%% (Internal) Example of user-created QRS detector % % Description: % A QRS fortune-teller that predicts QRS locations just by chance, i.e. % without using the ECG. % % Interface to follow in order to use your own detector with Wrapper and % task objects.% % % % See also ECGtask_QRS_detection % % Author: Mariano Llamedo Soria (llamedom at {electron.frba.utn.edu.ar; unizar.es} % Version: 0.1 beta % Birthdate : 30/7/2014 % Last update: 30/7/2014 % Copyright 2008-2015 % function [positions_single_lead, position_multilead] = example_worst_ever_QRS_detector( ECG_matrix, ECG_header, progress_handle, payload_in) positions_single_lead = cell(1, ECG_header.nsig); for ii = 1:ECG_header.nsig progress_handle.checkpoint(['Guessing detections on lead ' ECG_header.desc(ii,:)]) positions_single_lead{ii} = colvec(sort(randsample(1:ECG_header.nsamp, round(ECG_header.nsamp/ECG_header.freq) ))); end progress_handle.checkpoint('Calculating multilead detections') position_multilead = colvec(round(mean(cell2mat(positions_single_lead),2)));