function [rew,raw] = ltsregres(x,y,varargin); %LTSREGRES carries out least trimmed squares (LTS) regression, introduced in % % Rousseeuw, P.J. (1984), "Least Median of Squares Regression," % Journal of the American Statistical Association, Vol. 79, pp. 871-881. % % The LTS regression method minimizes the sum of the h smallest squared % residuals, where h must be at least half the number of observations. The % default value of h is roughly 0.75n (n is the total number of observations), % but the user may choose any value between n/2 and n. % % To compute the LTS estimator, the FAST-LTS algorithm is used. % Reference: % Rousseeuw, P.J. and Van Driessen, K. (2006), % "Computing LTS Regression for Large Data Sets", Data Mining and % Knowledge Discovery, 12, 29-45. % % Also available at % % The LTS regression method is intended for continuous variables, and assumes % that the number of observations n is at least 2 times the number of % regression coefficients p. If p is too large with respect to n, it is % better to first reduce p by variable selection or principal components % (see rpcr.m, rsimpls.m). The response variable should be univariate, otherwise % robust multivariate regression should be performed (see mcdregres.m). % % The LTS is a robust method in the sense that the estimated regression % fit is not unduly influenced by outliers in the data, even if there are % several outliers. Due to this robustness, we can detect outliers by their % large LTS residuals. % % Required input arguments: % x : Data matrix of explanatory variables (also called 'regressors'). % Rows of x represent observations, and columns represent variables. % Missing values (NaN's) and infinite values (Inf's) are allowed, since observations (rows) % with missing or infinite values will automatically be excluded from the computations. % y: A vector with n elements that contains the response variables. % Missing values (NaN's) and infinite values (Inf's) are allowed, since observations (rows) % with missing or infinite values will automatically be excluded from the computations. % % Optional input arguments: % intercept : If 1, a model with constant term will be fitted (default), % if 0, no constant term will be included. % intadjust : If 1, the intercept adjustment will be applied in each step % of the algorithm. These calculations need substantially more % computation time than intadjust=0, which is the default value. % h : The number of observations that have determined the least % trimmed squares estimator. Any value between n/2 and n may be specified. % alpha : (1-alpha) measures the fraction of outliers the algorithm should % resist. Any value between 0.5 and 1 may be specified. (default = 0.75) % ntrial : Number of initial subsets drawn. Its default value is 500. % plots : If equal to one, a menu is shown which allows to draw several plots, % such as residual plots and a regression outlier map. (default) % If the input argument 'classic' is equal to one, the classical % plots are drawn as well. % If 'plots' is equal to zero, all plots are suppressed. % See also makeplot.m % classic : If equal to one, classical least squares regression will be performed, % see ols.m (default = 0). % % Input arguments for advanced users: % Hsets : Instead of random trial h-subsets (default, Hsets = []), Hsets makes it possible to give certain % h-subsets as input. Hsets is a matrix that contains the indices of the observations of one % h-subset as a row. % % I/O: result=ltsregres(x,y,'plots',0,'intercept',0) % [rew,raw] = ltsregres(x,y) % The user should only give the input arguments that have to change their default value. % The name of the input arguments needs to be followed by their value. % The order of the input arguments is of no importance. % % The output