%GENREGSIN Generate sinusoidal regression data % % X = GENDATSIN(N,SIGMA) % % INPUT % N Number of objects to generate % SIGMA Standard deviation of the noise % % OUTPUT % X Regression dataset % % DESCRIPTION % Generate an artificial regression dataset [X,Y] with: % % y = sin(4x) + noise. % % where noise is Gaussian distributed with standard deviation sigma. % % X = GENDATSIN(100) % generates 100 x,y pairs with data and default noise (sigma = 0.1). % % x = (0:0.01:1)'; % y = genregsin(x,0); % generates the true function along the x-axis, with zero noise. % % SEE ALSO (PRTools Guide) % GENDATR, GENDATSINC % Copyright: D.M.J. Tax, D.M.J.Tax@37steps.com % Faculty EWI, Delft University of Technology % P.O. Box 5031, 2600 GA Delft, The Netherlands function x = gendatsin(nrx,noise) if nargin<2 noise = 0.1; end if (length(nrx)>1) x = nrx; nrx = size(x); x = sin(4*x) + noise*randn(nrx); else x = rand(nrx,1); y = sin(4*x) + noise*randn(nrx,1); end x = gendatr(x,y); return