function ellipsplot(center,covar,data,dist,nid,labx,laby) %ELLIPSPLOT plots the 97.5% tolerance ellipse of the bivariate data set % (data). The ellipse is defined by those data points whose distance (dist) % is equal to the squareroot of the 97.5% chisquare quantile with 2 degrees of % freedom. % % Required input arguments: % center : estimate of the center of the data set % covar : estimate of the covariance matrix of the data set % data : the two-dimensional data matrix % dist : distance needed to flag data points outside the ellipse % % Optional input arguments: % nid : number of data points with largest distance % to be identified (default value: 3) % labx : a label for the x axis (default value: 'X1') % laby : a label for the y axis (default value: 'X2') % % I/O: ellipsplot(center,covar,data,dist,nid,labx,laby) % % This function is part of LIBRA: the Matlab Library for Robust Analysis, % available at: % % % Last update: 23/10/2003 set(gcf,'Name', '97.5% Tolerance ellipse', 'NumberTitle', 'off'); n=length(dist); if size(data,2)~=2 disp('The tolerance ellipse is only drawn for two-dimensional data sets') else if nargin==4 nid=3; labx='X1'; laby='X2'; elseif nargin==5 labx='X1'; laby='X2'; elseif nargin==6 laby='X2'; end deter=covar(1,1)*covar(2,2)-covar(1,2)^2; ylimit=sqrt(7.37776*covar(2,2)); y=-ylimit:0.005*ylimit:ylimit; sqtdi=sqrt(deter*(ylimit^2-y.^2))/covar(2,2); sqtdi([1,end])=0; b=center(1)+covar(1,2)/covar(2,2)*y; x1=b-sqtdi; x2=b+sqtdi; y=center(2)+y; ellip=[x1,x2([end:-1:1]);y,y([end:-1:1])]'; xmin=min([data(:,1);ellip(:,1)]); xmax=max([data(:,1);ellip(:,1)]); ymin=min([data(:,2);ellip(:,2)]); ymax=max([data(:,2);ellip(:,2)]); xmarg=0.05*abs(xmax-xmin); ymarg=0.05*abs(ymax-ymin); xmin=xmin-xmarg; xmax=xmax+xmarg; ymin=ymin-ymarg; ymax=ymax+ymarg; x1=data(:,1)'; x2=data(:,2)'; plot(x1,x2,'o') xlabel(labx) ylabel(laby) xlim([xmin,xmax]); ylim([ymin,ymax]); box on [dist,ind]=sort(dist); ind=ind(n-nid+1:n)'; text(x1(ind),x2(ind),int2str(ind)); title('Tolerance ellipse (97.5%)'); line(ellip(:,1),ellip(:,2),'Color','r'); end