consists of two structures 'rew' and 'raw' containing the % following fields: % % raw.coefficients : Vector of raw LTS coefficient estimates (including the % intercept, when options.intercept=1). % raw.fitted : Vector like y containing the raw fitted values of the response. % raw.res : Vector like y containing the raw residuals from the regression. % raw.scale : Scale estimate of the raw residuals. % raw.objective : Objective function of the LTS regression method, i.e. the sum % of the h smallest squared raw residuals. % raw.wt : Vector like y containing weights that can be used in a weighted % least squares. These weights are 1 for points with reasonably % small raw residuals, and 0 for points with large raw residuals. % % rew.slope : Vector of the slope coefficients obtained after reweighting. % : The intercept. % rew.fitted : Vector like y containing the fitted values of the response % after reweighting. % rew.res : Vector like y containing the residuals from the weighted % least squares regression. % rew.scale : Scale estimate of the reweighted residuals. % rew.rsquared : Robust version of R squared. This is 1 minus the fraction: % (sum of the quan smallest squared residuals) over (sum of % the quan smallest (y-loc)^2), where the denominator % is minimized over loc. Note that loc is not subtracted from % y if intercept = 0 in the call to ltsregres. % rew.h : The number of observations that have determined the LTS estimator, % i.e. the value of h. % rew. Hsubsets : A structure that contains Hopt and Hfreq: % Hopt : The subset of h points whose covariance matrix has minimal determinant, % ordered following increasing robust distances. % Hfreq : The subset of h points which are the most frequently selected during the whole % algorithm. % rew.alpha : (1-alpha) measures the fraction of outliers the algorithm should % resist. % rew.rd : The robust distances for the observations of the design matrix, % based on the MCD estimator (mcdcov.m) % rew.resd : Vector like y containing the standardized residuals % from the weighted least squares regression. % rew.weights : Vector like y containing weights that have been used in a weighted % least squares. These weights are 1 for points with reasonably % small raw residuals, and 0 for points with large raw residuals. % rew.cutoff : Structure which contains cutoff values for the robust distances computed by mcdcov.m, % and for the standardized residuals. % rew.flag : Vector like y containing flags based on the reweighted regression. % These flags determine which observations can be considered as % outliers. % rew.method : Character string naming the method (Least Trimmed Squares). % rew.class : 'LTS' % rew.classic : If the input argument 'classic' equals 1, this structure contains the % results of a classical least squares regression % rew.X : If x is univariate, same as the input x in the call to ltsregres, % without rows containing missing or infinite values. % rew.y : If x is univariate, same as the input y in the call to ltsregres, % without rows containing missing or infinite values. % % This function is part of LIBRA: the Matlab Library for Robust Analysis, % available at: % % % Version 22/12/2000, % Written by Katrien Van Driessen and Randy Brenkers % Revisions by Sabine Verboven, Sanne Engelen, Nele Smets % Last update: 06/07/2004 %MATLAB: to avoid singularMatrix in line 538 warning off %The maximum value for p = number of variables pmax=20; %The maximum value for n = number of observations nmax=50000; %To change the number of subdatasets and their size, the values of maxgroup %and nmini can be changed maxgroup=5; nmini=300; %The number of iteration steps in stages 1,2 and 3 can be changed % by adapting the parameters csteps1, csteps2, and