%GETNAME High level routine for finding names of datasets and classifiers % % NAME = getname(A,N) % % INPUT % A Dataset, mapping or cell array of datasets or mappings % N Number of characters in NAME (default: all) % % OUTPUT % NAME Dataset name or cell array of names % % DESCRIPTION % If N given, the return string has exactly N characters. This is done by % truncation or by padding with blanks. This is useful for display purposes. % SEE ALSO (PRTools Guide) % DATASETS, MAPPINGS % Copyright: R.P.W. Duin, r.p.w.duin@37steps.com function name = getname(c,n) if nargin < 2, n = []; end if iscell(c) name = cell(1,numel(c)); for j=1:numel(c) name{j} = getname(c{j},n); end elseif isa(c,'prdataset') || ismapping(c) % this will go to dataset or mapping getname name = getname(c,n); else error('Illegal data type') end return