function scorediagplot(Xdist,Odist,k,cutoffx,cutoffo,attrib,labsd,labod) %SCOREDIAGPLOT plots the score outlier map. The score distances (SD) and % orthogonal distances (OD) calculated in a PCA analysis are plotted % on the x and y-axis, respectively. % The cutoff values marked by a red line indicate which observations are % outlying with respect to the majority of the data. The terminology used is % as indicated in the tabular: % small SD | large SD % ---------------------------------------------------------- % small OD | regular point | good PCA-leverage point % large OD | orthogonal outlier | bad PCA-leverage point % % For more details see: % Hubert, M., Verboven, S. (2003), % "A robust PCR method for high-dimensional regressors", % Journal of Chemometrics, 17, 438-452. % % Required input arguments: % Xdist : Score distances out of a PCA analysis % Odist : Orthogonal distances out of a PCA analysis % k : Number of principal components used in a PCA/PCR analysis % cutoffx : Cutoff value for the score distances % (=97.5% quantile of a chisquare with k degrees of freedom) % attrib : string identifying the used method = RPCR, ROBPCA, CPCR, % CPCA, MCDREG... % % Optional inputs % labsd : number of displayed points with largest score distance (default = 3) % labod : number of displayed points with largest orthogonal distance (default=3) % % I/O: scorediagplot(,out.od,out.k,,out.cutoff.od,'RPCR',3,5) % % This function is part of LIBRA: the Matlab Library for Robust Analysis, % available at: % % % Written by S. Verboven % Last update: 20/06/2003 %Checking input if nargin==7 labod=3; end if nargin==6 labsd=3; labod=3; end if nargin<6 error('no class identifier is given.') end %INITIALISATION% %in case k=rank(T)=r then OD = zero NihilO=(Odist <= 1.e-06); Odist(NihilO)=0; NihilX=(Xdist <= 1.e-06); Xdist(NihilX)=0; if ~any(Odist) %OD=0: x=index and y=Xdist x=(1:length(Xdist))'; y=Xdist; difflabel=1; %change name of the axis-labels if ~any(Xdist) axes box on text(0.05,0.5,'The score outliermap is not drawn when all OD and SD are zero.','color','r') return end elseif ~any(Xdist) % SD=0: x=index and y=Odist x=(1:length(Xdist))'; y=Odist; difflabel=2; %change name of the axis-labels else x=Xdist; y=Odist; difflabel=0; end quantx=cutoffx; set(gcf,'Name', 'Score outlier map', 'NumberTitle', 'off'); hold on xmin=0; xmax=max([x; cutoffx]); ymin=0; ymax=max([y; cutoffo]); xmarg=0.06*(xmax-xmin); ymarg=0.06*(ymax-ymin); xmin=xmin-xmarg; xmax=xmax+xmarg; ymin=ymin-ymarg; ymax=ymax+ymarg; n=length(x); plot(x,y,'o'); if difflabel==1 %in case OD = 0 ymax=max(ymax,cutoffx+ymarg); xlabel('Index') ylabel(['Score distance (',num2str(k),' LV)']) line('Xdata',[xmin xmax] ,'Ydata',[cutoffx cutoffx],'Linestyle','-','Color','r'); xlim([xmin,xmax]); ylim([ymin,ymax]); box on plotnumbers(x',y,0,labsd,2); title(attrib) hold off elseif difflabel==2 %case SD = 0 xmax=max(xmax,cutoffo+xmarg); xlabel('Index') ylabel(['Orthogonal distance (',num2str(k),' LV)']) line('Xdata',[xmin xmax] ,'Ydata',[cutoffo cutoffo],'Linestyle','-','Color','r'); xlim([xmin,xmax]); ylim([ymin,ymax]); box on plotnumbers(x',y,0,labod,2); title(attrib) hold off else xlabel(['Score distance (',num2str(k),' LV)']); ylabel('Orthogonal distance'); line([cutoffx cutoffx],[ymin ymax] ,'Linestyle','-','Color','r'); line('Xdata',[xmin xmax] ,'Ydata',[cutoffo cutoffo], 'Linestyle','-','Color','r'); xlim([xmin,xmax]); ylim([ymin,ymax]); box on plotnumbers(x',y,labsd,labod,2); title(attrib) hold off end