csteps3. csteps1=2; csteps2=2; csteps3=100; pmax1=pmax+1; pmax2=pmax*pmax; nvm11=pmax*pmax1; nvm12=pmax1*pmax1; km10=10*maxgroup; nmaxi=nmini*maxgroup; maxmini=fix(((3*nmini-1)/2)+1); % dtrial : number of subsamples if not all (p+1)-subsets will be considered. dtrial=500; [n,p]=size(x); [m,q]=size(y); if q~=1 if m==1 y=y'; else error('y is not one-dimensional.'); end end na.x=~isfinite(x*ones(p,1)); na.y=~isfinite(y); if size(na.x,1)~=size(na.y,1) error('Number of observations in x and y not equal.'); end % Observations with missing or infinite values are ommitted. ok=~(na.x|na.y); x=x(ok,:); y=y(ok,:); dx=size(x); dy=size(y,1); n=dx(1); % Some checks are now performed. if n == 0 error('All observations have missing values!'); end if n > nmax error(['The program allows for at most ' int2str(nmax) ' observations.']); end %internal variables and default values seed=0; alfa=0.75; hdef=quanf(alfa,n,p+1); %default value of h hmin=quanf(0.5,n,p+1); %minmal value of h default=struct('intercept',1,'intadjust',0,'alpha',alfa,'h',hdef,'plots',1,'ntrial',dtrial,'classic',0,'Hsets',[]); list=fieldnames(default); options=default; IN=length(list); i=1; counter=1; %Reading optional inputarguments if nargin > 3 % % placing inputfields in array of strings % for j=1:nargin-2 if rem(j,2)~=0 chklist{i}=varargin{j}; i=i+1; end end dummy=sum(strcmp(chklist,'h')+2*strcmp(chklist,'alpha')); switch dummy case 0 % defaultvalues should be taken alfa=options.alpha; h=options.h; case 3 error('Both inputarguments alpha and h are provided. Only one is required.') end % % Checking which default parameters have to be changed % and keep them in the structure 'options'. % while counter<=IN index=strmatch(list(counter,:),chklist,'exact'); if ~isempty(index) % in case of similarity for j=1:nargin-3 % searching the index of the accompanying field if rem(j,2)~=0 % fieldnames are placed on odd index if strcmp(chklist{index},varargin{j}) I=j; end end end options=setfield(options,chklist{index},varargin{I+1}); index=[]; end counter=counter+1; end if dummy==1% checking inputvariable h if options.h < hmin error(['The LTS must cover at least ' int2str(hmin) ' observations.']) elseif options.h > n error('h is greater than the number of non-missings and non-infinites.') elseif options.h < p error(['h should be larger than the dimension ' int2str(p) '.']) elseif options.h==0 options.h=h; end options.alpha=options.h/n; elseif dummy==2 if options.alpha < 0.5 options.alpha=0.5; mess=sprintf(['Attention : Alpha should be larger than 0.5. \n',... 'It is set to 0.5.']); disp(mess) end if options.alpha > 1 options.alpha=0.75; mess=sprintf(['Attention : Alpha should be smaller than 1.\n',... 'It is set to 0.75.']); disp(mess) end if options.alpha == 0 options.alpha=0.75; end options.h=quanf(options.alpha,n,p); end end intercept=options.intercept; %if 1 intercept in the model h=options.h; %number of regular data points on which estimates are based (=[alpha * n]) plots=options.plots; %relevant plots if equal to 1 alfa=options.alpha; %proportion of regular data points ntrial=options.ntrial; %number of subsets to be taken in the first step classic=options.classic; %classic least squares regression? bestobj=inf; %best objective value until 'now' -> goal is to be as small as possible intadj=options.intadjust; %intercept adjustment needed if set to 1 Hsets = options.Hsets; if ~isempty(Hsets) Hsets_ind = 1; else Hsets_ind = 0; end if classic res.classic=libra_ols(x,y,'plots',0); else res.classic=0; end if intercept == 1 dx=dx+[0 1]; x=cat(2,x,ones(n,1)); end p=dx(2); if n < p error('Need more observations than variables.'); end if p > pmax error(['The program allows for at most ' int2str(pmax) ' variables.']) end rk=rank(x); if rk < p error('x is singular'); end if h == n res.method='Least Squares Regression.'; [Q,R]=qr(x,0); z=R\(Q'*y); raw.coefficients=z; residuals=y-x*z; raw.res=residuals; fitted=x*raw.coefficients; raw.fitted=fitted; s0=sqrt(sum(residuals.