%OUT2 Mapping that returns second output of input mapping % % V = OUT2(W) % V = W*OUT2 % % INPUT % W Fixed or trained mapping % % OUTPUT % V Fixed out trained mapping % % DESCRIPTION % In case A*W (A is a dataset or double) returns two outputs then % A*V returns just the second output of these two. % % EXAMPLE % test2 = testc*out2;% define testc for second output par (# class errors) % a = gendatd; % train set % t = gendatd; % test set % t*knnc(a,1)*test2 % execute, list of # errors per class % % SEE ALSO (PRTools Guide) % MAPPINGS % Copyright: R.P.W. Duin, r.p.w.duin@37steps.com function out = out2(par1,par2) if nargin == 0 out = define_mapping([],'combiner'); elseif nargin == 1 & ismapping(par1) out = define_mapping({[],par1},'fixed',getname(par1)); elseif nargin == 2 [dummy,out] = par1*par2; else error('Illegal input'); end