function regresdiagplot(xdist,ydist,cutoffx,cutoffy,k,multi,attrib,labsd,labresd) %REGRESDIAGPLOT makes a regression outlier map. % The score distances (SD)/mahalanobis distances (MD)/robust distances (RD) and % residual distances (ResD) calculated in a PCR or PLS analysis, or in a % univariate or multivariate regression are plotted on the x and y-axis, respectively. % The cutoff values marked by a red line indicate which observations are % outlying with respect to the majority of the data. The terminology used is % as indicated in the tabular: % small SD/MD/RD | large SD/MD/RD % ---------------------------------------------------------- % small ResD/StdRes | regular point | good leverage point % large ResD/StdRes | vertical outlier | bad leverage point % % For more details see: % Hubert, M., Verboven, S. (2003), % "A robust PCR method for high-dimensional regressors," % Journal of Chemometrics, 17, 438-452. % % Required input arguments: % % xdist : Score distances from a PCA analysis or % Mahalanobis distances from LS or MLR analysis or % Robust distances from LTS or MCDREG analysis, % ydist : Residual distances of the PCR method or % Standardized residuals of one of the regression methods, % cutoffx : Cutoff value for the SD/MD/RD, % cutoffy : Cutoff value for the residual-distance, % k : Number of principal components used in the PCR/PLS method, or zero % if not available. % multi : 0 for univariate analysis, 1 for multivariate analysis % attrib : String identifying the method used = 'LS', 'MLR', 'LTS', 'MCDREG', 'RPCR', % 'CPCR', 'RSIMPLS', 'CSIMPLS' % % Optional inputs: % labsd : number of displayed points with largest distance on x-axes (default = 3) % labresd : number of displayed points with largest distance on y-axes (default = 3) % % % I/O: regresdiagplot(,out.rd,,out.cutoff.rd,k,multi,attrib,labsd,labresd) % % Example: regresdiagplot(,out.rd,,out.cutoff.rd,out.k,1,'RPCR',5,5) % regresdiagplot(,out.stdres,out.cutoffmd,0,0,0,'LS',5,4) % % This function is part of LIBRA: the Matlab Library for Robust Analysis, % available at: % % % Written by Sabine Verboven % Created 25 February 2002 % Revised : 12/02/2004 % if nargin==8 labresd=3; end if nargin==7 labsd=3; labresd=3; end if nargin<7 error('A required input variable is missing!') end if ischar(xdist) | ischar(ydist) mess=sprintf(['Warning: A singularity was detected in the analysis. ',... '\n No regression outlier map available.']); disp(mess) return end %all LTS-analysis in RPCR are intercept included!!! if multi==1 %multivariate analysis x=xdist; %distances on x-axis: SD, MD or RD y=ydist; %residual distances quanty=cutoffy; quantx=cutoffx; else %univariate analysis quantx=cutoffx; quanty=sqrt(chi2inv(0.975,1)); x=xdist; %distances on x-axis: SD, MD, RD y=ydist; %standardized residuals!!! end plot(x,y,'o'); set(gcf,'Name', 'Regression outlier map', 'NumberTitle', 'off'); hold on xmin=0;%max(0,min(x));%-0.5; xmax=max([quantx max(x)])+0.5; if multi==1 ymin=0;%max(0,min(y));%-1; if size(y,2)==1 y=y'; end ymax=max([y,quanty])+1; xlim([xmin,xmax]); ylim([ymin,ymax]); ylimi=get(gca,'Ylim'); line([quantx,quantx],[ylimi(1),ylimi(2)],'Linestyle','-','Color','r'); xlimi=get(gca,'Xlim'); line([xlimi(1),xlimi(2)],[quanty,quanty],'Linestyle','-','Color','r'); if labsd plotnumbers(x',y',labsd,labresd,2)%sort by x and y end ylabel('Residual distance') else ymin=min([-4 min(y)])-0.5; ymax=max([4 max(y)])+0.5; xlim([xmin,xmax]); ylim([ymin,ymax]); ylimi=get(gca,'Ylim'); ylimi=[min(ylimi(1),min([-4 min(y)]))-0.5,max(ylimi(2),max([4 max(y)]))+0.5]; line([quantx,quantx],[ylimi(1),ylimi(2)],'Linestyle','-','Color','r'); xlimi=get(gca,'Xlim'); xlimi=[min(xlimi(1),min(x))-1,max(xlimi(2),max([quantx max(x)]))+1]; line([xlimi(1),xlimi(2)],[quanty,quanty],'Linestyle','-','Color','r'); line([xlimi(1),xlimi(2)],[-quanty,-quanty],'Linestyle','-','Color','r'); if labsd plotnumbers(x',y',labsd,labresd,3)%sort by x and abs(y) end ylabel('Standardized residual') end box on switch attrib case 'LS' xlabel('Mahalanobis distance'); ylabel('Standardized LS residual'); case 'MLR' xlabel('Mahalanobis distance'); case 'LTS' xlabel('Robust distance computed by MCD'); ylabel('Standardized LTS residual'); case 'MCDREG' xlabel('Robust distance computed by MCD'); case {'CPCR'} xlabel(['Score distance (',num2str(k),' LV)']); case {'RPCR'} xlabel(['Score distance (',num2str(k),' LV)']); case {'CSIMPLS'} xlabel(['Score distance (',num2str(k),' LV)']); case {'RSIMPLS'} xlabel(['Score distance (',num2str(k),' LV)']); end title(attrib) hold off