^2)/(n-p)); if abs(s0) < 1e-7 weights=abs(residuals)<=1e-7; raw.wt=weights; raw.scale=0; res.scale=0; res.coefficients=raw.coefficients; raw.objective=0; else sor=sort(residuals.^2); raw.objective=sum(sor(1:h)); raw.scale=s0; weights=abs(residuals/s0)<=norminv(0.9875); raw.wt=weights; [Q,R]=qr(x(weights==1,:),0); z=R\(Q'*y(weights==1)); res.coefficients=z; fitted=x*res.coefficients; residuals=y-x*z; res.scale=sqrt(sum(weights.*(residuals.^2))/(sum(weights)-1)); weights=abs(residuals/res.scale)<=norminv(0.9875); end if intercept s1=sum(residuals.^2); center=mean(y); sh=sum((y-center).^2); res.rsquared=1-s1/sh; else s1=sum(residuals.^2); sh=sum(y.^2); res.rsquared=1-s1/sh; end if res.rsquared > 1 res.rsquared=1; elseif res.rsquared < 0 res.rsquared=0; end if abs(s0) < 0 res.method=strvcat(res.method,'An exact fit was found!'); end stdres=residuals/res.scale; cutoff.resd=sqrt(chi2inv(0.975,1)); raw=struct('coefficients',{raw.coefficients},'fitted',{raw.fitted},'res',{raw.res},'scale',{raw.scale},... 'objective',{raw.objective},'wt',{raw.wt}); rew=struct('slope',{res.coefficients(1:p)},'int',{0},'fitted',{fitted},'res',{residuals},... 'scale',{res.scale},'rsquared',{res.rsquared},'h',{h},'alpha',{alfa},'resd', {stdres},... 'rd',{NaN},'cutoff',{cutoff},'flag',{NaN},'weights',{raw.wt},... 'method',{res.method},'class',{'LTS'},'classic',{res.classic},'X',{x},'y',{y}); if intercept rew=setfield(rew,'int',res.coefficients(p)); rew=setfield(rew,'slope',res.coefficients(1:p-1)); end if plots& classic mcdres=mcdcov(x,'h',h,'plots',0); if -log(abs(det(mcdres.cov)))/size(data,2)> 50 res.rd=NaN; else res.rd=mcdres.rd; end cutoff.rd=mcdres.cutoff.rd;; flags=abs(stdres)<=cutoff.resd; rew=setfield(rew,'rd', res.rd); rew=setfield(rew,'flag',flags); rew=setfield(rew,'cutoff',cutoff); try makeplot(rew,'classic',1) catch %output must be given even if plots are interrupted %> delete(gcf) to get rid of the menu end elseif plots mcdres=mcdcov(x,'h',h,'plots',0); if -log(abs(det(mcdres.cov)))/size(x,2)> 50 res.rd=NaN; else res.rd=mcdres.rd; end cutoff.rd=mcdres.cutoff.rd;; flags=abs(stdres)<=cutoff.resd; rew=setfield(rew,'rd', res.rd); rew=setfield(rew,'cutoff',cutoff); rew=setfield(rew,'flag',flags); try makeplot(rew) catch %output must be given even if plots are interrupted %> delete(gcf) to get rid of the menu end end return end if p < 5 eps=1e-12; elseif p <= 8 eps=1e-14; else eps=1e-16; end % standardization of the data xorig=x; yorig=y; data=[x y]; if ~intercept datamed=repmat(0,1,p+1); datamad=median(abs(data)).*1.4826; for i=1:p+1 if abs(datamad(i)) <= eps datamad(i)=sum(abs(data(:,i))); datamad(i)=(datamad(i)/n)*1.2533; if abs(datamad(i)) <= eps; error('The MAD of some variable is zero'); end end end x=x./repmat(datamad(1:p),n,1); y(:,1)=y(:,1)./datamad(p+1); else datamed=median(data); datamed(p)=0; datamad(p)=1; for i=1:p+1 if i ~= p datamad(i)=median(abs(data(:,i)-datamed(i)))*1.4826; if abs(datamad(i)) <= eps datamad(i)=sum(abs(data(:,i)-datamed(i))); datamad(i)=(datamad(i)/n)*1.2533; if abs(datamad(i)) <= eps error('The MAD of some variable is zero'); end end end end x=(x-repmat(datamed(1:p),n,1))./repmat(datamad(1:p),n,1); y(:,1)=(y(:,1)-datamed(p+1))./datamad(p+1); end res.method='Least Trimmed Squares Regression.'; al=0; teller = zeros(1,n+1); if Hsets_ind csteps = csteps1; inplane = NaN; fine = 0; part = 0; final = 1; tottimes = 0; nsamp = size(Hsets,1); obsingroup = n; else if n >= 2*nmini maxobs=maxgroup*nmini; if n >= maxobs ngroup=maxgroup; group(1:maxgroup)=nmini; else ngroup=floor(n/nmini); minquan=floor(n/ngroup); group(1)=minquan; for s=2:ngroup group(s)=minquan+double(rem(n,ngroup)>=s-1); end