%% (Internal) Guess PPG/ABP signals indexes in a multimodal recording % % [PPG_ABP_idx, ECG_header ] = get_PPG_ABP_idx_from_header(ECG_header) % % Arguments: % % + ECG_header: header info % % Output: % % + PPG_ABP_idx: indexes of the ECG signals in the multimodal matrix % % + ECG_header: header of a ECG only recording % % Example: % % See also get_ECG_idx_from_header, ECGwrapper % % Author: Mariano Llamedo Soria llamedom@electron.frba.utn.edu.ar % Version: 0.1 beta % Last update: 14/5/2014 % Birthdate : 21/4/2015 % Copyright 2008-2015 % function [PPG_ABP_idx, ECG_header ] = get_PPG_ABP_idx_from_header(ECG_header) PPG_ABP_idx = []; str_12_leads_desc = { 'PPG' 'PLETH' 'ABP' 'ART' 'BP' 'PULSEWAVE' 'SPO2' }; % add ECG patterns to be matched in ECG_header.desc PPG_ABP_pattern_desc = {'PLETH' 'ABP' 'ART' 'BP' 'PPG' }; [~, ~, aux_idx ] = intersect(str_12_leads_desc, upper(strtrim(cellstr(ECG_header.desc))) ); if( ECG_header.nsig ~= length(aux_idx) ) PPG_ABP_idx = colvec(aux_idx); aux_idx = find(any(cell2mat(cellfun(@(b)(cell2mat(cellfun(@(a)(~isempty(strfind(a, b))), rowvec(upper(cellstr(ECG_header.desc))), 'UniformOutput', false))), colvec(PPG_ABP_pattern_desc), 'UniformOutput', false)),1)); if( isempty(aux_idx) && isempty(PPG_ABP_idx) ) if( isempty(PPG_ABP_idx) ) cprintf('[1,0.5,0]', disp_option_enumeration('Could not find any PPG/ABP signal, check the lead description of the recording:', cellstr(ECG_header.desc) ) ); fprintf(1, '\n') end else PPG_ABP_idx = unique([PPG_ABP_idx; colvec(aux_idx)]); Not_ECG_idx = setdiff(1:ECG_header.nsig, PPG_ABP_idx); if( ~isempty(Not_ECG_idx) ) % warning('get_ECG_idx_from_header:SignalsDiscarded', disp_option_enumeration('Some signal/s present are not ECG:', cellstr(ECG_header.desc(Not_ECG_idx,:)) )) end end else % all leads are standard ECG leads PPG_ABP_idx = 1:ECG_header.nsig; end if(length(PPG_ABP_idx) ~= ECG_header.nsig && nargout > 1) %trim the heasig if needed ECG_header = trim_ECG_header(ECG_header, PPG_ABP_idx); end