function [ peaks, sig_filt, peaks_filt, thres ] = PPG_pulses_detector( ppg, fsppg, pb, lpd_fp, lpd_fc, lpd_order, alpha, refract, taoRR, w_nA, plotflag ) %PPG_PULSES_DETECTOR PPG signal pulses detector, based on low-pass % differentiator filter. % % Created by Jesús Lázaro in 2012 % adapted by Mariano Llamedo Soria to the ecg-kit project. %-------- % Sintax: [ peaks, sig_filt, peaks_filt, thres ] = PPG_pulses_detector( ppg, fsppg, lpd_fp, lpd_fc, lpd_order, alpha, refract, taoRR, w_nA, plotflag ) % In: ppg = PPG signal % fsppg = "ppg" sampling rate (Hz) % lpd_fp = last frequency of the pass-band for the % low-pass-differentiator filter (Hz) [Default: 7.8] % lpd_fc = cut-off frequency for the low-pass-differentiator filter % (Hz) [Default: 8] % lpd_order = filter order [Default: 3*fsppg] % alpha = multiplies previus amplitude of detected maximum in % filtered signal for updating the threshold [Default: 0.2] % refract = refractary period for threshold (s) [Default: 150e-3] % taoRR = fraction of estimated RR where threshold reaches its % minimum value (alpha*amplitude of previous SSF peak) % [Default: 1] % w_nA = length of the window after a peak in filtered signal in % which is asociated peak in PPG will be searched (s) % [Default: 300e-3] % plotflag = if 1, plots a figure with PPG and SSF [Default: 0] % % Out: peaks = location of maximum of detected pulses (samples) % sig_filt = band-pass filtered signal % peaks_filt = location of peaks detected in filtered signal (samples) % thres = computed time varying theshold if nargin<2 error('Not enough input arguments'); end if nargin<3 pb = []; end if nargin<4 lpd_fp = 7.8; end if nargin<5 lpd_fc = 8; end if nargin<6 lpd_order = 3*fsppg; end if nargin<7 alpha = 0.2; end if nargin<8 refract = 150e-3; end if nargin<9 taoRR = 1; end if nargin<10 w_nA = 300e-3; end if nargin<11 plotflag = 0; end ppg = ppg(:); %Ensure "ppg" is a column vector refract = round(refract*fsppg); %Seconds->samples %% Filtering: this_path = fileparts(mfilename('fullpath')); % default folder to look at cached_filter_filename = [this_path filesep sprintf( 'low_pass_differentiator_%dHz.mat', fsppg) ]; if( exist(cached_filter_filename, 'file') ) pepe = load(cached_filter_filename); bb =; clear pepe else % force an integer group delay if( rem(lpd_order,2) ~= 0 ) lpd_order = lpd_order + 1; end d = fdesign.differentiator('n,fp,fst', lpd_order, lpd_fp*2/fsppg, lpd_fc*2/fsppg); % hd = design(d,'equiripple'); hd = design(d, 'firls'); bb = hd.Numerator*fsppg/(2*pi); save(cached_filter_filename, 'bb'); clear d hd; end %filter the signal delay = (numel(bb)-1)/2; sig_filt = filter(bb, 1, ppg); sig_filt = [sig_filt(1+delay:end); zeros(delay, 1)]; %% Compute threshold for filtered signal: pb.reset(); pb.checkpoint('Compute threshold for filtered signal'); peaks_filt = []; thres_ini_w_ini = find(~isnan(sig_filt), 1, 'first'); thres_ini_w_end = thres_ini_w_ini + round(10*fsppg); aux = sig_filt(thres_ini_w_ini:thres_ini_w_end); thres_ini = 3*mean(aux(aux>=0)); thres = nan(size(sig_filt)); t = 1:length(sig_filt); RR = round(60/80*fsppg); if (1+RR)thres(kk:end), 1, 'first'); %Next point to cross the actual threshold (down->up) if isempty(cross_u) % No more pulses -> end break; end cross_d = cross_u-1 + find(sig_filt(cross_u:end)down) if isempty(cross_d) % No more pulses -> end break; end % Pulse detected: [vmax, imax] = max(sig_filt(cross_u:cross_d)); p = cross_u-1+imax; peaks_filt = [peaks_filt, p]; pb.checkpoint([]); % Update threshold N_RR_estimation = 3; N_ampli_est = 3; Npeaks = length(peaks_filt); if Npeaks>=N_RR_estimation+1; RR = round(median(diff(peaks_filt(end-N_RR_estimation:end)))); elseif Npeaks>=2 RR = round(mean(diff(peaks_filt))); end kk = min(p+refract, length(sig_filt)); thres(p:kk) = vmax; % tao = 5/(taoRR*RR-refract); % thres(kk:end) = vmax*(1-alpha)*exp(-tao*(t(kk:end)-kk)) + vmax*alpha; pb.checkpoint([]); vfall = vmax*alpha; if Npeaks>=(N_ampli_est+1) ampli_est = median(sig_filt(peaks_filt(end-N_ampli_est:end-1))); if vmax>=(2*ampli_est) vfall = alpha*ampli_est; vmax = ampli_est; end % if vmax<=(0.5*ampli_est) % vfall = alpha*ampli_est; % vmax = ampli_est; % end end fall_end = round(taoRR*RR); if (kk+fall_end)=ppg(aux_t(pos)-1) ) && ( ppg(aux_t(pos))>=ppg(aux_t(pos)+1) ) % Pulse is detected on a relative maximum -> right peaks(kk) = aux_t(pos); else % Pulse is not detected on a relative maximum -> wrong peaks(kk) = nan; end pb.end_loop(); end peaks = peaks(~isnan(peaks)); %% Figure: if plotflag==1 figure; ax(1) = subplot(2,1,1); hold on; plot(ppg, 'b'); plot(peaks_filt, ppg(peaks_filt), 'ro'); plot(peaks, ppg(peaks), 'r*'); title('PPG'); ax(2) = subplot(2,1,2); hold on; plot(sig_filt, 'b'); plot(thres, 'k'); plot(peaks_filt, sig_filt(peaks_filt), 'ro'); title('SSF'); linkaxes(ax, 'x'); end end