%NLABELD Return numeric labels of classified dataset (c % % NLABELS = NLABELD(Z) % NLABELS = Z*NLABELD % NLABELS = NLABELD(A,W) % NLABELS = A*W*NLABELD % % INPUT % Z Classified dataset, or % A,W Dataset and classifier mapping % % OUTPUT % NLABELS Column vector of numeric labels) % % DESCRIPTION % Returns the numberic labels of the classified dataset Z (typically the % result of a mapping or classification A*W). For each object in Z (i.e. % each row) the feature label or class label (i.e. the column label) of the % maximum column value is returned. This corresponds with the classes % stored in W, which can be found by GETLABELS(W). % % SEE ALSO (PRTools Guide) % MAPPINGS, DATASETS, TESTC, PLOTC, GETLABELS % Copyright: R.P.W. Duin, duin@ph.tn.tudelft.nl % Faculty of Applied Sciences, Delft University of Technology % P.O. Box 5046, 2600 GA Delft, The Netherlands function labels = nlabeld(a,w) if (nargin == 0) % Untrained mapping. labels = prmapping(mfilename,'fixed'); elseif (nargin == 1) % In a classified dataset, the feature labels contain the output % of the classifier. [m,k] = size(a); featlist = getfeatlab(a); if (k == 1) % If there is one output, assume it's a 2-class discriminant: % decision boundary = 0. J = 2 - (double(a) >= 0); else % Otherwise, pick the column containing the maximum output. [dummy,J] = max(+a,[],2); end labels = J; elseif (nargin == 2) % Just construct classified dataset and call again. labels = feval(mfilename,a*w); else error ('too many arguments'); end return