%MAPPING_TASK Find task of actual mapping call % % STATE = MAPPING_TASK(ARGIN,TASK) % % INPUT % ARGIN - Arguments of a mapping call % TASK - 'definition','fixed execution','training', % 'trained execution' % % OUTPUT % STATE - TRUE or FALSE % % DESCRIPTION % This routine facilitates the parsing of calls to PRTools mapping % routines. % % SEE ALSO (PRTools Guide) % DATASETS, MAPPINGS, DEFINE_MAPPING, TRAINED_CLASSIFIER, TRAINED_MAPPING % Copyright: Robert P.W. Duin, r.p.w.duin@37steps.com function state = mapping_task(argin,task) if nargin < 2 error('No task specified') end state = false; switch lower(task) case {'definition'} if isempty(argin) || (iscell(argin) && isempty(argin{1})) state = true; end case {'fixed execution','fixed_execution','fixedexecution'} if (nargin > 0) && (isdouble(argin{1}) || isa(argin{1},'prdataset')) && ... (numel(argin) == 1 || ~ismapping(argin{2})) state = true; end case ('training') if (nargin > 0) && (isdouble(argin{1}) || isa(argin{1},'prdataset')) && ... (numel(argin)==1 || ~ismapping(argin{2}) || isuntrained(argin{2})) state = true; end case {'execution','trained execution','trained_execution','trainedexecution'} if (nargin > 1) && (isdouble(argin{1}) || isa(argin{1},'prdataset')) && ... ismapping(argin{2}) state = true; end case {'combiner'} if (nargin > 0) && (ismapping(argin{1})) state = true; end otherwise error('Wrongly specified mapping task') end return