end part=1; adjh=floor(group(1)*alfa); nsamp=floor(ntrial/ngroup); minigr=sum(group); obsingroup=fillgroup(n,group,ngroup,seed); totgroup=ngroup; else [part,group,ngroup,adjh,minigr,obsingroup]=deal(0,n,1,h,n,n); replow=[50,22,17,15,14,zeros(1,45)]; if n < replow(p) al=1; perm=[1:p-1,p-1]; nsamp=nchoosek(n,p); else al=0; nsamp=ntrial; end end csteps=csteps1; [tottimes,fine,final]=deal(0); if part bobj1=repmat(inf,ngroup,10); bcoeff1=cell(ngroup,10); [bcoeff1{:}]=deal(NaN); end end bcoeff=cell(1,10); bobj=repmat(inf,1,10); [bcoeff{:}]=deal(NaN); seed=0; coeffs=repmat(NaN,p,1); while final ~= 2 if fine | (~part & final) if ~Hsets_ind nsamp=10; end if final adjh=h; ngroup=1; if n*p <= 1e+5 csteps=csteps3; elseif n*p <= 1e+6 csteps=10-(ceil(n*p/1e+5)-2); else csteps=1; end if n > 5000 nsamp=1; end else adjh=floor(minigr*alfa); csteps=csteps2; end end for k=1:ngroup for i=1:nsamp tottimes=tottimes+1; prevobj=0; if ~Hsets_ind if final if ~isinf(bobj(i)) z=bcoeff{i}; else break end elseif fine if ~isinf(bobj1(k,i)) z=bcoeff1{k,i}; else break end else z(1,1)=Inf; while abs(z(1,1)) == Inf if ~part if al k=p; perm(k)=perm(k)+1; while ~(k==1|perm(k) <= (n-(p-k))) k=k-1; perm(k)=perm(k)+1; for j=(k+1):p perm(j)=perm(j-1)+1; end end index=perm; else [index,seed]=randomset(n,p,seed); end else [index,seed]=randomset(group(k),p,seed); index=obsingroup{k}(index); end if p > 1 z=x(index,:)\y(index,1); %problems arise whenever the subsample contains %equal x-values. To avoid warnings the tests in line %551 and line 591 are adapted to abs(z(1,1)). %However, in the first run the matrix will still %be singular having coefficients [-inf a b ...] or %[inf inf ...] producing the warning. To avoid %this we turned off the warnings in this %function (line 140). elseif x(index,1) ~= 0 z(1,1)=y(index,1)/x(index,1); else z(1,1)=x(index,1); end if al break end end end if abs(z(1,1)) ~= Inf if ~part | final residu=y-x*z; elseif ~fine residu=y(obsingroup{k},1)-x(obsingroup{k},:)*z; else residu=y(obsingroup{totgroup+1},1)-x(obsingroup{totgroup+1},:)*z; end more1=0; more2=0; nmore=200; nmore2=nmore/2; if intadj %intercept adjustment [sortres,sortind]=sort(residu); if ~part %n<600 [center,cover,loc]=mcduni(sortres,obsingroup,adjh,obsingroup-adjh+1,alfa); z(p)=z(p)+center; residu=residu-center; elseif ~fine %n>600, first step [center,cover,loc]=mcduni(sortres,size(obsingroup{k},2),adjh,size(obsingroup{k},2)-adjh+1,alfa); z(p)=z(p)+center; residu=residu-center; elseif ~final & size(obsingroup{totgroup+1},2)-adjh <= nmore %fine = merged set [center,cover,loc]=mcduni(sortres,size(obsingroup{totgroup+1},2),adjh,size(obsingroup{totgroup+1},2)-adjh+1,alfa); z(p)=z(p)+center; residu=residu-center; elseif final & n-adjh <= nmore %final = complete data set [center,cover,loc]=mcduni(sortres,n,adjh,n-adjh+1,alfa); z(p)=z(p)+center; residu=residu-center; else [sortres1,sortind1]=sort(abs(sortres)); [sortres2,sortind2]=sort(sortres(sortind1(1:adjh))); further = 1; if final & (sortind1(sortind2(1))+nmore-nmore2+adjh-1 > n | sortind1(sortind2(1))-nmore2< 1) [center,cover,loc]=mcduni(sortres,n,adjh,n-adjh+1,alfa); z(p)=z(p)+center; residu=residu-center; elseif ~final & fine & (sortind1(sortind2(1))+nmore-nmore2+adjh-1 > size(obsingroup{totgroup+1},2) | sortind1(sortind2(1))-nmore2 < 1) [center,cover,loc]=mcduni(sortres,size(obsingroup{totgroup+1},2),adjh,size(obsingroup{totgroup+1},2)-adjh+1,alfa); z(p)=z(p)+center; residu=residu-center; else while further sortres2(1:adjh+nmore)=sortres(sortind1(sortind2(1))-nmore2:sortind1(sortind2(1))+adjh-1+nmore-nmore2); [center,cover,loc]=mcduni(sortres2,adjh+nmore,adjh,nmore+1,alfa); if loc == 1 & ~more1 if ~more2 nmore=nmore2; nmore2=nmore2+nmore2; more1=1; if sortind1(sortind2(1))-nmore2 < 1 further=0; end else