function result=rrmse(x,y,h,kmax,attrib,plots,k,weight,res) %RRMSE calculates the robust RMSECV and/or the robust RMSEP-value % for RPCR and RSIMPLS. % % The robust RMSECV is described in: % % Engelen, S., Hubert, M. (2005), % "Fast model selection for robust calibration methods", % Analytica Chimica Acta, 544, 219-228. % % Required input arguments: % x : the regressors % y : the response variables % h : the quantile used in RPCR and RSIMPLS. % kmax : the maximal number of components to be used. % attrib : the name of the analysis 'RSIMPLS', or 'RPCR' % % Optional input arguments: % plots : 0/1 = no plot / plot (default) of the RMSECV values % k : the optimal number of components chosen by cross validation. % if k is different from zero, the RMSEP will be calculated % (default k=0) % weight : only needed when calculating RMSEP value % res : the residuals of each left-out observation for every k. % % I/O: result=rrmse(x,y,h,kmax,attrib,plots,k,weight,res); % % Example: h=0.75*size(x,1); % result=rrmse(x,y,h,10,'RPCR'); % % This function is part of LIBRA: the Matlab Library for Robust Analysis, % available at: % % % Created by Karlien Vanden Branden on 05-07-2002 % Revisions by Sabine Verboven, Sanne Engelen % Last update on 28-04-2004 %%%%%%%%% Initialisation %%%%%%%%%%%%%% if nargin>=7 in.pred=1; else in=struct(''); end if nargin<7 k=0; end if nargin<6 k=0; plots=1; end if nargin<5 error('Missing one or more input variables.') end if k<0 %preventing negative input of chosen number of PC's k=0; end [n,p]=size(x); [n,q]=size(y); %%%%%Defining the maximum number of principal components to calculate count=1; if q>1 while (count*q+q+(q*(q+1)/2))<=h count=count+1; end else while (count+2)<=h count=count+1; end end ktot=max(1,min(count-1,kmax)); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% MAIN PART %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% if (k~=0) & nargin>7 disp(['The RMSEP value is based on ', num2str(k),' scores.']) weight=weight(:,k); res=res(:,(k-1)*q + 1:k*q).^2; res=repmat(weight,1,q).*res; vRMSECV2=sum(res,1)/sum(weight); %1xn -> 1x1 out.rmsep=sqrt(sum(vRMSECV2)/q); else % Cross-validation if k==0 disp(['Cross-validation is now performed.']) else disp(['The RMSEP value is based on ', num2str(k),' components.']) end resCV = crossvalid(attrib,x,y,ktot,h,k); out.R2 = resCV.R2; out.rss = resCV.rss; if plots & (k==0) disp(['The robust RMSECV-values: ', num2str(resCV.rmsecv)]) figure set(gcf,'Name', 'Robust Component Selection plot', 'NumberTitle', 'off'); plot(1:ktot,resCV.rmsecv,'o-'); hold on plot(1:ktot,sqrt(0.5*resCV.rmsecv.^2 + 0.5*resCV.rss),'r*--') plot(1:ktot,sqrt(resCV.rss),'g>-') xlabel('Number of components'); set(gca,'XTick',1:1:ktot) ylabel('RCS value'); title(attrib) legend('\gamma = 1 (CV)','\gamma = 0.5','\gamma = 0 (RSS)') hold off kout=input(['How many components would you like to retain? ']); out.k=kout; else out.k=k; end if k==0 %output needed for the calculation of rmsep out.weight=resCV.outWeights.weightsk; out.res=resCV.residu; out.rmsecv=resCV.rmsecv; else out.rmsep=resCV.rmsep; out.k=k; end end result = out; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%subfunction%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% function out=crossvalid(attrib,x,y,kmax,h,k) switch attrib case 'RPCR' out = cvRpcr(x,y,kmax,1,h,k); case 'RSIMPLS' out = cvRsimpls(x,y,kmax,1,h,k); end