%IMMOMENTS PRTools routine for computing central moments of object images % % M = IMMOMENTS(A,TYPE,MOMENTS) % % INPUT % A Dataset with object images dataset % TYPE Desired type of moments % MOMENTS Desired moments % % OUTPUT % M Dataset with moments replacing images % % DESCRIPTION % Computes for the image A a (1*N) vector M moments as defined by TYPE % and MOMENTS. The following types are supported: % % TYPE = 'none' Standard moments as specified in the Nx2 array MOMENTS. % Moments are computed with respect to the image center. % This is the default for TYPE. % Default MOMENTS = [1 0; 0 1]; % TYPE = 'central' Central moments as specified in the Nx2 array MOMENTS. % Moments are computed with respect to the image mean % Default MOMENTS = [2 0; 1 1; 0 2], which computes % the variance in the x-direction (horizontal), the % covariance between x and y and the variance in the % y-direction (vertical). % TYPE = 'scaled' Scale-invariant moments as specified in the Nx2 array % MOMENTS. Default MOMENTS = [2 0; 1 1; 0 2]. % After: M. Sonka et al., % Image processing, analysis and machine vision. % TYPE = 'hu' Calculates 7 moments of Hu, invariant to translation, % rotation and scale. % After: M. Sonka et al., % Image processing, analysis and machine vision. % TYPE = 'zer' Calculates the Zernike moments up to the order as % specified in the scalar MOMENTS (1 <= MOMENTS <= 12). % MOMENTS = 12 generates in total 47 moments. % After: A. Khotanzad and Y.H. Hong, Invariant image % recognition by Zernike moments, IEEE-PAMI, vol. 12, % no. 5, 1990, 489-497. % % See DATASETS % Copyright: D. de Ridder, R.P.W. Duin, r.p.w.duin@37steps.com % Faculty EWI, Delft University of Technology % P.O. Box 5031, 2600 GA Delft, The Netherlands function b = immoments(a,type,mom) if nargin < 3, mom = []; end if nargin < 2 | isempty(type), type = 'none'; end isobjim(a); [m,k] = size(a); im = data2im(a); for i = 1:m imi = im(:,:,i); switch type case {'none'} if isempty(mom) mom = [1 0; 0 1]; end mout = moments(imi,mom(:,1),mom(:,2),0,0); case {'central'} if isempty(mom) mom = [2 0; 1 1; 0 2]; end mout = moments(imi,mom(:,1),mom(:,2),1,0); case {'scaled'} if isempty(mom) mom = [2 0; 1 1; 0 2]; end mout = moments(imi,mom(:,1)',mom(:,2)',1,1); case {'hu' 'Hu'} mout = hu_moments(imi); case {'zer' 'zernike' 'Zernike'} if isempty(mom) mom = 12; end mout = zernike_moments(imi,mom); otherwise error('Moments should be of type none, central, scaled, hu or zer') end if i==1 b = zeros(m,length(mout)); end b(i,:) = mout; end b = setdata(a,b); % M = MOMENTS (IM, P, Q, CENTRAL, SCALED) % % Calculates moments of order (P+Q) (can be arrays of indentical length) % on image IM. If CENTRAL is set to 1 (default: 0), returns translation- % invariant moments; if SCALED is set to 1 (default: 0), returns scale- % invariant moments. % % After: