%ISSYM Checks whether a matrix is symmetric % % OK = ISSYM(A,DELTA) % % INPUT % A Dataset % DELTA Parameter for the precision check (optional; default: 1e-12) % % OUTPUT % OK 1 if the matrix A is symmetric and 0, otherwise. % % DESCRIPTION % A is considered as a symmetric matrix, when it is square and % max(max(A-A')) is smaller than DELTA. % % % Robert P.W. Duin, Elzbieta Pekalska, ela@ph.tn.tudelft.nl % Faculty of Applied Sciences, Delft University of Technology % function [ok,nn] = issym(A,delta) if nargin < 2, prwarning(6,'The precision is not provided, set up to 1e-12.'); delta = 1e-12; end A = +A; [m,k] = size(A); if m ~= k, error ('Matrix should be square.') end nn = max(max((A-A'))); ok = (nn < delta); return;