further=0; end else if loc == nmore+1 & ~more2 if ~more1 nmore=nmore2; nmore2=-nmore2; more2=1; if final & sortind1(sortind2(1))+nmore-nmore2+adjh-1 > n further=0; elseif fine & (sortind1(sortind2(1))+nmore-nmore2+adjh-1 > size(obsingroup{totgroup+1},2) | sortind1(sortind2(1))-nmore2<1) further=0; end else further = 0; end else if loc == 1 & more1 if ~more2 nmore2=nmore2+100; if sortind1(sortind2(1))-nmore2 < 1 further=0; end else further = 0; end else if loc == nmore+1 & more2 if ~more1 nmore2=nmore2+100; if final & sortind1(sortind2(1))+nmore-nmore2+adjh-1 > n further=0; elseif fine & (sortind1(sortind2(1))+nmore-nmore2+adjh-1 > size(obsingroup{totgroup+1},2) | sortind1(sortind2(1))-nmore2<1) further=0; end else further=0; end else further=0; end end end end end z(p)=z(p)+center; residu=residu-center; end end end end end for j=1:csteps %csteps on the subsets tottimes=tottimes+1; if ~Hsets_ind if z(1,1)~=inf [sortres,sortind]=sort(abs(residu)); if fine & ~final sortind=obsingroup{totgroup+1}(sortind); elseif part & ~final sortind=obsingroup{k}(sortind); end obs_in_set=sort(sortind(1:adjh)); teller(obs_in_set) = teller(obs_in_set) + 1; teller(end) = teller(end) + 1; end else obs_in_set = Hsets(i,:); end if Hsets_ind|(~Hsets_ind & z(1,1)~=inf) [Q,R]=qr(x(obs_in_set,:),0); z=R\(Q'*y(obs_in_set,1)); if ~part | final residu=y-x*z; elseif ~fine residu=y(obsingroup{k},1)-x(obsingroup{k},:)*z; else residu=y(obsingroup{totgroup+1},1)-x(obsingroup{totgroup+1},:)*z; end more1=0; more2=0; nmore=200; nmore2=nmore/2; if intadj %intercept adjustment [sortres,sortind]=sort(residu); if ~part [center,cover,loc]=mcduni(sortres,obsingroup,adjh,obsingroup-adjh+1,alfa); z(p)=z(p)+center; residu=residu-center; elseif ~fine [center,cover,loc]=mcduni(sortres,size(obsingroup{k},2),adjh,size(obsingroup{k},2)-adjh+1,alfa); z(p)=z(p)+center; residu=residu-center; elseif ~final & size(obsingroup{totgroup+1},2)-adjh <= nmore [center,cover,loc]=mcduni(sortres,size(obsingroup{totgroup+1},2),adjh,size(obsingroup{totgroup+1},2)-adjh+1,alfa); z(p)=z(p)+center; residu=residu-center; elseif final & n-adjh <= nmore [center,cover,loc]=mcduni(sortres,n,adjh,n-adjh+1,alfa); z(p)=z(p)+center; residu=residu-center; else [sortres1,sortind1]=sort(abs(sortres)); [sortres2,sortind2]=sort(sortres(sortind1(1:adjh))); further = 1; if final & (sortind1(sortind2(1))+nmore-nmore2+adjh-1 > n | sortind1(sortind2(1))-nmore2< 1) [center,cover,loc]=mcduni(sortres,n,adjh,n-adjh+1,alfa); z(p)=z(p)+center; residu=residu-center; elseif ~final & fine & (sortind1(sortind2(1))+nmore-nmore2+adjh-1 > size(obsingroup{totgroup+1},2) | sortind1(sortind2(1))-nmore2 < 1) [center,cover,loc]=mcduni(sortres,size(obsingroup{totgroup+1},2),adjh,size(obsingroup{totgroup+1},2)-adjh+1,alfa); z(p)=z(p)+center; residu=residu-center; else while further sortres2(1:adjh+nmore)=sortres(sortind1(sortind2(1))-nmore2:sortind1(sortind2(1))+adjh-1+nmore-nmore2); [center,cover,loc]=mcduni(sortres2,adjh+nmore,adjh,nmore+1,alfa); if loc == 1 & ~more1 if ~more2 nmore=nmore2; nmore2=nmore2+nmore2; more1=1; if sortind1(sortind2(1))-nmore2 < 1 further=0; end else further=0; end else if loc == nmore+1 & ~more2 if ~more1 nmore=nmore2; nmore2=-nmore2; more2=1; if final & sortind1(sortind2(1))+nmore-nmore2+adjh-1 > n further=0; elseif fine & (sortind1(sortind2(1))+nmore-nmore2+adjh-1 > size(obsingroup{totgroup+1},2) | sortind1(sortind2(1))-nmore2<1) further=0; end else further=0; end else if loc == 1 & more1 if ~more2 nmore2=nmore2+100; if sortind1(sortind2(1))-nmore2 < 1 further=0; end else further = 0; end else if loc == nmore+1 & more2 if ~more1 nmore2=nmore2+100; if final & sortind1(sortind2(1))+nmore-nmore2+adjh-1 > n further=0; elseif fine & (sortind1(sortind2(1))+nmore-nmore2+adjh-1 > size(obsingroup{totgroup+1},2) | sortind1(sortind2(1))-nmore2<1) further=0; end else further=0; end else further=0; end end end end end z(p)=z(p)+center; residu=residu-center; end end end sor=sort(abs(residu)); obj=sum(sor(1:adjh).