M. Sonka et al., Image processing, analysis and machine vision. function m = moments (im,p,q,central,scaled) if (nargin < 5), scaled = 0; end; if (nargin < 4), central = 0; end; if (nargin < 3) error ('Insufficient number of parameters.'); end; if (length(p) ~= length(q)) error ('Arrays P and Q should have equal length.'); end; if (scaled & ~central) error ('Scale-invariant moments should always be central.'); end; % xx, yy are grids with co-ordinates [xs,ys] = size(im); [xx,yy] = meshgrid(-(ys-1)/2:1:(ys-1)/2,-(xs-1)/2:1:(xs-1)/2); if (central) % Calculate zeroth and first order moments m00 = sum(sum(im)); m10 = sum(sum(im.*xx)); m01 = sum(sum(im.*yy)); % This gives the center of gravity xc = m10/m00; yc = m01/m00; % Subtract this from the grids to center the object xx = xx - xc; yy = yy - yc; end; % Calculate moment(s) (p,q). for i = 1:length(p) m(i) = sum(sum((xx.^p(i)).*(yy.^q(i)).*im)); end; if (scaled) c = 1 + (p+q)/2; % m00 should be known, as scaled moments are always central m = m ./ (m00.^c); end; return; % M = HU_MOMENTS (IM) % % Calculates 7 moments of Hu on image IM, invariant to translation, % rotation and scale. % % After: M. Sonka et al., Image processing, analysis and machine vision. function m = hu_moments (im) p = [ 1 0 2 1 2 0 3 ]; q = [ 1 2 0 2 1 3 0 ]; n = moments(im,p,q,1,1); m(1) = n(2) + n(3); m(2) = (n(3) - n(2))^2 + 4*n(1)^2; m(3) = (n(7) - 3*n(4))^2 + (3*n(5) - n(6))^2; m(4) = (n(7) + n(4))^2 + ( n(5) + n(6))^2; m(5) = ( n(7) - 3*n(4)) * (n(7) + n(4)) * ... ( (n(7) + n(4))^2 - 3*(n(5) + n(6))^2) + ... (3*n(5) - n(6)) * (n(5) + n(6)) * ... (3*(n(7) + n(4))^2 - (n(5) + n(6))^2); m(6) = (n(3) - n(2)) * ((n(7) + n(4))^2 - (n(5) + n(6))^2) + ... 4*n(1) * (n(7)+n(4)) * (n(5)+n(6)); m(7) = (3*n(5) - n(6)) * (n(7) + n(4)) * ... ( (n(7) + n(4))^2 - 3*(n(5) + n(6))^2) - ... ( n(7) - 3*n(4)) * (n(5) + n(6)) * ... (3*(n(7) + n(4))^2 - (n(5) + n(6))^2); return; % M = ZERNIKE_MOMENTS (IM, ORDER) % % Calculates Zernike moments up to and including ORDER (<= 12) on image IM. % Default: ORDER = 12. function m = zernike_moments (im, order) if (nargin < 2), order = 12; end; if (order < 1 | order > 12), error ('order should be 1..12'); end; % xx, yy are grids with co-ordinates [xs,ys] = size(im); [xx,yy] = meshgrid(-(ys-1)/2:1:(ys-1)/2,-(xs-1)/2:1:(xs-1)/2); % Calculate center of mass and distance of any pixel to it m = moments (im,[0 1 0],[0 0 1],0,0); xc = m(2)/m(1); yc = m(3)/m(1); xx = xx - xc; yy = yy - yc; len = sqrt(xx.^2+yy.^2); max_len = max(max(len)); % Map pixels to unit circle; prevent divide by zero. rho = len/max_len; rho_tmp = rho; rho_tmp(find(rho==0)) = 1; theta = acos((xx/max_len)./rho_tmp); % Flip angle for pixels above center of mass yneg = length(find(yy(:,1)<0)); theta(:,1:yneg) = 2*pi - theta(:,1:yneg); % Calculate coefficients c = zeros(order,order); s = zeros(order,order); i = 1; for n = 2:order for l = n:-2:0 r = polynomial (n,l,rho); c = sum(sum(r.