function [res] = rmc(x) %RMC calculates the right medcouple, a robust measure of %right tail weight % % The right medcouple is described in: % Brys, G., Hubert, M. and Struyf, A. (2006), % "Robust Measures of Tail Weight", % Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, % 50 (No 3), 733-759. % % For the up-to-date reference, please consult the website: % % % Required input arguments: % x : Data matrix (rows=observations, columns=variables) % % I/O: % result=rmc(x); % % Example: % result = rmc([chi2rnd(5,1000,1) trnd(3,1000,1)]); % % The output of RMC is a vector containing the right medcouple % for each column of the data matrix x % % This function is part of LIBRA: the Matlab Library for Robust Analysis, % available at: % % % Written by Guy Brys % Last Update: 17/03/2006 if (nargin<1) error('No input arguments') end if (size(x,1)==1) x = x'; end for (i=1:size(x,2)) res(i) = mc(x(x(:,i)>=prctile(x(:,i),50),i)); end