^2); %objective function value after the iteration if j >= 2 & obj == prevobj break; end prevobj=obj; end %end final end if ~final if fine |~part %merged set or n<600 if obj < max(bobj) [bcoeff,bobj]=insertion(bcoeff,bobj,z,obj,1,eps); end else if obj < max(bobj1(k,:)) [bcoeff1,bobj1]=insertion(bcoeff1,bobj1,z,obj,k,eps); end end end if final & obj < bestobj bestset=obs_in_set; bestobj=obj; coeffs=z; end end %end for nsamp end %end for ngroups if part & ~fine fine = 1; elseif (part & fine & ~final) | (~part & ~final) final = 1; else final = 2; end end %end while, so final = 2 if p <= 1 coeffs(1)=coeffs(1)*datamad(p+1)/datamad(1); else coeffs(1:p-1)=(coeffs(1:p-1)*datamad(p+1))'./datamad(1:p-1); if ~intercept coeffs(p)=coeffs(p)*datamad(p+1)/datamad(p); else coeffs(p)=coeffs(p)*datamad(p+1); coeffs(p)=coeffs(p)-sum(coeffs(1:p-1)'.*datamed(1:p-1)); coeffs(p)=coeffs(p)+datamed(p+1); end end bestobj=bestobj*(datamad(p+1)^2); x=xorig; y=yorig; raw.coefficients=coeffs; raw.objective=bestobj; fitted=x*coeffs; raw.fitted=fitted; residuals=y-fitted; raw.residuals=residuals; sor=sort(residuals.^2); factor=rawconsfactorlts(h,n); sh0=sqrt((1/h)*sum(sor(1:h))); s0=sh0*factor; cutoff.resd=sqrt(chi2inv(0.975,1)); if abs(s0) < 1e-7 weights=abs(residuals)<=1e-7; raw.wt=weights; raw.scale=0; res.scale=0; res.coefficients=raw.coefficients; raw.objective=0; else raw.scale=s0; m=2*n/asvarscalekwad(h,n); quantile=tinv(0.9875,m); weights=abs(residuals/s0)<=quantile; raw.wt=weights; [Q,R]=qr(x(weights==1,:),0); z=R\(Q'*y(weights==1)); res.coefficients=z; fitted=x*res.coefficients; residuals=y-fitted; res.scale=sqrt(sum(weights.*residuals.^2)/(sum(weights)-1)); s0=res.scale; weights=abs(residuals/res.scale)<=cutoff.resd; end res.flag=weights; res.Hsubsets.Hopt = bestset; [telobs,indobs] = greatsort(teller(1:(end - 1))); res.Hsubsets.Hfreq = indobs(1:(h)); if size(res.Hsubsets.Hfreq,2) == 1 res.Hsubsets.Hfreq = res.Hsubsets.Hfreq'; end if intercept yw=y(raw.wt==1); cyw=mcenter(yw); sres=sum(residuals(raw.wt==1).^2); cwy2=sum(cyw.^2); res.rsquared=1-sres/cwy2; else sor=sort(residuals.^2); s1=sum(sor(1:h)); sor=sort(y.^2); sh=sum(sor(1:h)); res.rsquared=1-(s1/sh); end if res.rsquared > 1 res.rsquared=1; elseif res.rsquared < 0 res.rsquared=0; end if abs(s0) < 1e-7 res.method=strvcat(res.method,'An exact fit was found!'); res.Hsubsets.Hopt=1:n; res.Hsubsets.Hfreq=1:n; disp('Exact fit was encountered') end if ~intercept data=x; else data=x(:,1:p-1); end %calculating residual distances : in case of a univariate analysis they are %equal to the standardized residuals. stdres=residuals/res.scale; cutoff.resd=sqrt(chi2inv(0.975,1)); %assigning ouput raw=struct('coefficients',{raw.coefficients},'fitted',{raw.fitted},'res',{raw.residuals},'scale',{raw.scale},... 'objective',{raw.objective},'wt',{raw.wt}); rew=struct('slope',{res.coefficients(1:p)},'int',{0},'fitted',{fitted},'res',{residuals},... 'scale',{res.scale},'rsquared',{res.rsquared},'h',{h},'Hsubsets',{res.Hsubsets},'alpha',{alfa},'rd',{0},'resd', {stdres},... 'cutoff',{cutoff},'flag',{res.flag},... 