*cos(l*theta)))*((n+1)/(pi*max_len^2)); s = sum(sum(r.*sin(l*theta)))*((n+1)/(pi*max_len^2)); m(i) = sqrt(c^2+s^2); i = i + 1; end; end; return function p = polynomial (n,l,rho) switch (n) case 2, switch (l) case 0, p = 2*(rho.^2)-1; case 2, p = (rho.^2); end; case 3, switch (l) case 1, p = 3*(rho.^3)-2*rho; case 3, p = (rho.^3); end; case 4, switch (l) case 0, p = 6*(rho.^4)-6*(rho.^2)+1; case 2, p = 4*(rho.^4)-3*(rho.^2); case 4, p = (rho.^4); end; case 5, switch (l) case 1, p = 10*(rho.^5)-12*(rho.^3)+3*rho; case 3, p = 5*(rho.^5)- 4*(rho.^3); case 5, p = (rho.^5); end; case 6, switch (l) case 0, p = 20*(rho.^6)-30*(rho.^4)+12*(rho.^2)-1; case 2, p = 15*(rho.^6)-20*(rho.^4)+ 6*(rho.^2); case 4, p = 6*(rho.^6)- 5*(rho.^4); case 6, p = (rho.^6); end; case 7, switch (l) case 1, p = 35*(rho.^7)-60*(rho.^5)+30*(rho.^3)-4*rho; case 3, p = 21*(rho.^7)-30*(rho.^5)+10*(rho.^3); case 5, p = 7*(rho.^7)- 6*(rho.^5); case 7, p = (rho.^7); end; case 8, switch (l) case 0, p = 70*(rho.^8)-140*(rho.^6)+90*(rho.^4)-20*(rho.^2)+1; case 2, p = 56*(rho.^8)-105*(rho.^6)+60*(rho.^4)-10*(rho.^2); case 4, p = 28*(rho.^8)- 42*(rho.^6)+15*(rho.^4); case 6, p = 8*(rho.^8)- 7*(rho.^6); case 8, p = (rho.^8); end; case 9, switch (l) case 1, p = 126*(rho.^9)-280*(rho.^7)+210*(rho.^5)-60*(rho.^3)+5*rho; case 3, p = 84*(rho.^9)-168*(rho.^7)+105*(rho.^5)-20*(rho.^3); case 5, p = 36*(rho.^9)- 56*(rho.^7)+ 21*(rho.^5); case 7, p = 9*(rho.^9)- 8*(rho.^7); case 9, p = (rho.^9); end; case 10, switch (l) case 0, p = 252*(rho.^10)-630*(rho.^8)+560*(rho.^6)-210*(rho.^4)+30*(rho.^2)-1; case 2, p = 210*(rho.^10)-504*(rho.^8)+420*(rho.^6)-140*(rho.^4)+15*(rho.^2); case 4, p = 129*(rho.^10)-252*(rho.^8)+168*(rho.^6)- 35*(rho.^4); case 6, p = 45*(rho.^10)- 72*(rho.^8)+ 28*(rho.^6); case 8, p = 10*(rho.^10)- 9*(rho.^8); case 10, p = (rho.^10); end; case 11, switch (l) case 1, p = 462*(rho.^11)-1260*(rho.^9)+1260*(rho.^7)-560*(rho.^5)+105*(rho.^3)-6*rho; case 3, p = 330*(rho.^11)- 840*(rho.^9)+ 756*(rho.^7)-280*(rho.^5)+ 35*(rho.^3); case 5, p = 165*(rho.^11)- 360*(rho.^9)+ 252*(rho.^7)- 56*(rho.^5); case 7, p = 55*(rho.^11)- 90*(rho.^9)+ 36*(rho.^7); case 9, p = 11*(rho.^11)- 10*(rho.^9); case 11, p = (rho.^11); end; case 12, switch (l) case 0, p = 924*(rho.^12)-2772*(rho.^10)+3150*(rho.^8)-1680*(rho.^6)+420*(rho.^4)-42*(rho.^2)+1; case 2, p = 792*(rho.^12)-2310*(rho.^10)+2520*(rho.^8)-1260*(rho.^6)+280*(rho.^4)-21*(rho.^2); case 4, p = 495*(rho.^12)-1320*(rho.^10)+1260*(rho.^8)- 504*(rho.^6)+ 70*(rho.^4); case 6, p = 220*(rho.^12)- 495*(rho.^10)+ 360*(rho.^8)- 84*(rho.^6); case 8, p = 66*(rho.^12)- 110*(rho.^10)+ 45*(rho.^8); case 10, p = 12*(rho.^12)- 11*(rho.^10); case 12, p = (rho.^12); end; end; return