%CHECKTOOLBOX Check avialability of toolbox % % N = CHECKTOOLBOX(TOOLBOX) % % INPUT % TOOLBOX String with toolbox name % % OUTPUT % N Flag, 1/0 if the toolbox is/isn't in the path % % DESCRIPTION % Checks whether TOOLBOX is in the path. function n = checktoolbox(name) if nargin == 0 || ~ischar(name) error('No input string found') end if nargout == 0 switch lower(name) case('libsvm') if exist('libsvm/svmtrain') ~= 3 error([newline 'The LIBSVM package is not found.' newline ... 'Add it to the Matlab path or download it from ' ... 'here.']) end case('diplib') if exist('diplib','dir') ~= 7 error([newline 'The DIPIMAGE package is needed and not found.' ... newline 'Add it to the Matlab path or download it from ' ... 'here.']) end otherwise if exist(name,'dir') ~= 7 error([newline 'The ' upper(name) ' toolbox is needed. ' ... 'Please add it to the path.']) end end else n = exist(name,'dir') == 7; end return