function lsscatter(x,y,fitted,attrib) %LSSCATTER makes a scatter plot with regression (LTS/LS) line % % Required input arguments: % x : predictor variabele (without missing values) % y : response variabele % fitted : fitted values corresponding with the regression % attrib : string identifying the used method = 'LS', 'LTS' % % I/O: lsscatter(x,y,fitted,attrib) % % This function is part of LIBRA: the Matlab Library for Robust Analysis, % available at: % % % Written by Nele Smets on : 26/11/2003 % Last Update: 29/01/2008 set(gcf,'Name', 'Scatter plot', 'NumberTitle', 'off'); [n,p]=size(x); if p~=1 disp(['Scatter plot with regression line ',... 'is only available for bivariate data']) else x1 = x(1); xn = x(n); y1 = fitted(1); yn = fitted(n); dx = xn - x1; dy = yn - y1; slope = dy./dx; centerx = (x1 + xn)/2; centery = (y1 + yn)/2; maxx = max(x); minx = min(x); maxy = centery + slope.*(maxx - centerx); miny = centery - slope.*(centerx - minx); mx = [minx; maxx]; my = [miny; maxy]; plot(x,y,'o'); hold on xrange=0.1*(abs(maxx-abs(minx))); yrange=0.2*(abs(maxy-abs(miny)+5)); xlim([minx-xrange maxx+xrange]) ylim([min(y)-yrange max(y)+yrange]) plot(mx,my,'-'); title(attrib) hold off end