function [ Labels, ConfusionMatrix, LabelList ] = a2hbc(varargin) % Argentino-Aragonés heartbeat classifier (a2hbc) for Matlab % ---------------------------------------------------------- % % Description: % % Performs ECG heartbeat classification in the input ECG signal in one of the following modes: % 1. Automatic or Unassisted (default). % 2. Slightly assisted. Ask minimum user assistance for cluster decision. % 3. Fully assisted. Ask a decision for each cluster detected. % % The classification is performed among the four AAMI classes: normal % (N), supraventricular (S) and Ventricular (V) heartbeats. The 'Unknown' % (U) class should in case of doubt or imposibility to label certainly a % heartbeat. % % % Arguments: (specified as a2hbc('arg_name1', arg_val1, ... , 'arg_nameN', arg_valN) ) % % a. ECG specification: % % a.1 Recording filename where ECG is stored in a valid format. % % + recording_name: ECG recording to be classified. % + recording_format : Valid ECG format. (MIT, ISHNE, AHA, HES, MAT) % % a.2 ECG signal/s ADC samples, header and QRS locations. Useful if % you plan to hook this software in your code. In this case you % are responsible of coding the I/O to the ECG recording. % % + ECG: ECG signal matrix. Columns are leads. % % + ECG_header: Description of the ECG typically available in the % header. Structure with fields: % -freq: Sampling rate in Hz. % -nsig: Number of ECG leads. % -nsamp: Number of ECG samples. % -adczero: ADC offset (typically 2^(adc_res-1) when using unsigned integers). % -adcgain: ADC gain in units/adc_sample (typically uV/adc_unit). % % + QRS_locations: QRS locations of the ECG. Typically available in the % "time" field of the annotations in MIT format. % % b. Operating modes % % + op_mode: Operating mode 'auto' (default), 'slightly-assisted' % or 'assisted'. Each described above. % % + NumOfClusters: Number of cluster to find in the data. % % + ClusteringRepetitions: Repetitions in order to increase the % resolution of the clustering. The higher the repetitions, % the higher the amount of clusters to find. See the % documentations for details. Default: 1 (no repetitions). % % + ClusterPresence: Threshold for the qualified majority described % in the articles. Default: 75% % % c. Modifiers % % + InteractiveMode: Boolean for interacting with A2HBC with a GUI. % Default: false. % % + tmp_path: Path to store temp files. Default: $A2HBC_PATH$\tmp % % c.1 Multiprocess modifiers: % % + cant_pids: Number of processes to divide the work. Each process % will work in a 1/cant_pids part of the ECG. % + this_pid: Identifies each process with an integer between % 1 - cant_pids. % % % c.2 Other modifiers: % % + CacheData: Boolean for allowing A2HBC to cache data in order to % speedup future execution of the same recording. % Default: true. % % + SimulateExpert: Boolean for using expert annotations (field 'anntyp' % of annotation structure) as gold standard and % evaluate the classification performance of % A2HBC. Default: false % % + Repetitions: Repetitions of the classification process. Useful % when interested in obtaining a center and % dispersion of the performance distribution. % % Output: % + Labels: Classification Labels for each QRS location provided. % % Examples: % % Lazy users can start with: % % a2hbc % % The GUI will appear and ask you for the mandatory information. % % In case you want to try the command line, here is an example: % % a2hbc( ... % 'recording_name', [ '.' filesep 'example recordings' filesep '208.dat'], ... % 'recording_format', 'MIT', ... % 'op_mode', 'auto'); % % you can also check 'examples.m' in the same folder of this file. % % Note: If you found this software useful, you may be interested in reading these articles: % % References: % % [0] Llamedo Soria, Mariano. Automatic Processing and Classification of % Electrocardiogram for the Detection of Risk Indexes. PhD thesis. % % [1] Llamedo, M. Mart�nez, J. Heartbeat Classification Using Feature % Selection driven by Database Generalization Criteria. IEEE % Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 2011, 58, 616-625 % [2] Llamedo, M. & Mart�nez, J.P. Cross-Database Evaluation of a Multilead % Heartbeat Classifier. IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in % Biomedicine, 2012 expected. Under review, with minor revision. % [3] Llamedo, M. and Mart�nez, J. P. Multidatabase Evaluation of an % Automatic Algorithm for ECG Heartbeat Classification with Adjustable % Patient-Adaptation Capability. Under review. % % @ARTICLE{Llamedo11, author = {Llamedo, M. and Mart�nez, J.P.}, title = {Heartbeat Classification Using Feature Selection driven by Database Generalization Criteria}, journal = {IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering}, year = {2011}, volume = {58}, pages = {616-625} } % @ARTICLE{Llamedo11Multilead, author = {Llamedo, M. and Mart�nez, J.P.}, title = {Cross-Database Evaluation of a Multilead Heartbeat Classifier}, journal = {IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine}, year = {2012}, volume = {accepted} } % @ARTICLE{} % % Limits and Known bugs: % Probably a lot :( ... but dont panic! send me feedback if you need % help. % % Author: Mariano Llamedo Soria (llamedom at {;} % Version: 0.1 beta % Birthdate : 16/8/2011 % Last update: 9/2/2012 %% Prepare paths, check some context, and start working ... %path related constants. % mylocation_path = [fileparts(mfilename('fullpath')) filesep ]; % % default_paths = { ... % [ mylocation_path 'scripts' filesep ';' ]; ... % }; % % default_paths = char(default_paths)'; % default_paths = (default_paths(:))'; % addpath(default_paths); % Do path installation during the installation of the ECG kit. default_paths = ''; %to keep all windows and figures clean and tidy when closing a2hbc intial_state_open_handles = findall(0); % uncomment for debugging. bDebug = false; % bDebug = true; db_status = dbstatus(); if( length(db_status) > 1 && strcmpi(db_status(end).cond, 'caught error') ) % already stopping on error caught bRestoreErrorStatus = false; else if( bDebug ) % debug errors inside A2HBC, clear on exit dbstop if caught error bRestoreErrorStatus = true; else bRestoreErrorStatus = false; end end Cleanup_hdl = onCleanup(@()DoHouseKeeping(default_paths, intial_state_open_handles, bRestoreErrorStatus)); %% Thats all folks ! [ Labels, ConfusionMatrix, LabelList ] = a2hbc_main(varargin{:});