax : the maximal number of components to be considered. % h : the number of observations on which the calculations are based. % k : if zero (default), the kmax approach is used then (for RMSECV). % Else robpca is calculated for a specific k (for RMSEP). % % Output arguments: % if k = 0 (RMSECV): % out.w_min : the weights obtained by taking the minimum over all k % out.weightsk : the weights for every observation and every k (n x kmax). % out.resrob : the results of robpca on [X,Y] for kmax components. % if k ~= 0 (RMSEP): % out.weightsk : the weights for a specific k % out.resrob : the results of robpca on [X,Y] for k components. % out.R2 : the weighted Rsquared for each value of k % out.rss : the weighted rss for each value of k n = size(x,1); p = size(x,2); q = size(y,2); if nargin < 5 k = 0; end if k == 0 ResRobWhole = robpca(x,'plots',0,'k',kmax,'kmax',kmax,'h',h); else ResRobWhole = robpca(x,'plots',0,'k',k,'kmax',kmax,'h',h); end kmax=ResRobWhole.kmax; Trob = ResRobWhole.T; Prob = ResRobWhole.P; Mrob = ResRobWhole.M; HsetsH0 = ResRobWhole.Hsubsets.H0; HsetsH1 = ResRobWhole.Hsubsets.H1; HsetsHfreqrob = ResRobWhole.Hsubsets.Hfreq; ResMCDWhole = mcdregres(Trob,y,'h',h,'plots',0); HsetsHfreq = ResMCDWhole.Hsubsets.Hfreq; if k == 0 for j = 1:kmax if j ~= kmax if k == 0 Tk = (x - repmat(Mrob,n,1))*Prob(:,1:j); [Bk,intk,sigmayykmaxrew_k,sigmattkmaxrew_k,HsetsHopt(j,:)] = extractmcdregres(ResMCDWhole,Tk,y,kmax,n,q,j,h,cutoffWeights); else Tk = (x - repmat(Mrob,n,1))*Prob(:,1:j); [Bk,intk,sigmayykmaxrew_k,sigmattkmaxrew_k,HsetsHopt(j,:)] = extractmcdregres(ResMCDWhole,Tk,y,j,n,q,j,h,cutoffWeights); end else [Bk,intk,sigmayykmaxrew_k,sigmattkmaxrew_k] = extractmcdregres(ResMCDWhole,Trob,y,kmax,n,q,j,h,cutoffWeights); HsetsHopt(kmax,:) = ResMCDWhole.Hsubsets.Hopt; end coeffk = [Bk;intk]; finalB = Prob(:,1:j)*Bk; finalInt = intk - Mrob*finalB; yhat = x*finalB + repmat(finalInt,n,1); residu(:,(j-1)*q+1:j*q) = y - yhat; cen=zeros(q,1)'; cov=sigmayykmaxrew_k - coeffk(1:j,1:q)'*sigmattkmaxrew_k*coeffk(1:j,1:q); [nn,pp]=size(residu(:,(j-1)*q+1:j*q)); resd = sqrt(libra_mahalanobis(residu(:,(j-1)*q+1:j*q),cen,'cov',cov))'; weightsk(:,j) = (abs(resd)<=cutoffWeights); end else ResMCDWhole = mcdregres(Trob(:,1:k),y,'h',h,'plots',0); if size(ResMCDWhole.flag,2)~=1 ResMCDWhole.flag = ResMCDWhole.flag'; end weightsk(:,k) = ResMCDWhole.flag; HsetsHfreq = ResMCDWhole.Hsubsets.Hfreq; HsetsHopt = ResMCDWhole.Hsubsets.Hopt; end % Determining fixed weights. if k == 0 if kmax == 1 w_min = weightsk'; else w_min = min(weightsk'); end out.w_min = w_min; yw = mean(y(w_min == 1,:)); y2=(y-repmat(yw,n,1)).^2; R = residu.^2; D=sum(y2(w_min==1,:)); for j = 1:kmax R1=R(w_min==1,(j-1)*q+1:j*q); rss(j) = sum(sum(R1)); R2(j)=1-rss(j)/sum(D); end out.rss = 1/(q*sum(w_min))*rss; out.R2 = R2; else yw = mean(y(weightsk(:,k) == 1,:)); y2=(y-repmat(yw,n,1)).^2; R = ResMCDWhole.res.^2; D=sum(y2(weightsk(:,k)==1,:)); R1=R(weightsk(:,k)==1,:); rss = sum(sum(R1)); R2=1-rss/sum(D); out.rss = 1/(q*sum(weightsk(:,k)))*rss; out.R2 = R2; end out.weightsk = weightsk; out.resrob = ResRobWhole; if size(HsetsH0,2)==1 HsetsH0=HsetsH0'; end out.kmax=kmax; out.Hsets = [HsetsHopt;HsetsHfreq;HsetsH0;HsetsH1;HsetsHfreqrob]; %--------------------------------------------------------------- function rawconsfaclts=rawconsfactorlts(quan,n) rawconsfaclts=(1/sqrt(1-((2*n)/(quan*(1/norminv((quan+n)/(2*n)))))*... normpdf(1/(1/(norminv((quan+n)/(2*n))))))); %-------------------------------------------------------------- function asvar=asvarscalekwad(quan,n) alfa=quan/n; alfa=1-alfa; qalfa=chi2inv(1-alfa,1); c2=gamcdf(qalfa/2,1/2+1); c1=1/c2; c3=3*gamcdf(qalfa/2,1/2+2); asvar=qalfa*(1-alfa)-c2; asvar=asvar^2; asvar=(c3-2*qalfa*c2+(1-alfa)*(qalfa^2))-asvar; asvar=c1^2*asvar;