function [P,T,L,r,centerX,cX]=kernelEVD(X); %KERNELEVD (kernel eigenvalue decomposition) performs a singular value decomposition % of a matrix with more columns than rows. % % Required input: % x : data matrix of size n by p where n < p (else classSVD is invoked) % % I/O: [P,T,L,r,centerX,cX]=kernelEVD(X); % % This function is part of LIBRA: the Matlab Library for Robust Analysis, % available at: % % % Written by Sabine Verboven, Mia Hubert % Last Update: 17/06/2003 [n,p]=size(X); if n > p [P,T,L,r,centerX,cX]=classSVD(X); else cX=mean(X); centerX=X-repmat(cX,n,1); [P,L]=eig(centerX*centerX'/(n-1)); [L,I]=greatsort(diag(L)); P=P(:,I); tol=n*max(L)*eps; r=sum(L>tol); L=L(1:r); loadings=(centerX/sqrt(n-1))'*P(:,1:r)*diag(1./sqrt(L)); %normalizing loadings by dividing by the sqrt(eigenvalues) T=centerX*loadings; P=loadings; end