'method',{res.method},'class',{'LTS'},'classic',{res.classic},'X',{data},'y',{y}); if intercept rew=setfield(rew,'int',res.coefficients(p)); rew=setfield(rew,'slope',res.coefficients(1:p-1)); end if isfield(rew,'X') & ((size(x,2)-intercept)~=1 | size(y,2)~=1) rew=rmfield(rew,{'X','y'}); end warning on if plots & classic mcdres=mcdcov(data,'h',h,'plots',0); if -log(abs(det(mcdres.cov)))/size(data,2)> 50 res.rd=NaN; else res.rd=mcdres.rd; end cutoff.rd=mcdres.cutoff.rd;; rew=setfield(rew,'cutoff',cutoff); rew=setfield(rew,'rd', res.rd); try makeplot(rew,'classic',1) catch %output must be given even if plots are interrupted %> delete(gcf) to get rid of the menu end elseif plots mcdres=mcdcov(data,'h',h,'plots',0); if -log(abs(det(mcdres.cov)))/size(data,2)> 50 res.rd=NaN; else res.rd=mcdres.rd; end cutoff.rd=mcdres.cutoff.rd;; rew=setfield(rew,'cutoff',cutoff); rew=setfield(rew,'rd', res.rd); try makeplot(rew) catch %output must be given even if plots are interrupted %> delete(gcf) to get rid of the menu end end if rew.rd==0 rew=rmfield(rew,'rd'); end % -------------------------------------------------------------------- function obsingroup = fillgroup(n,group,ngroup,seed) % Creates the subdatasets. obsingroup=cell(1,ngroup+1); jndex=0; for k = 1:ngroup for m = 1:group(k) [random,seed]=uniran(seed); ran=floor(random*(n-jndex)+1); jndex=jndex+1; if jndex == 1 index(1,jndex)=ran; index(2,jndex)=k; else index(1,jndex)=ran+jndex-1; index(2,jndex)=k; ii=min(find(index(1,1:jndex-1) > ran-1+[1:jndex-1])); if length(ii) index(1,jndex:-1:ii+1)=index(1,jndex-1:-1:ii); index(2,jndex:-1:ii+1)=index(2,jndex-1:-1:ii); index(1,ii)=ran+ii-1; index(2,ii)=k; end end end obsingroup{k}=index(1,index(2,:)==k); obsingroup{ngroup+1}=[obsingroup{ngroup+1},obsingroup{k}]; end % -------------------------------------------------------------------- function [ranset,seed] = randomset(tot,nel,seed) for j = 1:nel [random,seed]=uniran(seed); num=floor(random*tot)+1; if j > 1 while any(ranset==num) [random,seed]=uniran(seed); num=floor(random*tot)+1; end end ranset(j)=num; end % -------------------------------------------------------------------- function [output] = replow(k,pmax) replow=[500,50,22,17,15,14]; help=zeros(1,pmax-5); replow=[replow help]; output=replow(k); % -------------------------------------------------------------------- function [initmean,initcov,iloc]=mcduni(y,ncas,h,len,alfa) % The exact MCD algorithm for the univariate case. y=sort(y); ay(1)=sum(y(1:h)); factor=rawconsfactormcd(h,ncas); for samp=2:len ay(samp)=ay(samp-1)-y(samp-1)+y(samp+h-1); end ay2=ay.^2/h; sq(1)=sum(y(1:h).^2)-ay2(1); for samp=2:len sq(samp)=sq(samp-1)-y(samp-1)^2+y(samp+h-1)^2-ay2(samp)+ay2(samp-1); end sqmin=min(sq); ii=find(sq==sqmin); ndup=length(ii); slutn(1:ndup)=ay(ii); initmean=slutn(floor((ndup+1)/2))/h; initcov=factor^2*sqmin/h; iloc=ii(1); % ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function [bestmean,bobj]=insertion(bestmean,bobj,z,obj,row,eps) insert=1; equ=find(obj==bobj(row,:)); for j=equ if (z==bestmean{row,j}) insert=0; end end if insert ins=min(find(obj < bobj(row,:))); if ins==10 bestmean{row,ins}=z; bobj(row,ins)=obj; else [bestmean{row,ins+1:10}]=deal(bestmean{row,ins:9}); bestmean{row,ins}=z; bobj(row,ins+1:10)=bobj(row,ins:9); bobj(row,ins)=obj; end end % -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function quan=quanf(alfa,n,rk) quan=floor(2*floor((n+rk+1)/2)-n+2*(n-floor((n+rk+1)/2))*alfa); %--------------------------------------------------------------- function rawconsfacmcd=rawconsfactormcd(quan,n) qalpha=chi2inv(quan/n,1); calphainvers=gamcdf(qalpha/2,1/2+1)/(quan/n); calpha=1/calphainvers; rawconsfacmcd=calpha; %------------------------------------------------------------- function rawconsfaclts=rawconsfactorlts(quan,n) rawconsfaclts=(1/sqrt(1-((2*n)/(quan*(1/norminv((quan+n)/(2*n)))))*... normpdf(1/(1/(norminv((quan+n)/(2*n))))))); %-------------------------------------------------------------- function asvar=asvarscalekwad(quan,n) alfa=quan/n; alfa=1-alfa; qalfa=chi2inv(1-alfa,1); c2=gamcdf(qalfa/2,1/2+1); c1=1/c2; c3=3*gamcdf(qalfa/2,1/2+2); asvar=qalfa*(1-alfa)-c2; asvar=asvar^2; asvar=(c3-2*qalfa*c2+(1-alfa)*(qalfa^2))-asvar; asvar=c1^2*asvar; %--------------------------------------------------------------