%ISUNTRAINED Test on untrained mapping % % I = ISUNTRAINED(W) % ISUNTRAINED(W) % % True if the mapping type of W is 'untrained' (see HELP MAPPINGS). % If called without an output argument ISUNTRAINED generates % an error if the mapping type of W is not 'untrained'. % $Id: isuntrained.m,v 1.1 2009/03/18 16:12:41 duin Exp $ function i = isuntrained(w) if iscell(w) i = strcmp(w{1}.mapping_type,'untrained'); for j=2:length(w) if strcmp(w{j}.mapping_type,'untrained') ~= i error('Cell array of classifiers cannot be partially trained') end end else i = strcmp(w.mapping_type,'untrained'); end if (nargout == 0) & (i == 0) error([newline '---- Untrained mapping expected ----']) end return